Technology has been around since the beginning of time, since primitive guy used a stone and stick to generate fire. Technology has evolved and developed significantly over a long time and has changed the world tremendously; leading to ground-breaking technological advances and discoveries. Modern technology has had an enormous effect on society with no doubt, contemporary society has benefited greatly from it, but is modern technology fully benefiting us? Is it really benefiting the society, or perhaps has it wrecked and damaged it?

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Technology has their pros and cons; it will be has good and bad effects about society, when we speak of the impact of technology on society in general, we simply speak about good effects and tend to rule out and overlook the negative aspects and associated with technology.

Think about the days when there where no computer systems or tv sets, when all modern technology failed to exist; culture and your life was utterly different. People depended on themselves and applied all their well known; people resided a more simple and efficient your life.

Today, society is totally different; we now have become excessively dependent of technology and it seems as though we have turn into overrun because of it.

Today, technology has had a great immense influence on young children and adolescents. Children have become addicted to technology; they have become infatuate and obsessed with having the most current technological advancements. Children are applying technology at a very sensitive age and as a result, they are subjected to explicit and vulgar articles on the television set or Internet that should not be seen by their eyes. Children seem to be spending all of their time engaging in gadgets and many won’t be able to even think about life without technology.

A lot of today’s society has become extremely rapacious and acquisitive; looking the latest technological advances, whether it be a cell phone, computer, etc . Society has become idle and impatient due to the fact that everything is one touch away, by our disposal. Society has become more alienated from the normal world and absorbed into a lifeless and materialistic world of technology; which has no true value.

Even though technology has led to much superb advancement through history and features enhanced and improved existence in many ways, it includes also led to an enormous unfavorable impact on our society, causing it to downfall; and so the saying “too much of whatever is awful,  offers accurately put on technology inside our society. This is why I believe the fact that use of technology should be handled and that use of technology needs to be used only for good functions. Technology really should not be a thing that damages and corrupts society, although a thing that correctly enhances and changes the earth for the better.


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Topic: Modern technology,

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