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he legal justice program process to get an detain is virtually the same for each and every state, with just a few exclusions. Depending on the state that an individual is will decide the process of their particular arrest and the crimes they can be charged with. Suspects should go through the same stages associated with an arrest up to the time they can be sentenced. This kind of paper is going to further depth the different phases of an criminal arrest from the time a believe is caught until they are really taken to trial and presented their word.

The Arrest

An officer’s job is rather than an easy process and when considering arresting someone, the process ought to be followed appropriately. When it comes to choosing someone in to custody, the suspect is definitely arrested, billed, read their very own rights, and taken to imprisonment. The suspect will be reserved, meaning they are really photographed, fingerprinted, and provided a invoice for their possessions (Palmer-Johnson, 2015). Once the process is total, the accused will be put into a having cell to await the look of them in the courtroom.

Initial Appearance

The first appearance phase consists of the judge checking out the case and determining whether there is enough probable cause that the defendant is responsible or not (Holloway, 2014). Once the proof is seen by the judge, he or she will certainly inform the defendant with the charges, collection bail, and place a date intended for the primary hearing. If there is enough proof to believe the defendant committed the crime, the next step will be to set to start a date for a primary hearing or a grand jury (Holloway, 2014). Once the time is set, the defendant can await all their preliminary experiencing date.

Primary Hearing

The next step is the initial hearing, that will determine whether a crime has become committed and whether the accused should be attempted or not. The prosecutor will present enough evidence to be able to demonstrate the fact that defendant is usually guilty (Holloway, 2014). The judge discusses the facts of the watch case and will identify whether or not to proceed toward trial. In case the judge would not agree there is sufficient evidence to indict the falsely accused, the charges will be dropped. In cases like this, the prosecutors will then take those case towards the grand court (Holloway, 2014). Here the jury will certainly decide on the course of the truth on a even more private level.

Grand Court

The grand court is in charge of determining whether or not the government has enough evidence to progress to a criminal trial (Peabody, 2014). They can be not in charge of determining the guilt or perhaps innocence in the accused, alternatively they act as a barrier between the govt and the people who are charged with crimes. Circumstances are read by the jury in which witnesses are called in and evidence is shown. Unlike trial proceedings, these hearings are carried out in magic formula and the accused has no right to present data, unless the jury scholarships this right (Peabody, 2014). After all the reality are evaluated and the data is determined enough, the following step is to take the defendant to trial.

The Trial

Once the defendant has gone through the first phases, they are presented a trial date. During the trial, the prosecution presents all the proof of the case, plus they must prove beyond a reasonable doubt which the defendant is definitely guilty of the crime he or she is being charged to get (Trial, 2017). Once the defendant’s guilt or innocence is decided, they will be charged with the criminal offense and offered their phrase. If the court is unable to reach a judgement, there could be a mistrial announced by the judge and the case will be ignored or a new jury will probably be chosen.


The next step is the word the defendant will receive for his or her crime. The judge models the phrase whether it is incarceration, probation or perhaps psychological treatment. There are a number of things analyzed like the nature and severity in the crime, the criminal history, personal circumstances, and the degree of sorrow the defendant feels (Gregware, 2014). These will help crystal clear what the most suitable choice is for the defendant. Once the sentence is defined, the accused will be removed from the court room and transported to the institution given.


After the trial, the accused is able to charm their sentence and have it to court. They will ask for a higher court to review their circumstance and possibly overturn the sentencing. If certainly the courtroom finds an error on the case or the sentencing, the court may be able to reverse the conviction or realize that the case must be re-tried.

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