The background of the play is incredibly important when dealing with the way the tale unravels and just how the finishing comes to place. From early in the account, Eddie and the rest of the solid are presented with the story of Vinny Bolzano – a boy who snitched on his family who were concealing his dad – a great immigrant.

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The moral offered in this tale is that betrayal never pays off; since Vinny is advised to have lived a miserable life, alone, after. This experience is used early on within the play as a kind of precursor towards the main story, showing viewers that Eddie’s actions could have ramifications. This running theme builds and sets up Eddie’s death while an unavoidable ending as soon as he betrays Marco and Rodolpho. This whole thought is based on Millers own experiences – staying asked to report communism associates towards the HUAC – and with Kazan as well as the government – where Kazan betrayed his moral principles and friends to avoid jail time.

After his unfaithfulness, Kazan was shunned by all of his colleagues and friends much in the same way that Beatrice, Catherine, Louis, Robert and the remaining portion of the cast turn against Eddie in the last scene just before he dies. Miller uses the publication and its overarching message to convey the monomania and shady attitudes with the American government to his audience and Eddie’s loss of life is necessary to convey the idea that unfaithfulness helps no person. Another summary that can be drawn from A View through the Bridge is that Eddie’s envy and stubbornness lead to his fight with Ambito, which, in return, causes his death.

From the beginning, Eddie’s opinions can be viewed as envious and his actions stubborn. In the beginning of take action 1, Eddie tells Catherine “you been givin’ myself the willies the way you walk down the street” (page 14) in reference to the size of Catherine’s skirt. On the surface, this is seen as Eddie’s traditional character and protective intuition for Catherine but under this, his jealousy can be shining through. Previous to this kind of comment, Eddie’s initial reaction to Catherine’s skirts is that “it’s nice” (page 13) and he and Catherine share a brief flirtatious moment just before Eddie grows jealous and protective of Catherine and tries to deter her coming from wearing the skirt.

This kind of brief chat shows the seed of Eddie’s envy and stubbornness begin to increase and pieces the ball rolling intended for his fight with Marco. After in the enjoy, Eddie’s emotions are shaken up by introduction of Rodolpho as he sees the partnership between Rodolpho and Catherine beginning to warned any feelings that this individual holds firmly for Catherine. To Eddie, Rodolpho’s emotions for Catherine are disrespectful to him and this is how Eddie justifies his aggression to Rodolpho to Beatrice during their fight – “I wish my respect” (page 69). However , Beatrice sees Eddie’s hatred for Rodolpho since something else.

Just before the fight begins, Beatrice, in a concerned attempt to stifle his anger, tells Eddie “You wish somethin’ different, Eddie, and you will never have her! “(page 83). By this, she actually is implying that Eddie’s emotions for Catherine go beyond that of the standard fatherly figures. This suggests that Eddie’s death is definitely motivated simply by his feelings for Catherine and that his jealousy and stubbornness may be the cause of his death.

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