Prenatal Development, Motherhood, Fetal Liquor Syndrome, Nursing

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Cautiousness toward environmental contaminants in seafood and sea food has led pregnant women to limit or eradicate fish and seafood using their diet. The Food and Medication Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency resolved the problem by advising the ladies to avoid significant ocean fish, such as shark, swordfish, california king mackerel and fish for their higher mercury content. According to the agencies, expecting mothers may securely consume up to 12 oz . of shellfish or smaller sized ocean and farm-raised seafood, such as fish and discontinued light tuna, per week. DHA-enriched eggs, which provide about 150 mg DHA every egg, have become available for these mothers’ diet plan. DHA supplements may also be used but occassionaly because of their fish oil content (Steele).

Caution Over Vitamin A Supplements

In line with the Institute of drugs, pregnant women don’t need vitamin-mineral products unless there is also a risk for nutritional deficiency (Nutrition Research Newsletter, 2000). Hazards include persistent disease or abuse of medication, alcohol or tobacco. Unneeded or surplus supplements might cause harm. Significant consumptions of retinoid ingredients during the first trimester possess, in some cases, proven to have induced fetal craniofacial, cardiac, thymic and central nervous system abnormalities. This can be called retinoic acid embryopathy (Nutrition Study Newsletter).

Published studies carried out by the American Dietetic Association showed that the average diet of pregnant women in the United States experienced higher intakes of Nutritional A or perhaps retinol than the recommended diet allowance (Nutrition Research E-newsletter, 2000). Medical doctors and dietitians recommended that pregnant women in a low health risk will take Vitamin A in the form of beta carotene to lower the risk of extreme intake. Otc vitamin-mineral health supplements often cause high numbers of retinol absorption (Nutrition Exploration Newsletter).

Anxiety in the First Trimester

Research revealed that severe stress inside the first trimester may prompt early delivery (Bates, 2005). Findings demonstrated that tension transmits signs to the unborn infant, which produces high numbers of hormones. These types of hormones, consequently, hasten delivery. The results suggested the presence of a kind of “placental clock” to get delivery. Analyzed subjects inside their first trimester had highly elevated amounts of stress human hormones as compared together with the much lower degrees of subjects within their third trimester. Examples were women who had been exposed to earthquakes and delivered earlier than regular schedule. Additional studies on 550 expecting mothers yielded regular links among high numbers of maternal cortisol and elevated levels of the parias hormone inside the first trimester. Raised hormone levels not only boosts delivery yet also leads to serious outcomes on the fetus’ response to stimuli and, ultimately, the children’s response to stress (Bates).

Numbers of neuropeptides maximize from the single mother’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pressure network (Bates, 2005). The placenta responds by creating circulating corticotrophin-releasing hormones. This adversely affects the maternal stress program and blocks communication between your hypothalamus plus the pituitary. The fetus is apparently quite vulnerable to stress indicators. Exposure to quite high levels of stress inclines the fetus to watch the environment because hostile and prepares to flee the tummy in response (Bates).


Bates, B. (2005). First trimester stress may possibly prompt early delivery. Scientific Psychiatry

Media: International Medical News Group. Retrieved about February twenty-four, 2009 for;col1

Bennington, L. T. (2001). Pregnant state. Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Overall health: Gale Encyclopedia of Medical and Sibling Health. Recovered on March 24, 2009 at;col1

Market Cable (2000). Research test. Marketplace Wire: CBC Interactive, Incorporation. Retrieved in February twenty-four, 2009 in;col1

Nutrition Research E-zine (2000). Are Vitamin A supplements required in the 1st trimester of pregnancy? Technical Insights: Wiley Sons. Gathered on February 24, 2009 at;col1

Steele, C. (2006). Maternal diet while pregnant and suckling. Pediatrics for the patients parents: Pediatrics for the patients parents, Inc. Gathered on Feb 24, 2009 at;col1

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