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Case Study Response: Family Therapy

In cases like this study response, I will look at the case analyze regarding Rachel and her family, as well as what the least and most beneficial aspects of this kind of therapy will be. I will supply a brief evaluation on what kinds of disorders or perhaps diagnoses is the most helpful and also the least appropriate for the application of family therapy. I will include a output of the sorts of clients that the will be the majority of and least beneficial to.

My reaction to the case study was mixed. I felt that family therapy is a valuable device, and it can help people who happen to be intensely attached to each other. Yet , I had a problem with the specialist directing Rachel to be because completely disappointed as possible. I believe it is to some degree irresponsible to direct customers to do that, specifically someone just like Rachel who has expressed taking once life ideation in past times. However , how that the lady handled relatives therapy with Rachel proved to be successful, but I realize that the instance is definitely anecdotal, so I would like to discover more research based research supporting the techniques that she took.

The most useful aspect of the family therapy case study I observed was how that employed many kinds of therapy in order to restore Rachel. There are many different subsets of therapy that went into her successful rehabilitation, for example , who was at each therapy session. I discovered, as well, that family remedy often engages different models of treatment, and i believe that flexibility gives it a good edge. The very least helpful part of family healing is that I felt like the specialist and group jumped to too many findings too quickly. My spouse and i dont know if I could have the means to conclude that Rachel was trying to become the sun that her dad never experienced by choosing for being anorexic. Yet , the methods that she used proved to be incredibly successful.

Family remedy would be best for individual concerns, relational difficulties, and good for marital turmoil and other family problems. Just like the case examine has proven, it can be very good with people who have anorexia, but it really could also be helpful for those affected by conduct disorders, schizophrenia, and then for reducing urge and re-hospitalization. It is least useful for those with weak or perhaps dysfunctional family members. Also, not necessarily helpful for groupings who have one or more extremely toxic members, whom make this impossible intended for therapists to apply interventions and offer aid to help make the family even more cohesive. It can be least ideal for those with really fragmented families, or people that have a new history of severe abuse and/or neglect.

It doesnt seem like this type of therapy can be one that excludes based on race or social or lovemaking identification. Provided that cultural sensitivity and understanding are in play, there is no reason why family members therapists could not help people coming from various ethnical upbringings. It is clear that family remedies are exclusive to individuals belonging in families, therefore it would not help individuals who did not possess a family or perhaps did not include a family that supported this type of group therapy.

To summarize, family healing is very interesting, and i also fully support the concept of this. It is superb because of its overall flexibility, and because it can help individuals and groups to ensure that interventions happen to be followed, and proper support is administered to those in need.

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Category: Psychology,

Topic: Case study, Family members,

Words: 621


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