The effect of car usage on global warming Essay

The writer Tina Fanning in the paper article “cars no longer sustainable”, which was created in July 2007, articles the effect of car consumption on climatic change and the effect on the future of our kids that demonstrates the high level of harmfulness that climatic change causes. The audience in ...

Global Warming Essay

A global Warming theory has become increasingly popular over the past few years. Citizens of the world are becoming encouraged to become more environment friendly by others including political figures, celebrities, and world agencies. The problem with the theory is based on the fact it has become a lot more ...

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Ways to Reduce Global Warming Essay

Around the world refers to the gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature due to the growing concentration of human caused green house gases which are co2, chlorofluorocarbons and hydro fluorocarbon in our atmosphere. Global warming could be caused by the usage of fossil fuels, and industrial or perhaps agricultural procedures. ...

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