Irony, Ozymandias

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Research of “Ozymandias”

The poem “Ozymandias” is a marvellous example of paradox. Percy Bysshe Shelley utilize elements of images and unnecessary repetition to first give the reader the feeling of a “vast” ruin inside the desert. Shelley then uses alliteration to explain the character with the person the ruin symbolizes. Finally, Shelley introduces a perfectly ironic range that is strengthened by the additional elements inside the poem.

Imagery is an important element of “Ozymandias”. The complete poem is actually a recollection of your description given to the speaker of a ruin in the wilderness. Therefore , the poet must use solid imagery to achieve the reader the sense that they can be actually generally there. First, the speaker details the wreck as “Two vast and trunkless hip and legs of natural stone (Shelley 2). ” That gives the reader a sense of how big the destroy is, and explains that it is ruin. One wouldn’t expect to see a composition consisting of hip and legs alone, therefore it can be inferred by the target audience that the structure being described is in fact a ruin. Another line highlights to the target audience that the establishing for the poem is “in the desert. inches Having a feeling of where and what it is the poet wants the reader to find the speaker in that case goes on to explain the character individuals this statue represents.

Line 4 tells the reader that combined with “trunkless hip and legs of stone” there is situated a “a shattered visage. ” The smoothness of the individual which the visage represents can be affirmed through alliteration. The speaker identifies the breast lying in the desert creating a “sneer of cold control. ” This is certainly a very deliberate use of unnecessary repetition by the poet in order to highlight the fact that the visage was that of an irreverent man. The poet tackles the question of whom this visage may belong to with two basic words, “cold command”. In some manner it is clear to the audio, or rather the “traveler coming from an antique land”, that the person this sculpture represented was a particularly callous individual. This kind of description turns into important when the poet presents irony in the last few lines of the poem.

The description with the ruin which of the man it represents is important since it serves as a set-up pertaining to the irony the poet presents in line doze. In lines 10-11 that the figurine was once a monument for the ruler “Ozymandias, King of Kings. ” Through a aveu on the bottom of the base Ozymandias when warned every who seen this monument to “Look on my functions, ye Mighty, and hopelessness! (Shelley 11). ” The wonderful irony in line doze comes when the speaker says, “Nothing close to remains, around the decay. inch Even Ozymandias, in all his greatness, could hardly predict that his batiment to do it yourself would land to wreck leaving him to seem the deceive.

However, what is strange of the long since overlooked ruler Ozymandias turns out to be a little justice to get the manner through which he reigned over. Ozymandias can be not recalled, and certainly no one “despairs” his “works. ” Rather the opposite is valid, which turns out to be quite the fitting closing to a dreadful legacy including that which belonged to Ozymandias. It could possibly even be viewed that the poet intended to teach a small lesson to different rulers, or maybe was going for a jab of current rulers. The idea of a legacy and iron-fist rule do not coincide. It is better for you to practice humility and perhaps end up being remembered, than for one to be boastful and remembered a fool.

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