Research from ‘Literature Review’ phase:

Bells was unarmed, yet the officials fired much more than 50 shots into his car” (2007, p. 46). Following a grand jury exploration of the occurrence, three from the five detectives who were engaged were charged for the shooting (Mayer, 2007). Relating to Mayer, “The occurrence is similar to a similar condition in New York in 1999, in which a West African street seller, Amadou Diallo, was slain when law enforcement officials shot in him 41 times. Diallo was likewise unarmed” (2007, p. 46). The fact these events occurred almost ten years apart and were not related was not the principal focus of the media insurance that joined them, and it is reasonable to assume that sensationalized media insurance of these and also other instances of police brutality just reinforce the perception for the American public that the police happen to be out of control.

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All this not to say, naturally , that police officers never participate in acts of brutality plus the use of abnormal force, but it really is to admit little interest is paid out to the countless police-citizen incurs that come about every year in america where police force authorities will be justified in using force – actually deadly push – nevertheless refrain from doing this at their own personal risk based on their particular high respect for citizens’ rights and the sanctity of human existence. This specific point is created by Elicker (2008) who also emphasizes that the statistics keep out just how restrained the authorities departments across the nation are within their use of push at all. Relating to Elicker, “Despite just how mass media shows the subject of police brutality, the occurrences of police use of force cases are not everything that common” (2008, p. 33).

Citing the results of a 1999 study sponsored by United States Doj based on the statistics from much more than seven thousands of arrests created by six diverse law enforcement firms in metropolitan settings wherein statistics had been collected concerning the use of force by and against law enforcement officers, Elicker information that, “There were simply 52 circumstances (or. 07%) where cops used weaponry in the detain. The use of weapons includes keep, knife, handgun, chemical agent, rifle/shotgun, automobile, canine, and other” (2008, p. 34). The effects of the Department of Justice study as well showed that police officers used one or a combination of weaponless strategies to result the police arrest in 12-15. 8% with the cases (Elicker, 2008). In respect to Elicker, “Weaponless techniques include catching, arm rotating, wrestling, pushing/shoving, hitting, stopping, biting/scratching, utilization of pressure hold, carotid carry, control keep, and other techniques. Grabbing was, by a huge margin, the most used weaponless tactic (12. seven percent or 954 cases), and then arm rotating (3. seven percent or two-hundred eighty-one cases), and wrestling (3. 1% or 233 cases)” (2008, s. 34).

While many observers may suggest that there is not any place in modern law enforcement to get “biting/scratching” and also the other weaponless tactics utilized by the police inside the Department of Justice study, the fact that they were utilized at all once other, even more harmful strategies were easily accessible makes it crystal clear that even if their lives are on the line, cops can and do resort to using their particular training and discipline instead of simply pulling out a gun and shooting a criminal think. In this regard, Elicker concludes that, “To some, these statistics could be surprising. They

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Category: Government,

Topic: Police officers,

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