Political Justice: Plato and Aristotle Essay

Bandeja and Aristotle had distinct ideas of politics and political justice. In The Republic, Plato produces the ideal metropolis, which is necessary to guarantee justice. He should create a relaxing united metropolis that will result in the greater great of the community and persons. Unlike Plato who imagines the ideal ...

Trajectory of thought: Plato, Aristotle and Descartes Essay

Man is, arguably, a creature destined to penetrate below the information of everyday life so as to think about what is real, authentic, valuable and meaningful in human life (Lavine, 1982, p. 2). The desire to find out or seek the reality about his mankind, the world and even the ...

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Epistemologies; Plato vs. Aristotle Essay

Plato, the daddy of philosophy, was a rationalist. He was the first organized metaphysician and epistemologist. He believed that people had innate knowledge; dialectic. So to him learning was only a matter of remembering. Plato presumed that the “ideal” world existed beyond our personal physical the planet because in accordance ...

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