How much does Abigail learn about the importance of the family? Go over how Ruth Park symbolizes her character types and suggestions about the family using (3) novel and vocabulary techniques In the novel Playing Beatie Bow by Ruth Park, the protagonist Abigail learns about the importance in the family. She’s a headstrong fourteen-year aged girl who has had difficulties in her own family, nevertheless she is transferred to the Dirt, 1873, and meets the Bow relatives, she knows her self-centered ways. Via her activities with them Abigail understands that in any situation every family member, including herself, need to demonstrate the main element elements of keeping a family together.

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These include love, forgiveness, support and understanding. Ruth Area uses a large number of techniques that illustrate the key theme of the novel how Abigail learns about the importance of the family. In Playing Beatie Bow Abigail learns that love and forgiveness are vital factors in keeping a family collectively. Abigail can be an unforgiving child, especially towards her divorced father and mother. To Abigail, her father was a king and the metaphor emphasizes just how much she adores him.

However , if her father went off with another lady, Abigail is so outraged that she hits him and refuses to forgive him. Abigail’s unloving attitude was causing the family to fall apart, and she knows this with sickish surprise when the lady meets the Bow family in 1873. Gibbie Bend is an ill young man; a self-important little monster to Abigail. The metaphor emphasizes Abigail’s dislike to get unlovable and obnoxious Gibbie, so when she realizes Dovey’s loyalty to the kid, her sleepless nights and endless patience, the girl with hit with embarrassed astonishment. The constant descriptive terminology emphasizes the shock Abigail feels the moment she recalls her own attitude to her family members compared to the loving and forgiving Bows.

The moment she results to her personal time, Abigail forgives her parents and realizes simply how much she really loves them. She displays appreciate and forgiveness which she gets learnt via her encounters with the Ribbon. Another lessons Abigail understands about the importance of the is that households support the other person in crisis. The Dirt in 1873 is a hazardous world where many perish from illnesses or conflict.

Abigail’s time is paradise compared with Beatie’s own time, and the metaphor emphasizes just how harsh the living conditions of 1873 will be. The Bows’ mother passed away Dovey, still a young female, devotes herself to the Ribbon and Abigail as if the lady were a mother. Mr.

Bow suffers mental problems due recollections of his wife’s death and when he drinks alcoholic beverages and should go mad he says: I dunno if I’m on brain or heels. The author contains the Scottish idiom to emphasise the Bows’ unsophisticated language as well as the confusion of Mister. Bow. He cannot perform his role as a daddy properly, therefore at fourteen years old Judah begins to make money as a sailor, looking after the family like a father. The Bows and in many cases Abigail depend on him and seem to absorb vitality by him.

Park has used the metaphor to show how trustworthy and supporting Judah is usually. Abigail understands from as well as joins within the Ribbon as they support each other from this cruel globe, each playing their role to keep the relatives together. Abigail learns the value of understanding in a friends and family from her experiences with all the Bow friends and family. When her father leaves, Abigail is actually wrapped up in her own problems to comfort her mother even though Kathy was as troubled.

The writer uses the metaphor to accentuate Abigail’s inconsideration towards others’ feelings. The precious Present is a great ability only Bows individual, and as Abigail has a part in protecting it, she’s kept via escaping 1873. At first the girl believes it is absolutely repulsive and will not stay, but since she feels nearer to the friends and family she begins to understand the significance of the Gift idea to the Ribbon.

Later Abigail plays her role by saving Gibbie and Dovey from bluish tongues of flame within a fire. The usage of personification from the flames focuses on the terrifying experience of the fire and Abigail’s will to risk her life in order to save Gibbie. By having to accept her role with the Gift, Abigail learns regarding understanding and being unselfish towards her family. In Playing Beatie Bow, Ruth Park demonstrates the lessons Abigail learns regarding the importance with the family. Even though she was selfish and unforgiving at the start of the new, through her experiences while using Bows Abigail learns to display the key elements in keeping a family together.

She learns how to like, forgive, support and figure out her friends and family, and this allowed her to mature and realize the importance of a friends and family.

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