In? the hundred top secret senses? by simply Amy Color, it slowly and gradually shows just how Olivia? h character portrays the sibling she was cut out being. Amy Color makes the viewers recognize how Olivia cared for her half-sister, Kwan and also how she progressed with her relationship towards Kwan. Olivia to some extent treated Kwan with disrespect, for example , she would tell her ridiculous meanings of things that did not make sense because the girl felt inflammed or annoyed by her company. Olivia basically simply thought of her own requirements and was deeply disappointed with Kwan living with the family nevertheless there would be times when Olivia will feel on her behalf and treat her with respect.

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In the beginning with the story, Olivia was extremely young and mixed up. She acquired lost her father in such a young age and did not realise why he had perished. Her father? s previous wish to the mother was going to look for his daughter, Kwan, whom this individual has not seen and provide her to reside America. Kwan was not that excited about possessing a new sibling living in the house. She thought that all her mom would have less time for her. Kwan? s marriage with Olivia was regarded as wonderful on her. On the other hand, Olivia was virtually annoyed and irritated by Kwan and her tales. Their marriage grew in ways that were inexplicable because of Olivia? s activities towards Kwan. But I thought those activities of hers was her way of saying that she liked Kwan greatly!

Kwan was more like a mother intended for Olivia as her mother was rarely around. Kwan took care of Olivia through out the complete story. Olivia tried to become distant with Kwan as they grew older although Kwan constantly insisted on getting collectively or just producing surprise trips.

The tremendous end result where Kwan and Olivia? s romantic relationship with each other even more or this deepened was when they had gone to China and tiawan (Simon, Kwan, and Olivia) together. A terrible thing got happened after they had arrived in China and were issues way to Changmain to check out? Big Ma? and the rest of Kwan? h family or close friends. Big Ma had gotten into an accident along with others who had been also on a single bus with her. Big Ma had answers to get Kwan and Olivia that they wanted to understand. Having this kind of happen, Kwan became peaceful but yet nonetheless calm.

Another tragedy also took place that shut down Olivia to make her get a little around the crazy side was the moment she thought Simon was lost or dead. Kwan and Olivia? s relationship grew actually closer than you can imagine. They camped out together hoping and waiting for Bob to appear and in that time being they were connecting with each other. Olivia recognized his passion for her sibling.



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