What is the difference between Abigail Williams and Silk? Very little! Abigail turns lifestyle around for a lot of innocent citizens of Salem. She carried off their liberty and bombarded their emotions. Abigail shows many comparable qualities to Satin in The Crucible. The lady certainly rejects God and does what your woman wants to do regardless of whom it may damage. Abigail Williams was a nuisance to contemporary society because your woman destroyed the calm community of Salem through her destructive, guilty acts. Abigail tries to steal Goody Proctors husband Ruben.

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Abigail will try00 to destroy Goody Proctor by casting a mean upon her. She was Goody Proctors servant, but Goody Proctor dismissed her. Abigail turned from The almighty when the girl cast the spell in Goody Proctor. She drank blood and spoke over a boiling caldron. Abigail likewise had an affair with David, and the girl wanted to include John to herself. Abigail was entirely engulfed in the idea of spending the rest of her your life with David. This would never happen, mainly because John couldnt love Abigail.

However , Abigail was not willing to let anything stop her in her quest for Steve. Abigail as well as the other ladies had a darker secret. Abigail was happy to do anything to cover the truth in the world. Every one of the girls were lying the full time about being bewitched. Abigail was obviously a very managing person. The girl was able to make use of this quality about herself to intimidate the other ladies to not concede, but keep acting and lying with her. Abigail showed the other ladies by accusing Mary of witchcraft that she may condemn anyone who tried to expose her top secret.

Showing the ladies that in the event they werent with Abigail, they were against her, the girls didnt be reluctant to listen to no matter what Abigail stated. With Abigail controlling all the girls, plus the girls getting the only means of anyone getting convicted of witchcraft, there was clearly no reasonable justice. If perhaps they were falsely accused of witchcraft, they had two options. Their particular first option was to declare their criminal offense, and then they was required to sign a document that declared all of them a sinner. This document was installed above the chapel door to ensure that everyone could see. In the event that they decided to not confess their trouble, there was no forgiveness.

In spite of who these people were, there was not any escaping fatality. Once convicted of witchcraft, and if that they didnt concede, they were placed in jail to hold back for the day that they would be hanged they for crime. Many innocent people died, and in addition they all got one thing in keeping, they had Abigail Williams the reason for their drop of life. Abigail Williams was a risk to world because your woman destroyed the calm community of Salem through her destructive, guilty acts. Everybody in the village looked straight down upon her by the end of her fraudulent acts.

It is just a shame that no one would have known the truth behind Abigails lies, because might have been in a position to warn somebody. However , even if anyone had heard the whole account of Abigail in the hardwoods with the various other girls, it probably wouldnt have helped much. Abigail could have very easily turned the tables saying they had bewitched her. Since there was no hard evidence to convict an individual of witch, only the phrase of the children, there was simply no avoiding Abigails destruction. The Salem witch trials had been doomed to occur, and their devastation was immeasurably harmful.

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Topic: Abigail Williams, Goody Proctor, Your woman,

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