George Orwell, Guantanamo Bay, Patriot Action, Satire

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Excerpt from Dissertation:

Orwell’s 1984

There are numerous similarities among Orwell’s 1984 and our world today. You could draw parallels between Emmanuel Goldstein as the Party’s personification of evil as well as the West’s interpretation of Rubbish bin Laden. The “War can be Peace” slogan is certainly visible in a lot of words in today’s Congress (which consists of numerous warmongers, supporters of “security” and “peace” through promo of the military-industrial complex). “Freedom is Slavery” is true enough for proponents of the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Take action, and other post-9/11 bills that violate city liberties in the name of “security, inch turning free citizens in slaves of a totalitarian State. Citizen’s “ignorance” is the California’s “strength, ” and the householder’s willingness to become docile pupils to the “two-minute hate” contacts on some of the major news networks or perhaps (Newsweek mag covers) makes it the perfect companions to Orwell’s Party members. In short, Orwell’s 1984 is the picture of your world today; this newspaper will go over the numerous ways in which this is so.

As Orwell describes in the essay “Politics and the The english language Language, ” one of the challenges of our community is the deliberate and unintended correlation among careless and imprecise key phrases and careless/imprecise thoughts. In 1984, the Party covers everything. Winston, for one, is usually not applauded by O’Brien for asking yourself the reality of life, incidents, history in line with the Party. On the contrary, Winston is beaten in submission and back into series, so to speak. The ominous menace of Space 101 (“Do anything to me!… But not Space 101! “) (Orwell, 2005, p. 295) is mirrored by today’s threat of indefinite detainment (without expenses or trial) at some off-shore facility like the one at Guantanamo Bay (our world’s “ministry of love”). If present law-abiding citizens accept with painful sheepishness the completing of new laws that seem more and more totalitarian, it is perhaps that they dread imprisonment in a similar manner that the deprived, skull-faced man who momentarily shares a cell with Winston concerns Room info. There can be nothing at all pleasant about standing up to a brutal, powerful regime. Winston learns to love Your government for the same explanation we today learn to love/accept our despair, our oppression, and each of our subservience to governmental squander, bureaucracy, cruelty and hypocrisy: there is nothing else to take its place.

Indeed, just as Much larger is everywhere in 1984, so too is monitoring in our globe. Our lives are monitored for the Internet, for the roads (with hidden digital cameras installed throughout major urban centers now), from your skies (with satellites), through our buys, our communications, our association. The line among a private existence and a public a lot more difficult to detect and as considerably as some individuals are concerned (those who go through, watch

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