The loudspeaker is talking to someone “My dear” (perhaps his wife), the language and tone is very conversational. Each stanza intensifies the situation in the poem. The first stanza brings out the refugees will be homeless.

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Though there are thousands in the city all of whom have some kind of home but the refugees have got nowhere to go. In stanza 2, the couple cannot stay in all their country. It compares two living people who have the old yew tree. “Officially dead” means you cannot make passport. This section tells us the way the refugees want to get help.

The refugees cannot leave the country because of lack of passport and hence they can be described as officially dead, nevertheless they are without a doubt alive. The refugees will be treated coolly by the committee and authorities. They are nicely pushed aside but simply no real help is offered. At the public getting together with the speaker demonises the refugees since thieves.

This can be made to incite ordinary people to hate Jews. A metaphorical storm fractures over the complete of Europe continent while hitler paragraphs them to fatality. The strengthen of the final stanza is extremely bitter. The comparisons the poet uses are testimony to these; Family pet animals will be treated better then Jews. eg: “saw a Door opened and a cat allowed; … ” Fish are free and Parrots are free, Poet blames nazi regime for creating an environment by which natural things act far much better than individuals.

The poet person further uses cruel distinction. For elizabeth. g.: this individual has a imagine a huge building with many bedrooms for everybody except Jews. In the final stanza the poet enlightens a brightening long term for the Jews but now Jews will be hunted straight down by 1000’s of people.

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