subject = english-creative writing

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title = The Highwayman

The Highwayman


journey to London, uk was not a good one, but in the night, it was a dangerous

one. A rolling fog covered the land, one particular couldnt see twenty foot ahead, although

in the even now, quiet evening, sound taken for a mile. They started their travel

in the early evening, the sun had yet to dip below the écart. The individuals

needed in London, could not wait for the next morning hours. The level driver was

the best to be found, his charge large, but his knowledge was precious. He

was accompanied by an additional man with a large gun. The Rifleman had enthusiastic eyes

wonderful ears were at attention, listening within the horses pertaining to oncoming motorcyclists

for the Highwaymen who also prayed within the stages.

Long after sunlight had established

not a appear had been read over the consistent clip-clop from the horses. All their

hooves hit the dirt and grime road, transmissions a message for nearly a mile of the nearing

victim. The sound notifying all the close by predators to hold a good enjoy, to

prepare yourself, for the prize will eventually be in their particular grasp.

The fog, such as a blanket

growing it personal out on the land, concealed all stars, the only lumination was

from a lantern suspended above the stage rider. The individuals nervous, anticipating

to hear photographs fired. The jumped at every bump inside the road which the wheels

minted. Clutching their particular baggage close, they prayed that the nighttime would go


The Highwayman, alerted for the approaching level, was hidden by

the street, and concealed by the haze, he was not yet able to discern the light

from the quickly approaching lantern. Clutching his gun, his simply weapon

this individual planned to consider all the that he ideal from the stage. His relatives was

in the home, sitting by the fire. His late night occupation provided their home

food and clothing. Throughout the day he performs in a secure for the nearby The english language

noble. Feeding and grooming their mounts, only he knows the stable well enough

to barrow a equine. Not every evening, but typically enough intended for his relatives to

live better than many.

Passing through a small wooded area, the stage continuing

at its quick pace, the horses sweating, pulling the large stage mentor and its

five passengers. The Rifleman, at any time intent, tenses, telling the driving force to

press the animals even harder. The two race horses, running as soon as they can

make an effort to comply, however they gain not any speed. The passengers, jumping at every obstruct

in the highway, wishing the ride more than, holding quickly to the mentor, expecting any kind of

minute intended for the level to rotate on its side. They were waiting for the Highwayman

to strike.

Behind a wall of fog that hides him from the stage, not making

a audio, he is waiting. He is awaiting the right instant to ride forth. This individual knows

that quickly he may see the mild and the stage that provides it. And then

they will be capable to see him.

His gun is all set in his biceps and triceps, ready to go up

to his shoulder, have aim, and fire. The lantern punches ghostly dark areas as

the coach pushes by the around trees. The experienced eyes in the Rifleman

observing everything mainly because it flies by, waits for that movement, that shape, that

does not are supposed to be. He listens to the audio of air rushing earlier, the sound of

the horse, listening to their very own hooves because they strike earth and swig for air flow

in the nighttime. He listens for the sound that does not melde dich with the other folks

the of beat of a third equine.

He can see the mild now, his anticipation

building, his cardiovascular system beating, above powering requirements of the stage, smothering

the sounds with the horses drawing it. His pistol prepared, in his shaking hand.

His other hand holds the dominates, his ft ready to catapult the horses onward

to overtake the stage. Looking forward to the right moment, waiting to strike.


Rifleman holds back, scanning the forest since it streaks earlier, his nerve fibres building

a lump in his throat.

The Highwayman can now view the stage in its entirety.

The Rifleman all set, will see him. Now is the time to strike. He can surprised

in the speed with the coach, the cargo must be must be significant.

The passengers

hope that they full the trip, curse the driver for the speed. Not knowing

of the dangers away side, clutching to each other, they will sit on the floor of

the coach. Scared, they wait for a hellish trip to end.

Kicking his horse

he bursts from his hiding place, flying toward the trainer, his gun raised

all set to fire. He banks via left to right when he intercepts the stage. The

Rifleman elevates his system, looks down the long barrel at the approaching Highwayman.

Monitoring left to right and aiming at the Highwayman, he glances by his pistol

then he centers his rifle for the Highwayman, and hesitates, understanding that he

offers only one shot. Though the pistol at his side reassures him, since should

he miss, he could be not from the game.

The Highwayman takes aim with his pistol.

He looks throughout the barrel at the Rifleman, his weapon pointing back for him.

He rides right, aims, and fires.

The bench blows up next towards the Rifleman

as a bullet drives it home in to the level, closely missing him. This individual continues

aiming at the hors-la-loi, looks him in the eye, breathes out, holds his breath of air

and fires.

The Highwayman does not go through the bullet enter his breasts, so much

because the power knocking him off his horse. He crashes to the ground, his horse

using away into the night. He lays there dying, getting his last breaths

says a silent good bye to his family, and the air flow escapes from his lung area, never

to come back.

The individuals huddling on to the floor of the level. The firearm shots

scaring them so much, they dread the worst. They commence saying adios to each

additional and to their loved ones, as loss of life is impending. The stage continues.


stage destroys through the forest on to the plains. The fog lifting, they can

see the light of the soon to rise sun, though day time is still several hours a way. Greater london

is some distance, they have accomplished their voyage. The driver decreases the mounts

to a gallop. The Rifleman sinks back in the bench, put in. The game is now over.

The individuals begin entertaining that they have not been wiped out, and that they

have reached London unhurt. Relieved and exhausted, that they collapse prove


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