Unless otherwise stated, all of our customers are entitled to request and receive three free revisions for each of their orders.
Revision requests are only accepted for up to 10 days after the customer has received their completed work. Any revision requests that are submitted after this time will automatically be rejected.
Revisions are free only for those requests in which no requirement changes to the initial order have been made.
Our writers are permitted to revise their own work for up to a maximum of three times. If after three attempts the client still feels that their finished product is yet unsatisfactory, a request for revision by another writer is acceptable if the client so chooses.
Any legal disputes that have been initiated by the client will be considered null & void until the writer has been permitted to perform at least two revisions of their work.
All of our standard revision decisions are carried out by our management team, and depending on the details of the case, it may or may not be possible to simultaneously offer the client both a revision of the work, and the lowest cost.
We aim to provide our clients with the highest quality of work possible, and thus there is a minimum of 12 hours of time allotted for each revision, regardless of its status (whether urgent or otherwise). This is to ensure that our writers have enough time to be certain that no detail has been overlooked.
Refunds will not be given on the sole basis that the revised final product of the assignment was late in reaching the client.
Revisions will not be carried out if the client is currently disputing fees that they have paid or the overall cost of their order.