A Family portrait of The Musician as a Young Man

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The phrase “epiphany”, literally meaning “showing forth”, can be originally a Biblical term, referring to the festival commemorating the outward exhibition of Christ to the Doux, often called the “Magi”, usually celebrated on 6th January, or 12th Night. Within this day there exists a Church party celebrating the coming of the “three Kings in the Orient” to worship the baby Jesus. The term, however , is adapted by simply James Joyce to cover his artistic vision, 1st expressed in the Preface to the “Dubliners”, after which defined in more detail in “Stephen Hero”, his 1st autobiographical account, almost destroyed by him, and then printed as a come apart after his death. In “Stephen Hero”, Stephen, arranging a book of epiphanies, lets us know that “by an epiphany he meant a sudden psychic manifestation, whether in the vulgarity of speech or of gesture or in a memorable stage of the brain itself. This individual believed it turned out for the man of words to record these epiphanies with extreme care, seeing that that they themselves are one of the most delicate and evanescent of moments”. A great epiphany, therefore , in Joyce’s sense, “shows forth” the total reality of what is noticed and noticed, but not in logical, synthetic form. The reality appears to your head in a flash of inspiration, brought on by a regular conversation or perhaps incident.

All Joyce’s writings, including his early on ones like “Chamber Music” or “Dubliners”, is considered to consist of a series of epiphanies. What makes “A Portrait of the Artist” different from these kinds of is that just before “A Portrait” was released, Joyce’s performs consisted of essentially isolated epiphanies. “A Portrait” is the 1st work which in turn incorporates in it a chain of related epiphanies in the form of a logical narrative, nevertheless in this story he nowhere fast refers to “epiphany” by term. He just illustrates the use because not only as being a significant literary technique, although also while an important philosophical concept, which usually would later on become not only the cornerstone of Joyce’s own mature works, yet also of Modernism generally speaking. In Joyce’s practice, the word actually features two connotations ” 1, that epiphany reveals the fact, the intrinsic essence of your person or perhaps something that can be observed, and second, that it is a state of mind, a heightened spiritual ecstasy, which this individual calls “the memorable phase of the head itself”. The first sets emphasis on the item, whose the truth is revealed simply by an epiphany, the second places emphasis on the observer, for whom the epiphany can be quite a state of heightened intelligence. As such, expertise becomes a thing subjective and intuitive, not merely a logical process. Actually as Stanislaus, Joyce’s close friend, records, epiphanies can also consist of dreams, as Joyce, taking his “cue” from Freud, considered dreams to be a sub-conscious re-shaping every day reality. Both meanings could be illustrated inside the various episodes of “A Portrait”.

Where the first meaning is involved, the emphasis being on the object, a good example would be that incident in Chapter II, where Stephen’s romantic photo of bovine grazing within a sylvan setting receives a jolt when he visits Stradbrook. The stunning details of the “filthy cowyard”, with its “foul green messes and clots of the liquid dung and steaming brantroughs”1, bring home to him the distinction among his idealistic vision of cows (symbolizing his country Ireland), as well as the foulness of reality.

An epiphany with its second meaning also occurs in the second chapter, when Mr. Dedalus, Stephen’s father, uncovers what is certainly regarded by simply Stephen like a betrayal of sorts by the rector of Clongowes, Father Conmee. He had wonderful suggestions of his own heroism in going to the rector to complain regarding being wrongfully “pandied” by the prefect of studies, Father Dolan. This larger-than-life thought about himself is usually rudely damaged when his father comes home and corelates the episode of conference the prior in Dublin, when the párroco spoke with the child Sophie in the following terms ” “I advised them all for dinner about this and Dad Dolan and I and all of all of us had a delicious laugh jointly over it. ‘! Ha! Anordna! “2. Epiphanies like these are not only used to enhance a sudden conclusion of the real truth in the main character, but likewise in the visitor.

One more epiphany is definitely the ecstasy of spirit that Stephen encounters after the escape, when his soul realizes that it can yet end up being saved through repentance. Among the “a unexpected flash of insight” takes place in the 4th chapter, the moment Stephen, nearly acquiescing to the director’s present of priesthood, suddenly recognizes a quadrature of teenage boys dancing and singing as time goes on. The very colourfulness of their apparel, their lilting music, their dancing methods, and their simple enjoyment, produces in Stephen’s brain in a flash of insight, their very own contrast with all the colourlessness, frigidness, and emotionlessness of priesthood, and makes him realize in a moment that priesthood is not going to be his vocation, even though he had been attracted to that profession via his years as a child.

Frequently these two symbolism coincide within a moment of intense inspiration ” as in the finest epiphany of the book in the conclusion to Section IV ” the picture in the young young lady wading inside the sea “

“A girl stood before him in midstream, by itself and still, gazing out to sea. She appeared like one whom magic experienced changed into the likeness of the strange and beautiful sea-bird.. She was alone but still, gazing to be able to sea, so when she experienced his presence plus the worship of his eye her eyes turned to him in calm sufferance of his eyes, without pity or wantonness”3.

In a single moment the woman becomes to get him the embodiment of beauty of art, and in a adobe flash of insight Stephen recognizes his artistic vocation. His “enchantment from the heart” can be expressed obviously in his outrageous delight and ecstatic language. The two facets of the epiphany coalesce to get the fourth part to its rapturous orgasm.

Alternatively, because of its subjective nature, an epiphany can even be unreliable, as we see in Chapter III, when, after the retreat, Daddy Arnall’s classes manage to convince Stephen that his simply correct program is to repent and come back to the Chapel. In Phase IV this acceptance is usually rejected, and he realizes his folly through an epiphany.

The epiphany even offers a much deeper, more philosophical significance ” the concern over time, and Sophie himself attracts attention to this in his diary towards the end of the new ” “The past is usually consumed in the present, and the present is living only because that brings out the future”4. Clearly, Stephen’s view is the fact each minute is the total product of past decisions and actions, and results in the future by same process. A prime sort of this is the epiphany in the bus, when, when standing with Emma within the tram measures, he remembers his previous moments in “the lodge grounds” with Eileen. This kind of moment likewise anticipates the future, because he is not going to remember this kind of moment after, but likewise because it will certainly subconsciously affect his after life, once Emma will become an archetype of girly virtue and unattainable libido. This is put in the present by his failure to hug her.

In “A Portrait with the Artist” Sophie does not label the word “epiphany” directly, yet he will define the same phenomenon in his aesthetic theory, when he examines the various phases of apprehending a work of art. Following referring to the “wholeness” (integritas) of a work of art, he perceives its “rhythm” (consonantia), and ultimately realizes it is radiance (claritas). The notion of “epiphany” would not necessarily mean any ethical or aesthetic content, and reveals only truth, but it has a whole lot in common with the process of “claritas” ” a thing that Stephen features great difficulty in elucidating. Following trying to describe it because “radiance” and “whatness”, he finally uses the key phrases “luminous noiseless stasis” and “enchantment of the heart”5. These types of connect it with the definition of “epiphany” in “Stephen Hero” as a type of highly rarefied spiritual outward exhibition.

There has been plenty of criticism expressing concerns about the potency of the epiphany in novel-writing. One of the main reasons intended for such doubt is that, in order to deepen all their impact, the epiphanies generally have an instant, even melodramatic ending. Also, these epiphanies may sometimes appear isolated in the storyline line, making the novel seem episodic and ununified.

Against these expenses, the partial truth that cannot be denied, we can say that the downsides are to a great extent cancelled by their advantages. In “A Portrait of the Artist”, in addition, the occurrence and mind of Stephen is a effective unifying aspect. The epiphanies in this story also become an important motor vehicle for holding together styles, motifs, and symbols which will run over the novel.


1) James Joyce: “A Family portrait of the Designer as a Small Man” (Penguin Books, 1992, London), p. 66.

2) Ibid, p. 76.

3) Ibid, l. 186.

4) Ibid, p. 273.

5) Ibid, p. 231.

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