Chapter one particular
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Introduction: Themes in the Research of Life
Lecture Describe
Overview: Inquiring About the field of Life
¢ Organisms happen to be adapted towards the environments they live in.
¢ These adaptations are the consequence of evolution, the fundamental organizing theory of biology.
¢ Disguising questions about the living world and seeking science-based answers are the central actions of biology, the study of your life.
¢ Biologists ask a wide variety of ambitious inquiries.
o They might ask how a single cell becomes a tree or a dog, how the human head works, or perhaps how the life in a forest interact.
¢ Biologists can help get suggestions that have an effect on our lives in practical methods.
¢ Study breakthroughs in genetics and cell biology are modifying medicine and agriculture.
um Molecular biology is providing fresh tools to get anthropology and criminal science.
o Neuroscience and major biology will be reshaping psychology and sociology.
o New models in ecology are helping contemporary society evaluate environmental issues, such as the causes and biological consequences of global temperatures rising.
¢ Precisely what is life?
um The phenomenon of life defies a basic, one-sentence description.
Concept 1 ) 1 Themes help connect the principles of biology.
¢ Eight unifying styles will help you organize and make sense of natural information.
Topic 1: Progression is the main theme of biology, the one proven fact that makes sense of all things we know regarding living organisms.
¢ Life has been innovating on Earth for billions of years, resulting in a great diversity of past and present organisms.
¢ Concurrently, living things share certain features.
¢ The scientific justification for this unity and diversity is evolution: the concept the microorganisms living that is known today are the modified rejeton of common ancestors.
¢ In other words, scientists can explain traits shared by two organisms while using idea that they have descended coming from a common ancestral, and researchers can be the cause of differences with all the idea that heritable changes have occurred along the way.
Motif 2: Fresh properties come out at each level in the natural hierarchy.
¢ Each degree of biological organization has emergent properties.
¢ Biological business is based on a hierarchy of structural levels, each building on the levels below.
um At the minimum are atoms that are ordered into complex biological
um Biological substances are prepared into buildings called organelles, the components of cells.
um Cells would be the fundamental device of structure and function of living things.
¢ Some microorganisms consist of just one cell; others are multicellular aggregates of specialized skin cells.
¢ Whether multicellular or perhaps unicellular, most organisms must accomplish the same functions: subscriber base and finalizing of nutrients, excretion of wastes, response to environmental stimuli, and processing.
¢ Multicellular organisms demonstrate three key structural amounts above the cellular: Similar cells are arranged into cells, several tissues coordinate to create organs, and several organs type an organ system.
¢ For example , to coordinate locomotory movements, physical information journeys from feeling organs to the brain, exactly where nervous tissues composed of huge amounts of interconnected neurons”supported by conjoining tissue”coordinate signals that travel around via additional neurons for the individual muscle cells.
um Organisms makeup populations, localized groups of microorganisms belonging to the same species.
o Populations of several kinds in the same area incorporate to form a neurological community.
um Populations connect to their physical environment to create an environment.
o The biosphere involves all the environments on Earth which have been inhabited by life.
¢ As we move from the molecular level towards the biosphere, new emergent
properties occur at each level that are not present at the earlier level.
u Emergent properties are created by simply new arrangements and relationships of parts as difficulty increases.
ª For example , photosynthesis can take place only when elements are arranged in a specific way within an intact chloroplast.
ª The cycling of chemical factors at the environment level depends on a network of varied organisms interacting with each other current soil, drinking water, and atmosphere.
¢ Reductionism”the reduction of complex systems to easier components that are more manageable to study”is a powerful approach in biology.
o Biologists must equilibrium the reductionist strategy together with the larger-scale, all natural objective of understanding the emergent properties of life”how all of the parts of natural systems will be functionally integrated.
¢ Biologists are beginning to fit reductionism with new techniques for studying whole systems.
um The ultimate goal of systems biology is to model the dynamic habit of entire biological devices.
o Successful models let biologists to predict how a change in more than one variables will affect various other components as well as the whole system.
¢ Researchers investigating environments pioneered the systems procedure in the 1960s with elaborate types diagramming the interactions of species and non-living pieces in environments such as sodium marshes.
u Such types are useful pertaining to predicting the responses of systems to changing variables.
¢ Devices biology has become becoming increasingly significant in cell phone and molecular biology.
Topic 3: Creatures interact with all their environments, swapping matter and energy.
¢ Each affected person interacts with the environment, which include other microorganisms as well as non-living factors.
um Both patient and environment are affected by the interactions between them.
¢ The operation of any ecosystem involves two major techniques: the biking of nutrition and the verified flow of energy from sunlight to makers to buyers.
o For most ecosystems, manufacturers are plants and other photosynthetic organisms that convert light energy to chemical strength.
o Consumers are organisms that feed on suppliers and other consumers.
¢ Every one of the activities of life need organisms to accomplish work, and work requires a source of energy.
o The exchange of energy among an patient and its environment often consists of the modification of energy from one form to a new.
o In all of the energy changes, some energy is dropped to the environment as temperature.
o Contrary to chemical nutrients, which reuse within an environment, energy runs through an environment, usually going into as lumination and getting out as high temperature.
Theme some: Structure and function are related at all levels of
natural organization.
¢ Form suits function; what sort of device performs is linked to its composition.
o Put on biology, this kind of theme is known as a guide to the anatomy of life whatsoever its structural levels.
o For example , the thin, level shape of a leaf boosts the amount of sun rays that can be captured by their chloroplasts.
Topic 5: Cellular material are an organism’s basic units of structure and function.
¢ The cell is the minimum of structure that is capable of performing each of the activities of life.
¢ All the actions of creatures are based on cell activities.
u For example , the power of cells to form fresh cells is the basis of all reproduction as well as the basis of expansion and repair in multicellular organisms.
¢ Understanding how cellular material work can be described as major study focus of modern day biology.
¢ All cells share certain characteristics.
o Every cell is enclosed by a membrane layer that manages the passageway of supplies between the cellular and its natural environment.
o Every single cell uses DNA as its genetic details.
¢ There are two simple types of cells: prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic skin cells.
o The cells with the two groups of microorganisms known as bacteria and archaea will be prokaryotic.
to All other forms of life have an overabundance complex eukaryotic cells.
¢ A eukaryotic cell is subdivided by simply internal membranes into several membrane-enclosed organelles.
o For most eukaryotic cells, the largest organelle is the nucleus, which provides the cell’s GENETICS as chromosomes.
o The other organelles are located in the cytoplasm, the entire region between your nucleus plus the outer membrane layer of the cellular.
¢ Prokaryotic cells are simpler and smaller than eukaryotic cells.
um In a prokaryotic cell, GENETICS is certainly not separated in the cytoplasm in a nucleus.
to There are no membrane-enclosed organelles in the cytoplasm.
¢ Whether an patient has prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells, it is structure and function depend on its cells.
Topic 6: The continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form of DNA.
¢ Sooner or later, all cellular material contain deoxyribonucleic acid, or perhaps DNA, the heritable material that redirects the cell’s activities.
¢ DNA may be the substance of genes, the units of inheritance that transmit data from parents to children.
¢ DNA in individual cells is usually organized in to chromosomes.
u Each chromosome has one very long GENETICS molecule, with hundreds or thousands of genes organized along it is length.
um The DNA of chromosomes replicates as being a cell works on to split.
o Each of the two cell offspring inherits a complete group of genes.
¢ Each of us began lifestyle as a sole cell stored with GENETICS inherited from our parents.
u Replication of that DNA with each circular of cellular division transmitted copies of the people genes to the trillions of cells.
¢ In each cell, the genes along the length of DNA molecules encode the information for building the cell’s additional molecules. GENETICS thus redirects the development and maintenance of the entire organism.
¢ Each DNA molecule consist of two very long chains organized in a twice helix.
to Each website link of a sequence is one among four nucleotides, which encode the cell’s information in chemical characters.
¢ The sequence of nucleotides along a gene may code for a certain protein with a unique shape and function.
o Almost all mobile activities involve the actions of one or more proteins.
to Human aminoacids include muscles cell compression proteins and defensive protein called antibodies.
o All cells likewise contain digestive enzymes, crucial healthy proteins that catalyze (speed up) specific reactions.
o DNA provides the heritable blueprints, but proteins would be the tools that really build and look after the cellular.
¢ DNA controls protein production indirectly, using a related kind of molecule called RNA as an intermediary.
u The series of nucleotides along a gene can be transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into a certain protein having a unique shape and function.
¢ In the translation process, every forms of existence employ fundamentally the same genetic code.
u A particular collection of nucleotides says the same to one organism as it says to another.
¢ Recently, scientists have discovered whole new classes of RNA that are not translated into protein.
o Some RNA molecules regulate the functioning of protein-coding genes.
¢ The catalogue of genetic instructions that the organism inherits is called its genome.
u The chromosomes of each human being cell include about several billion nucleotides, including genes coding for about 75, 500 kinds of proteins, each having a specific function.
¢ The complete sequence of nucleotides in the human genome is now known.
o Experts have also discovered the genome sequences of numerous other creatures, including bacteria, archaea, fungi, plants, and animals.
u The sequencing of the individual genome is known as a major technological and scientific achievement.
to The challenge now could be to learn how a activities with the proteins protected by GENETICS are synchronised in cellular material and creatures.
¢ Devices biology is currently becoming increasingly essential in cell phone and molecular biology, influenced in part by the deluge of information from the sequencing of genomes and the growing catalog of known protein functions.
um A large analysis team offers published a network of protein communications within a cellular of a fruit fly, produced from a database of a large number of known aminoacids and their interactions with other healthy proteins.
¢ To undertake a systems strategy, scientists must inventory as many parts of the system as possible, just like all the regarded genes and proteins in a cell (an application of reductionism).
o Next, scientists check out how every part behaves in relation to others in the operating system”such since all the protein-protein interactions inside the fruit travel cell example.
o Finally, with the help of pcs and specific software, researchers pool every one of the data into a system network.
¢ 3 key analysis developments include led to the increased significance of systems biology. 1 . High-throughput technology. Systems biology will depend on methods that could analyze biological materials rapidly and generate enormous amounts of data. An example is a automatic DNA-sequencing machines employed by the Human Genome Project. installment payments on your Bioinformatics. The huge databases via high-throughput strategies require the use of computational tools to store, organize, and assess the huge amount of data. 3. Interdisciplinary analysis teams. Devices biology groups may include designers, medical scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and computer scientists as well as biologists.
Theme six: Feedback systems regulate natural systems.
¢ Chemical operations within cellular material are more rapid, or catalyzed, by particular protein substances called digestive enzymes.
¢ Each kind of enzyme catalyzes a certain chemical reaction.
um In many cases, reactions are connected into chemical substance pathways, with each step
having its individual enzyme.
¢ How does a cell coordinate its several chemical pathways?
o A large number of biological operations are self-regulating: The output or perhaps product of a process adjusts that same process.
¢ In negative feedback, the accumulation of the end product of any process slows that procedure.
¢ Even though less common, some natural processes happen to be regulated by simply positive responses, in which an end product boosts its own creation.
¢ Feedback is common to life at all amounts, from the molecular level towards the biosphere.
¢ Regulation through feedback is definitely an example of the mixing that makes living systems considerably more than the amount of their parts.
Concept 1 . 2 The Core Idea: Evolution makes up the unity and diversity of life.
¢ Evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky said, “Nothing in biology makes sense apart from in the mild of advancement.
Life show both selection and unanimity.
¢ A lot more enormously different.
o Biologists have determined and named about 1 ) 8 , 000, 000 species.
o These varieties include five, 200 well-known species of prokaryotes, 100, 000 fungi, 290, 000 plants, 52, 1000 vertebrates, and 1, 500, 000 bugs.
¢ Thousands of newly recognized species happen to be added every year.
o Estimations of the total species rely range from twelve million to more than 4 hundred million.
¢ In the face of this complexity, individuals are inclined to rank diverse products into a smaller sized number of groups.
o Taxonomy is the subset of biology that names and classifies types into a hierarchical order.
¢ Until about 20 years back, biologists divided the selection of your life into five kingdoms: plants, animals, fungi, single-celled eukaryotic organisms, and prokaryotes.
¢ New study methods, including comparisons of DNA among organisms, include led to a reassessment in the number and boundaries with the kingdoms.
um Various category schemes have proposed between six kingdoms to dozens of kingdoms.
¢ This controversy has brought about the recognition there are three even higher amounts of classification: the domains Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
¢ The 1st two domains, domain Bacteria and domain name Archaea, include prokaryotes.
to Most prokaryotes are single-celled and incredibly tiny.
¢ Every one of the eukaryotes have become grouped into various kingdoms of the website Eukarya.
to The the latest taxonomic trend has been to split the single-celled eukaryotes and their close relatives into several kingdoms.
¢ Site Eukarya also includes the three kingdoms of multicellular
eukaryotes, Plantae, Fungus, and Animalia, distinguished partially by their methods of nourishment.
o Many plants produce their own all kinds of sugar and foodstuff by the natural photosynthesis.
o Most fungi will be decomposers that absorb nutrients by breaking down dead organisms and organic and natural wastes.
u Animals get food by ingesting additional organisms.
¢ Underlying the diversity of life is a striking unity, especially at the molecular and cellular amounts of organization.
o The common genetic vocabulary of DNA unites prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
o Among the list of eukaryotes, oneness is noticeable in many information on cell structure.
¢ How can scientists take into account life’s dual nature of unity and variety?
o The evolution points out both the similarities and differences among living things.
¢ A history of life is the légende of a changing Earth, vast amounts of years old, lived on by a evolving cast of living forms.
¢ Charles Darwin helped bring evolution in focus in 1859 if he presented two main points with the most important and influential books ever created, On the Beginning of Species by Means of All-natural Selection.
¢ Darwin’s initially point was that contemporary varieties arose by a succession of forefathers through “descent with adjustment.
to This term captured the duality of life’s unanimity and diversity: unanimity in the kinship among varieties that descended from prevalent ancestors and variety in the adjustments that developed as types branched off their common
¢ Darwin’s second point was his mechanism for descent with customization: natural variety.
¢ Darwin started with observations via nature.
o Individuals within a population of any kinds vary in lots of heritable qualities.
o A population can potentially produce far more offspring compared to the environment support; therefore , competition is inevitable.
o Types generally happen to be suited to their environments.
¢ Darwin produced inferences by these observations to arrive at his theory of evolution.
o Individuals with passed down traits which have been best suited to the local environment will produce more healthy, agricultural offspring than less in shape individuals.
um Over many generations, heritable traits that enhance endurance and reproductive success can tend to increase in frequency between a population’s individuals.
o Evolution happens as the unequal reproductive successes of people adapt the people to the environment.
¢ Darwin referred to as this system of major adaptation “natural selection for the reason that natural environment “selects for the propagation of certain attributes.
¢ Natural selection, by its cumulative effects above vast spans of time, will produce new varieties from ancestral species.
u For example , a population fragmented into many isolated masse in different surroundings may slowly but surely diversify into many types as each population gets used to over various generations in order to environmental challenges.
¢ Just fourteen species of finches found on the Galápagos Islands varied after a great ancestral finch species come to the archipelago from the Southern region American landmass.
o Each species adapted to exploit different food resources on distinct islands.
¢ Biologists’ diagrams of evolutionary relationships generally take a treelike form.
¢ Just as people have children tree, every single species is definitely one twig of a branching tree of life.
o Similar types like the Galápagos finches reveal a relatively latest common antecedent, ascendant, ascendent,.
o Finches share a far more distant antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, with all additional birds.
o The common antecedent, ascendant, ascendent, of all vertebrates is much more ancient.
um If a lot more traced again far enough, all life have one common ancestor.
¢ All of a lot more connected through its long evolutionary history.
Idea 1 . a few Scientists work with two key forms of query in their study of characteristics.
¢ The phrase science is derived from a Latin verb which means “to find out.
¢ At the heart of science can be inquiry, asking questions about nature and
concentrating on specific questions that can be solved.
¢ Biologists use two main types of clinical inquiry: finding science and hypothesis-based science.
o Breakthrough science is usually about talking about nature.
o Hypothesis-based research is mostly about explaining nature.
o Many scientific request combines both the approaches.
¢ Discovery technology, sometimes known as descriptive technology, describes normal structures and processes while accurately as is possible through very careful observation and analysis of data.
o Finding science created our knowledge of cell composition and is growing our sources of genomes of diverse species.
o Observation is a use of the senses to gather information, directly or indirectly, with the help of tools such as microscopes that lengthen our feelings.
¢ Noted observations are called data, which can be qualitative or quantitative.
o Quantitative data are numerical measurements.
to Qualitative data may be in the form of recorded points.
o For example , Jane Goodall has put in decades saving qualitative data in the form of her observations of chimpanzee patterns during field research in Gambia. This lady has also collected volumes of quantitative info.
¢ Breakthrough science can lead to important findings based on initiatory reasoning.
o Through induction, scientists obtain generalizations based upon a large number of specific observations.
¢ In scientific research, inquiry regularly involves proposing and assessment hypotheses.
to In technology, a speculation is a sensitive answer to a well-framed problem.
o A hypothesis is generally an educated suppose based on experience and info available via discovery scientific research.
o A scientific speculation leads to estimations that can be analyzed by recording additional findings or simply by performing trials.
¢ A type of logic named deduction is created into hypothesis-based science.
u In deductive reasoning, reasoning flows from your general for the specific.
um From standard premises, experts extrapolate into a specific end result that should be expected if the premises are authentic.
¢ In hypothesis-based science, deduction normally takes the form of predictions with what scientists should certainly expect if the particular hypothesis is correct.
um Scientists check the hypothesis by performing the try things out to see set up results are as predicted.
u Deductive common sense takes the shape “If…, after that….
¢ Scientific hypotheses must be testable.
o There has to be some way to check the quality of the idea.
¢ Clinical hypotheses must be falsifiable.
u There must be a few observation or perhaps experiment that may reveal if the hypothesis is definitely not true.
¢ The ideal in hypothesis-based scientific research is to body two or more option hypotheses and design experiments to falsify them.
¢ No amount of experimental testing can prove a hypothesis.
u A hypothesis gains support by enduring various tests that could falsify it; testing falsifies alternative hypotheses.
We can explore the scientific method.
¢ There is an idealized process of inquiry called the scientific method.
o Few scientific questions adhere rigidly to the pattern of measures prescribed by the textbook medical method.
to Discovery science has added a great deal to our understanding of characteristics without a lot of the steps of the so-called technological method.
¢ We will certainly consider a example of scientific research that begins which has a set of observations and generalizations from discovery science.
¢ Many poisonous animals have got warning coloration that signs danger to potential predators.
o Impostor species simulate poisonous kinds, although they happen to be harmless.
o What is the function of such mimicry? What advantage does it supply the mimic?
¢ In 1862, Henry Bates proposed that mimics advantage when potential predators mistake these people for damaging species.
to This deceptiveness may reduce the mimic’s risk of predation.
¢ In 2001, David and Karin Pfennig of the University of North Carolina, as well as undergraduate Bill Harcombe, designed a set of discipline experiments to evaluate Bates’s mimicry hypothesis.
¢ In North and South Carolina, a poisonous leather called the eastern coral formations snake offers warning reddish colored, yellow, and black couleur.
o Predators avoid these snakes.
u It is unlikely that potential predators learn to prevent coral dogs because a affect is usually deadly.
o Natural selection may well have favored an in-born recognition and avoidance in the warning couleur of the coral formations snake.
¢ The nonpoisonous scarlet full snake mimics the ringed coloration of the coral leather.
¢ Both king dogs and coral formations snake are in North and South Carolina, nevertheless the king snake’s range likewise extends in to areas which may have no coral snakes.
¢ The geographic distribution of those two types allowed the Pfennigs and Harcombe to check a key conjecture of the mimicry hypothesis.
um Mimicry should protect the king leather from potential predators, but only in regions where coral snakes live.
o Potential predators in areas with no coral formations snakes should certainly attack king snakes more frequently than predators in areas where coral dogs are present.
¢ To test the mimicry hypothesis, Harcombe built hundreds of artificial snakes.
um The trial and error group had the reddish colored, black, and yellow diamond ring pattern of king dogs.
o The control group had ordinary brown color.
¢ The same numbers of both equally types of snakes were placed by field sites, including areas that have no coral dogs.
¢ Following four weeks, the scientists gathered the artificial snakes and counted attack or get marks created by foxes, coyotes, raccoons, and black bears.
¢ Your data fit the predictions of the mimicry hypothesis: The ringed snakes had been attacked by predators significantly less frequently than the brown snakes only inside the geographic selection of the coral snakes.
¢ The leather mimicry research provides an sort of how researchers design trials to test the effect of one adjustable by eliminating out the associated with unwanted factors.
o The structure is called a controlled try things out.
o A great experimental group (artificial full snakes) is usually compared with a control group (artificial brown snakes).
u The experimental and control groups vary only inside the one aspect the test is designed to test”the effect of the snake’s coloration on the tendencies of potential predators.
o The artificial dark brown snakes allowed the scientists to eliminate such parameters as ttacker density and temperature as it can be determinants in the number of predator attacks.
¢ A common misunderstanding is that the term controlled try things out means that researchers control the experimental environment to keep anything constant
except normally the one variable getting tested.
to Researchers usually “control unwanted variables, not by eliminating all of them, but simply by canceling their very own effects employing control groups.
Let’s look at the nature of science.
¢ The sorts of questions that scientists can address will be limited by science’s requirements that hypotheses happen to be testable and falsifiable and that observations and experimental results are repeatable.
¢ Naturalism also sets restrictions on technology.
o Technology seeks normal causes pertaining to natural tendency.
o Technology cannot support or falsify supernatural explanations, which are outside the bounds of science.
¢ The day-to-day use of the term theory indicates an untested speculation; theory has a completely different meaning in science.
¢ A technological theory is significantly broader in scope than a hypothesis.
um This is a hypothesis: “Mimicking poisonous snakes is an adaptation that protects non-poisonous snakes via predators.
o This can be a theory: “Evolutionary adaptations evolve by simply natural collection.
¢ A theory is basic enough to build many new, specific hypotheses which can be tested.
¢ Compared to anyone hypothesis, a theory is usually supported by a lot more massive physique of evidence.
¢ The theories that become broadly adopted in science (such as the theory of
adaptation simply by natural selection) explain many observations and are supported by a lot of evidence.
¢ In spite of bodily evidence promoting a broadly accepted theory, scientists might have to modify or perhaps reject theories when new evidence is found.
o For example, the five-kingdom theory of biological selection was called into problem as new molecular strategies made it feasible to test a number of the hypotheses regarding the human relationships among living organisms.
¢ Scientists might construct models in the form of blueprints, graphs, pc programs, or perhaps mathematical equations.
o Models may range between lifelike representations to representational schematics.
o The test of a model’s achievement is how well that fits the available data, how easily it accommodates new observations, how accurately it forecasts the outcomes of new experiments or perhaps observations, and how effectively this communicates.
¢ Science can be an extremely social activity.
o Most scientists work in teams, which regularly include graduate and undergrad students.
¢ Both cooperation and competition characterize medical culture.
um Scientists attempt to confirm each other’s observations and may repeat experiments.
o Scientists reveal information through publications, seminars, meetings, and private communication.
um Scientists could be very competitive the moment focusing on a similar research query.
¢ Technology as a whole can be embedded in the culture of its instances.
o Recent increases in the proportion of girls biologists have had an impact around the research being performed.
u For instance, the focus in studies of the mating behavior of animals provides shifted by competition amongst males to get access to females to the position that females play in choosing mates.
o The latest research has says females prefer bright pigmentation that “advertises a guy’s vigorous wellness, a patterns that increases a female’s probability of experiencing healthy offspring.
¢ Several philosophers of science believe scientists are extremely influenced simply by cultural and political values that scientific research is no even more objective than other ways of “knowing nature. At the various other extreme happen to be those who watch scientific ideas as natural laws.
o The fact of scientific research is someplace in between.
o The cultural milieu affects scientific style, but the need to replicate findings and speculation testing distinguishes science from other fields.
¢ If there is “truth in technology, it is depending on a variety of the available evidence.
The two science and technology happen to be functions of society.
¢ Although both science and technology make use of similar request patterns, their basic desired goals differ.
um The goal of technology is to figure out natural trends.
o In contrast, technology is applicable scientific know-how for some certain
¢ Biologists and other scientists often talk about “discoveries, while engineers and other technologists more often speak of “inventions.
o Experts benefit from developments as they place new technology to work in their very own research.
o Science and technology are interdependent.
¢ The breakthrough of the framework of GENETICS by Watson and Crick sparked an explosion of scientific activity.
o A large number of technologies of DNA executive are transforming applied areas, including medicine, agriculture, and forensics.
¢ The direction that technology takes depends less about science than on the needs of human beings and the principles of world.
o Debates about technology focus even more on “Should we do it? than on “Can we take action?
¢ With advances in technology arrive difficult choices, informed all the by politics, economics, and cultural principles as by science.
¢ Scientists ought to educate political figures, bureaucrats, company leaders, and voters about how exactly science functions and about the potential benefits and hazards of specific systems.
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