A generation back, there was zero noticable big difference between industrialized and developing countries as both nations integrated and helped the other person.

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Hovewer, currently, why are so many poor people in the world? This is an excellent question and i believe the problem has its own different underlying causes that we would look into this article and give conceivable sollutions. The most remarkable cause of this inequality can be determined by simply internal concerns in expanding nations. Firstly, the excessive rate of unemployment postures the improvement from the country.

It is fact that majority of individuals are suffering from femine and also starvation given that they can not obtain any job and find their particular place in the society. It is my perspective that the responsibelity lies for the goverenment. It will focus on improvement of economic system and industry by establishing more factories, bussines businesses, reducing fees on making and in some cases, taking financial support from rich countries.

Anyother reason on this gap probably the illetetacy associated with a decreased standarts of education in poor nations around the world. No one can refuse the fact that in order to make some career in improved lifestyle path, it is important to be furnished with fairly enough qualification. It can be my personal point of view to note that goverenments responsibelity lies upon providing their nation with affordable, powerful and accessable education program. Moreover, People responsibility takes on a major function. If younger generation is highly motivated by simply elders or members of community to tackle the situation of illiteracy since their very own enthusiusm must be attracted simply by edcation.

By using conclusion, This shoud become emphasized that we now have still under developed nations around the world in some parts of the world. Perhaps, to eliminate the gap among the nations they should pay attention to the life of their population and create more industrial facilities while individuals should help to make contribution towards the development simply by cooperating with goverenment.

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