1 ) My Advantages with a credit card balance of $5, 270. 00 and an (APR) of 12-15. 53 percent based upon my own conclusions and assuming there are no various other fees will be applied. Inside my report I took my balance of $5, 270 x 15. 53%= $818. 431. The utmost monthly payment would be $5, 270. 00+818. 43= $6, 088. 43. Had taken get this My spouse and i take the harmony + total interest sama dengan Total equilibrium. So to find the minimum payment per month take $6, 088. 43/12=$508. 00 minimum monthly payment. 1 . The amount of curiosity $818. 43 the amount of fascination less the quantity applied to decrease the principal which can be, 270.

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00. So that you take the interest $818. 43 -$508. 00 = 310. 43 the quantity to reduce the main. I have put a pie chart to demonstrate my examples.

5270| Total Balance| 5270|

818. 43| Total Interest| 818. 43|

6088. 43| M. Balance| 6088. 43|

This curry chart above shows Total balance & Total interest = Balance.

2 . The balance of my credit card is $535. ’07, my bare minimum monthly volume is determined by Repayments, purchases, cash advances, past due quantity, and fascination charged. My minimum mastercard payment is $53. 00. The amount of my personal minimum payment per month that goes toward interest is definitely.

36. The minimum monthly payment that goes toward the principal is usually $ 41. 64. The actual amount of my credit card is 1, 786. 00. 3. The terms of my bank cards or other revolving personal debt that the credit card company is definitely applying to my account happen to be Transfer costs, late repayment fees and cash advance charge if money with drawls exceed the key balance. We am certainly not receiving any kind of special level or no gross annual service charge for lack of exercise fee because of not using my card. four. The steps I will pay of my credit card debt off sooner are

Using my cards each month to use the minimum | Pay back my $1, 786. 00 balance| Wrap up paying an estimated total| $53. 00 bare minimum payment| 8 years| $2, 785. 00|

$62. 00 New payment| a few years| $ 2, 232. 00 (553. 00 savings). |

The chart above shows my personal credit card stability and it also displays my minimal payment and the years it might take to pay up my balance. To show how I got my personal estimated total my mastercard interest rate is 29. 99%. I took my total balance of $1, 786. 00 times 29. 99%= $463. 00 is my total interest. So in about 7 total years 2322. 00 x 463. 00= 2785. 00 total balance must be paid off. your five. The suggestions I can give concerning the make use of credit cards and the fees they will charge might you provide into a young mature planning on finding a credit card We would tell them that credit cards is good to have intended for emergencies (ask ville2013). The majority of teens manage to get through these years without permanent destruction.

If that they don’t, it can be generally as a result of three issues: addiction to cigarette, substance abuse or alcoholism and misuse of credit cards (ask ville2013). During my conclusion many credit card companies are targeting the consumers with not so good credit and providing their rates so high that it will take those years to pay the total amount off. Buyers should only use charge cards for urgent purposes only. Also consumers should also consider paying off the interest off early as possible. For routine buys you can use debit cards, which takes in money directly out of the checking account. When there is no additional money, the card stops working.


http://askville.amazon.com/advice-give-young-person-credit-cards/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=4858365- Retrieved January 25, 2013.


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Topic: Credit card, Credit cards,

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