There are plenty of beautiful cities and villages in the world. I would really prefer to visit a lot of them, to see with my own sight what I have got read or perhaps heard about. But there is no place like home. I love my personal native city and that’s why I have to tell you about this. The Polotsk land! It is a land of old legends and people’s traditions, blue lakes and fast estuaries and rivers, the exciting Lakeland of Belarus. This kind of land was populated most probably in the VII-V centuries N. C.

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In which period the Indo-European tribes, called the “Balts by the archaeologists, occupied the Dvina- river container. In the process of great people’s remigration, the Slavs came there from the Central Europe on the borderline with the VI and VII hundreds of years A. G., and the Slavonic spontaneity triumphed due to supplanting and retention of the Balts. The Slavonic tribe Krivichy settled straight down in the huge territories, specifically in the Dvina-river side, their very own tribal bijou played the paramount function in development of the Belarusian State program.

The hub of the stated alliance was Polotsk. The princes, who also represented community dynasties ruled there around the V century A. D. Polotsk sprang through to the American Dvina offshoot of the world superb mercantile underwater route “from the Varangians to the Greeks that beneficially linked the lands of Polotsk plus the Baltic, Scandinavian, Gothic shores and the Black Sea container states, and also with a isolated Arabic Caliphate.

The lives of Polotsk was to be the Western road crossing, the conference point from the western and the eastern cultures, the passageway of traditional and ethnical traditions, where the mutual affect of the Russian, Baltic, Shine, Hebraic and Belarusian matters was certainly felt over the centuries, getting the aspect that predestined the unique social and spiritual milieu.

The inspiration date of Polotsk, the most ancient associated with Belarus and Eastern Slavs, is ultimately considered the date or it is first talking about in the ancient Slavonic Explain “The Narratives about Temporary Ages almost in 862, in relation to area assignation applied by the legendary prince Rurikh to his warrior sujet. Among the designated towns Polotsk was pointed out as well. The Chronicle will remind that the Krivichy Slavs settled on the lake Polota and assumed the name Polotchane. The lake Polota gave the name to the city.

The annals mention the town Polotesk, Poltesk, or perhaps ” in respect Scandinavian devise ” Pallteskiuborg, Plateskia. At first, the negotiation founded by the Balts was located on the hills close to the lake Polota, 800 m from the place where Polota dropped into the Western Dvina, the site of historical settlement protected less than 1 hectare, and the entire non-fortified town occupied about 6 hectares. Within the last quarter from the X century the royal prince Rogvolod, who had been independent of Kiev and Novgorod, governed the town of Polotsk.

He was the 1st prince of Polotsk, stated in the stories, whose personal significance was stressed while using following explain words: “He held the lands of Polotsk and ruled them. By the time, Polotsk had expanded into the center of the Principality ” the first express in the Belarusian lands where an independent empire of Polotsk princes was governing for two and a half decades. In the times of Rogvolod, the Principality of Polotsk was quite strong, and became the cradle of the Belarusian state system, culture and spirituality, the first historical motherland of the Belarusians.

The Explain also told the events that occurred approximately in 980. The Svyatoslaviches ” the princes Yaropolk of Kiev and Vladimir or Novgorod, being at enmity with each other pertaining to the tub of Kiev, were looking for backing or the Polotsk knight in shining armor Rogvolod, they are all asked in marriage his beautiful daughter Rogneda. Rogvolod preferred to stop interference in this dissension. Rogneda favoured the match-makers of Yaropolk and rejected Vladimir’s proposal informing proudly: “I don’t wish to consider bondman’s sneakers off, and people of Yaropolk I do, that sounded like attaque for the prince Vladimir who was from the mixed bloodstream.

In response to negative response of Rogvolod and Rogneda, all the Northern Russia, having anticipated these kinds of events, pennyless out against Polotsk. Vladimir with the huge host attacked Polotsk, used up and sacked it. Rogvolod, his partner and their two sons had been killed, Rogneda, Rogvolod’s recalcitrant daughter, was forced to end up being the wife of Vladimir. These with his web host occupied the Grand-Prince throne of Kiev, Rogneda became one of his wives. She was not capable of forgive Vladimir for his perpetration against her and her family members, and had the courage to murderous attack, but her intent failed.

Vladimir, who had been furious, expatriate Rogneda and their son Isyaslav to their ancestral lands in which he had built the town Isyaslav (Zaslavl). Isyaslav initiated the revival with the Polotsk. Isyaslav’s son Bryachislav, who was regulating in Polotsk in the second half of the XI century, could reinforce his power also to oppose strongly to Kiev. The Principality of Polotsk restored it is independence. After the town nearby the Polota-river had been destroyed by the prince Vladimir of Novgorod, construction from the citadel were only available in a new place.

Such fresh site took on be more beneficial from the protection angle, when it was the place where the Polota fell into the Western Dvina. The highland of more than on the lookout for hectares area was completely closed with water, later on it was known as the Substantial Castle. The citadel was under structure for several hundreds of years, and it turned out an management and politics centre right up until the XVII century. The citadel was reinforced with wooden wall surfaces, towers, between water. The wooden retraite have not survived out formerly, stone kinds have never persisted in Polotsk.

The town continued its growing into a huge commercial hub of the Krivichy Slavs for the Western Dvina. The cargo shipping tracks “from the Varangians for the Greeks written for its advancement. The Polotsk residents dominated over the vast length of this kind of route, and since the XIII century Polotsk has become a part of a commercial Hanse-Union and the key partner of Hanse inside the basin in the Western Dvina till the XVII 100 years, being linked to active business with Rango and German born cities.

The Principality of Polotsk entered into its gold age in the XI 100 years under the illustrious prince Vseslav Bryachislavich, named “the Wizard by people. He ascended the tub at twelve to fifteen, and was governing for 57 lengthy years. He went down in history as famous eastern-Slavonic politics figure, became of the heroes of an Aged Slavonic literary work “The Word of Igor’s Regiment. Many years had been spent by Vseslav in order to win freedom of the Principality of Polotsk from Kiev.

In the second half of the XI century the lands of Polotsk come to the Bay of Linea, and Minsk was a great outpost for the south border of the Principality. In the IX-X and especially in the XI-XII centuries the Principality of Polotsk became the enormous and strong state composition in the terrain of Central and North-East Belarus. This initiated formatted of the Belarusian State program, unity of its personal, economical and ethnic framework. That remote past gave beginning to pre-image of the Belarusians as a land that became aware of it is political and cultural significance.

Under the knight in shining armor Vseslav the Wizard, the majestic Sophia Cathedral was constructed inside the Upper Fort of the Principality’s capital-city. The Greek word “Sophia means “wisdom, mastery. Our forefathers interpreted that meaning much deeper: as a enormous human community, manifestation of unity of population from the Principality. At the end of the By century The Christianity come to the countries of Polotsk from Byzantium, together with a brand new faith as well the combination vaulting dome design of wats or temples was implemented.

The cathedrals were developed by the craftsmen from Polotsk and Byzantium, who utilized plinthos ” flat stones, and difficult rubbles. The brickwork and masonry technique was a classical Byzantine “dipped course, when ever every second course was hidden ” “deepened in to the wall and rubbed with cemianka ” lime mortar with fortification of grounded plinthos. These kinds of technique started to be traditional for Polotsk structures in the XI and XII centuries. The Cathedral was mighty in proportions: 26. 4 m size, 31. five m size, and thirty-one m level. It had five, and later seven tops (according to different causes of data).

Their interior was decorated with frescos in the second half of the XI hundred years. Erection on this mighty Cathedral in Polotsk was not an indication of positioning toward the powerful friends and neighbors but rather a gesture of confrontation, rivalry and parity with Kiev and Novgorod. In old times, the Sophia Tall represented not only a religious hub ” it had been the place for reception with the ambassadors, placing your signature to commercial contracts, declaration of war and peace, bringing up the princes to the tub, safe keeping of the princes` jewellery, and depositing the library founded by the prince Isyaslav.

Today one will certainly hardly identify the Cathedral built in the XI hundred years. It was demolished, burnt, reconstructed more than once. The gravest demolition dated to the North war, if the cathedral was converted into the gunpowder and military standard depot by the order of the Russian Tsar Peter I. In 1710 the powder exploded, as well as the Cathedral was heavily broken. Its renovation from 1738 till 1750 was guided by Florian Grebnitsky, the Uniate archbishop, the Cathedral was reconstructed according to Vilensky or perhaps late Belarusian Baroque flavor.

This flavor originated from Italy and became widely spread inside the territory in the great Lithuanian Duchy. Baroque, if converted from German, means “luxuriant, ornate, beautiful, irregular. The creators from the Cathedral from the XVIII hundred years were the brilliant staff who proved helpful wonders: Yan Krishtoph Glaubits, the recorded of Vilna, and M. Kosinsky coming from Warsaw, the Master of “Arts in construction and plasterwork. The Sophia was a Uniate tall for 243 years.

Specifically there, inside the sanctuary of the Uniates, the ecclesiastical synod signed the deed of Union liquidation on the 12th February 1839. The Uniates have cared for the vestiges of the Christian sanctuary with great care and injected them organically into a new temple, that reigns happily over the town being it is visiting greeting card even today. Currently a Museum of Structures of the XI-XVIII centuries and a live performance hall of organ and chamber traditional music will be functioning inside the Sophia Cathedral. The interior with the Cathedral impresses with its Baroque and Irrégulier decoration, rich gild ornamentation.

Magnificent will be the altar out dated back to the XVIII century, tempera piece of art “The Last Supper more than holy gates, alto-relievo “Trinity of the New Testament. The altar apse, dated back in the XI century, is most impressive, for being an organic mix of the aspects of ancient Sophia and its alteration into the defence-type cathedral in the XV-XVI hundreds of years, rebuilding from the XVIII 100 years, and the restorers efforts of the 70th-80th in the XX hundred years. The inlayed rubble, with suppositional autograph names with the builders from the XI hundred years inscribed, has always been intact which is today a museum display.

The history u f the Sophia of Polotsk hasn’t yet arrive to the end. Here the first organ phonation merges with inspired operate of architectures and painters from several epochs over a sublime a harmonious relationship. After the death of the prince Vseslav the Wizard, the Polotsk gets were divided between his sons in the XII century. Like most Eastern Slavonic lands, Polotsk experienced the feudal division at that time. Metropolitan boyar and merchant groupe gained power, and the prince power corroded. At that time living of the Veche-government, i. e. ssembly of totally free citizenry (from the word vershit ” to rule), was typical of Polotsk. The Veche has been the principal power of Polotsk right up until 1498 when the Magdeburg right was awarded to the city. The Veche occured near the Sophia Cathedral. Even though the vital problems, the ballots were not measured: the intensity of common shouting (hubbub) was enough to determine the plaudits or disapproval of people. Industry that people of the “majority dived down the throats of those from your “minority with the hats or fists.

The Veche limited the power of the princes but is not abolished that absolutely. The Polotsk residents showed their devotion towards the prince friends and family by electing the princes from the regional dynasty. At that time in Polotsk the stone architecture, portrait, applied art were for their top, the written language was developing ” subsequently an essential political and cultural knowledge was contributed to the Great Land of Lithuania. The Polotsk architecture university experienced their utmost conquer in the XII century.

Aesthetic ideals of Byzantium were developed generally there, the Western influence was also present. The traditions of the historical Slavs may not be pictured completely without the elucidative efforts of Euphrossinia of Polotsk, the enlightener. Becoming a daughter with the local prince, a granddaughter of Vseslav the Sorcerer, and a great-great granddaughter of the peer-apostle prince Vladimir Predslav, she took the veil and was given the name of Euphrossinia. She was a well-educated woman for all those tomes, used to translate coming from Greek, talked Latin, and was a writer of peculiar items.

Being aware of relevance of the Christian dogma, your woman founded two convents in Polotsk, below which educational institutions, scriptoria in making clean replications of biblical books had been opened. One of many convents that dates back towards the XII 100 years and provides survived so far ” the Savior-Euphrossinia Convent, cherishes the enlightenment traditions and is the centre of spiritual life of Polotsk dwellers. The relics of Euphrossinia relax under the protection of the Convent. She proceeded pilgrimage to Jerusalem to the coffin of Jesus, and there she died.

Her relics were conveyed to Kiev inside the XII 100 years, and taken off to Polotsk only in 1910. In Euphrossinia’s require Ioan (the architect of Polotsk) built the St . Saviour Transfiguration Church inside the XII hundred years. The House of worship has become the top or structures conception of Polotsk, the pearl in the Polotsk structures school, the bright embodiment of the ethnical heritage of Polotsk dwellers and mental wealth of the Belarusian land. Having endured minor reconstructing in the XIX century, actually nowadays this impresses with its architecture and balanced blending with the environment.

Inside the St Saviour Évolution Church there are the frescos dated to the XII century: creative remake of Byzantium arme, converging with monumental portrait of Novgorod, as well as mental intensity and emotionality perfect representation of faces with the Saints. The applied art masterpiece of that period was your Patronal Combination of Euphrossinia of Polotsk created by jeweler Lazar Bogsha about Euphrossinia’s demand. In its plique-a-jour manufacture technique the get across does not deliver to Byzantium patterns of that period.

The of this sacral sacred factor bears a solid resemblance to a detective account. At the beginning of the fantastic Patriotic Battle it faded mysteriously in the storerooms. The search from the national almost holy thing provides produced not any encouraging benefits hitherto. Nikolay Kuzmich, the talented Belarusian master, re-created the Combination of the XII century in its image and likeness, and presented this gift to Polotsk. The Ark-Cross has changed into a symbol of rebirth and consolidation with the nation, embodiment of our repentance, hope and love.

The memorial to Euphrossinia the enlightener of Polotsk was erected in the centre of the city in 2000. In the XII century, the written vocabulary was developing rapidly in Polotsk. The inscriptions around the Cross of Euphrossinia of Polotsk, the so-called “Stone of Boris are the image evidence of this fact. One of such enormous boulders with all the cross incuse and the inscription dated returning to the XII century is positioned in the Uppr Castle because the batiment to epigraphy, i. electronic. the written language. In the XIII century, the Polochane were battling against A language like german crusaders encroachment on the Principality lands.

The Tartar-Mongols endangered from the East. Having identified itself involving the two aggressive forces, the Slavdom recommended the idea of debt consolidation. But by middles from the XIII 100 years the middle of political life from the Belarusian place has out of place to Novogrudok where a new power arose ” the fantastic Duchy of Lithuania, The ussr, Zhemayts and also other lands (GDL). In 1307 Polotsk produced a part of the Duchy that is our mother country for 2 and a half generations. The regiments of Polotsk ” gonfalons ” took part in in the struggle of Grunwald with the Teutonic Order in 1410.

In 1498 the grand knight in shining armor Alexander approved to Polotsk the Rental of Autonomy under the Magdeburg right, adopted by the Western european cities. The city hall was constructed in Polotsk in those days, and the community was ruled by the Justice of the peace. In addition to the Magdeburg right Polotsk was awarded its initial emblem: a three-master dispatch in full cruise against the green background in silver normal water. The Europe entered the Renaissance. That was the time of epoch-making geographical discoveries, peak of famous painters, enlighteners and prophets.

A little afterwards, the concept of the Renaissance reached also the lands of Polotsk. Francisk Skoryna, our renowned dweller of Polotsk, who built a girt to his people: the printed Holy book in the language close to Belarusian ” were living and worked well at that period. As a individual who got his education inside the Krakow School, was naturally the academic degree of a Doctor of Medicine in the Padoa University of Italy. He assimilated the idea of the Western european Renaissance, recognized the significance from the printed expression for enlightenment of common people.

He cared for the Holy bible as a supply of extensive expertise, therefore he devoted himself to book printing. His first publication ” the Psalter converted from the Czech language, was published in Prague in 1517. Inside the period from 1517 to 1519in Prague he has published 23 books or perhaps the Old Legs in the Belarusian version in the Church Slavonic language. Incorporation of the Belarusian language in the books from the Holy Scripture revealed their unlimited potential in all spheres of spiritual life, increased it for the same level with the historic classical dialects such as Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

In such Skoryna’s books the actual Belarusian dialect of that time was present. Skoryna proceeded with printing in Vilna where he published the Short Wandering Book plus the Apostle in years 1522 to 1525. the literature of the Belarusian printing leader belong to everyone, they are of inestimable perceptive value, such as the unfortunately, to get the time present there is not a single Skoryna’s publication on his Motherland, the historic Polotsk. The best way to seeds sowed by Skoryna was made by the East Slavonic traditions.

His suggestions and his life-work were kept on by Simon Budny and Basil Tyapinsky in Weißrussland, Maxim Greck and Ivan Fedorov inside the Moscow Electrical power, Gerasim Smotritsky and Stephan Berinda inside the Ukraine. In 1974 the monument to Skoryna was erected in the native community of Polotsk: Skoryna was sculptured within a scholar mantle with a book in his hand. The peaceful life or the Polotsk-dwellers was disrupted by Livonia War. In the course of the war in 1563, the Moscow tsar Ivan the Terrible occupied the town after having a long siege, sacked it, enslaved and led away to the Russian cities a lot more than 11 1, 000 of the Polotsk-dwellers.

The Livonia War was your war of Polotsk. The Russian tsar gave an order to secure the town. At that particular time the Straight down Castle of 6 hectares area was constructed near to citadel. The internet site was enclosed with an earth-wall known as from individuals times the Wall of Ivan the Terrible. It absolutely was of zero importance as being a defensive set up, and today it properly blended together with the landscape from the town. In the 60s with the XX hundred years the athletic centre named Spartak was constructed right now there. After the community had been captured by the website hosts of Ivan the Horrible, Polotsk was a part of the Moscow Power during 16 years.

However , The fantastic Duchy of Lithuania plus the lands of Polotsk entered into Rzeczpospolita following the Union of Lublin in 1569. Stefan Batory, who was ascended the royal tub in 1576, declared the martial Abra edict to take possession of Polotsk, the “key to Livonia and Lithuania itself. In August 1579 the multilingual forty thousand sponsor of Batory besieged the town. The Moscow warriors capitulated after the bi weekly bloody fight. Once and for all Polotsk lost the library with the Sophia Cathedral, which was swindled both by the Moscow players and Batory’s hosts.

Simply by that time Polotsk and its borders have become therefore depopulated which the peasants from Mogilev province were required for completion of the fortification building. The witnesses recorded a disastrous ruin: there was a desert terrain at 50 km from the town. Polotsk experienced certain ascents in the course of time, but the town experienced never retrieved its former reputation, resplendence and eminence. The rspectable life-work of Francisk Skoryna was maintained by the another well known compatriot ” Simeon of Polotsk (Samuel Petrovsky-Sitnyanovich). He went down in history as a Belarusian and Russian author, playwright, enlightener and philosopher.

By the ideology, he was an supporter of unification of Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and the increased part of his life was spent by him in Orthodox Moscow. He founded a seglar printing-house inside the Kremlin, branded the ABC book, and wrote poems. The man of Baroque epoch, he arranged the compared to lines while geometrical numbers: a legend, cross, rhombus and heart-shape. In Moscow he elaborated his task of the first higher education business in Spain, stood at the cradle with the Russian cinema for which he wrote performs, was a instructor of children with the tsar’s relatives.

His graceful translations “The Psalters, release of “Vertograd Multiflorous ” a unusual encyclopedia of all time, geography and zoology helped bring fame to him. Feverish activity of Simeon of Polotsk fell in the second half of the XVII 100 years. Having got his education at Kiev-Mogilyanskaya Collegium, in the University of Vilna, he lived and worked as a teacher in a members school under the Epiphany Monastery. The Monastery, founded in the XVI 100 years, was a middle of the Orthodox congregation of Polotsk that served being a manifest of opposition of the Belarusians to Catholicism affect.

The members activities acquired rather nationwide and patriotic than religious nature. The congregation completed the elucidative mission, opened schools, theatres, a creating house, branded literary and publicist functions. When Polotsk formed part of Rzeczpospolita inside the XVI 100 years, the representatives of various Catholic Orders began construction of Roman-Catholic chapels and monasteries in there. The monks from the Jesuit order drew Polotsk into the field of their actions.

Neither fire no blade and inquisition were employed by Jesuits pertaining to the Pope’s chair debt consolidation: they created the foremost education system in Europe for the people times, exposed the chemist’s shops, hospitals. They set up the Jesuit Collegium in Polotsk, erected the Saint Roman-Catholic House of worship in the centre with the town and consecrated it in 1745. That Roman-Catholic Church, created according to baroque preference combined with irrégulier components under direct effect of the North Italian traditions, formed the oriented distinctive line of the central square.

The Church home was embellished with stucco moulding and unique device of the German painter Salvatore Rosa (Rosatti). Simon Chekhovich, the Belarusian painter took part in in the set up of the chancel. The body organ by Dominico Casparani was installed in the Church, the bells as well as the chiming time clock by Gustav Mundi were fixed within the church systems. The Jesuit Collegium dates back to the 1581. At that time this looked like a united system ensemble. The Jesuit Schools, established on the Collegium basis and assigned the legal rights of a university or college, has been working since 1812.

The most famous professors worked inside the precincts of this educational business, such as: Matt Kazimir Sorbevsky, the Latin scholar, poet and philosopher, Kazimir Koyalovich, the public speaker, Martin Pochobut Adlenitsky, anybody of encyclopaedic knowledge, Sigizmund Lauksmin, the rhetoric instructor, Andrey Zhebrovsky, Professor of architecture, Maxim Voicekhovsky, the author of the manual of Ancient greek. In the last quarter of the XVIII century, following interdict of the Jesuit buy in Europe, Jesuits from all over the world put there.

Polotsk has become the capital of the Christ community for the period of 40 years. The town experienced one other upturn, become an perceptive capital of Europe. The Russian federal government treated the Academy being a powerful hub of clerical opposition. Therefore , the Senior high was closed down by order from the Russian tsar Alexander My spouse and i, Jesuits were expelled through the country, as well as the Academy building devolved within the higher piarum school, which was also sealed down in 1830. The property was sacked barbarously.

The destiny in the Saint Stephan Roman-Catholic House of worship was dramatic. It was re-consecrated to the Orthodox Nicholas Cathedral, which also suffered vandalism of the government bodies. It was shut down together with the Sophia Cathedral in 1921, in addition to 1964 it absolutely was destroyed. The exterior form is known owing to Napoleon Orda’s drawing, and from photographs. The Collegium buildings of the Academy were converted into armed forces school that had existed for 83 years beginning since 1835. More than a few thousand of graduates ” the future officials of the tsar’s army, got their education there.

Most notable there were: Andrey Potebnya, among the leaders with the revolt in Poland, Roman Kondratenko, the defender of Port-Arthur, Dmitry Kaygorodov, the naturalist via Polotsk, Paul Stabrovsky, the historian and archaeologist, Tulsi and Mikhail the Semevskys, the Russian historians, Oleg ” the son of the grand royal prince Konstantin Konstantinovich, Alexander Stepanov, the author in the historical book Port-Arthur, and others. At the very beginning if the XXI century, a brief history of those buildings found their unexpected continuation in a new capacity: the State University of Polotsk is working presently there.

One of the property gave protection to the Art Gallery where works of excellent arts, graphics, sculpture, disciplines and crafts represent flawlessly the artsy life of the ancient area. The device of Sophia Cathedral dated back to the XVIII century are the pearls of the imaginative and spiritual heritage. The first label of Rzeczpospolita, cause separation of Polotsk in to two parts: the center of the community passed to Russia, plus the area near to the Dvina-river remained a part of Belgium for a particular time. If the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte declared war on Russia, the French and Russian website hosts went through the lands of Polotsk.

The location was occupied by the People from france marshal Oudino on the fourteenth July 1812. Not far from Polotsk the retreating Russian owners went into action against the The french language invaders targeting in the direction of Petersburg, the general Jacob Kulnev started to be famous and perished being a hero in that action. That battle near Polotsk near to Klyastitsy community was the first outstanding success of the Russian hosts inside the campaign of 1812. In October the raging battles for Polotsk started. The battle on the bridge across the Polota was especially fierce. The eyewitnesses described that in the morning in the 7th August the link was completely covered with blood.

Since that time, for almost 2 hundred years, it has been called the Red bridge. In 75 a new connection was constructed, its design and style reminds of these events. The first Russian revolution of 1905 and the October innovation in 1917 greatly motivated the life of Polotsk dwellers. In 1917 the Soviet power began in Polotsk. The Great Devoted War still left the deepest traces inside the history of the town: 96% of computer was damaged, every third citizen of Polotsk perished. The town over the Dvina was occupied by the Hitler soldiers on the 16th July 1941.

The nazi organized 3 concentration camps in that small town, where 150 thousands of of people among the Polotsk dwellers, war-prisoners and people of various other regions perished during the three severe a lot of occupation. Polotsk was liberated by the soldiers of the 1st Baltic The front. The Guardsmen commanded by Alexander Grigoriev displayed valour from the initially days of liberating battles. They will crossed a wooden bridge under a hurricane of fire of the enemy, reached the hub of the area and captured a bridgehead on the correct bank of the Dvina. The soldiers perished having guaranteed river-crossing by simply considerable liberation forces.

The memorial created by Lev Oganov, the sculptor from Novopolotsk, was constructed at the place where the incidents have occurred. Polotsk was separated on the fourth July 1944. “Lifeless, uninhabited the media wrote during those times. The town was rebuilt in a short post-war period: the fact that Polotsk was the capital of the place during five post war years written for its quicker rebuilding. Polotsk today is actually a district centre subordinated for the Vitebsk location authorities. Corporations of substance, metalworking, meals, meat and diary sectors are performing there.

The products of the enterprises of Polotsk such as agricultural machines and equipment intended for livestock breeding and fodder plants, engines, glass fibers cloth, snowboarding poles and fishing fishing rods, furniture, ready-made garments, ethnic and household articles ” are well regarded far beyond the range of Weißrussland. The town is promoting beyond identification for the recent ten years. The National History and Culture Reserve of Polotsk is functioning right now there: over 15 its museums occupy a fitting put in place the social life in the town. The ancient Polotsk has refurbished the customs of their theatre. There is a University and four technical colleges in the area.

The repairing of the Protection of the Ay Blessed Virgin mobile Church (blown up in 1963) was a remarkable event inside the spiritual your life of the Polotsk-dwellers. The church buildings of other confessions had been built generally there: the Roman-Catholic Church consecrated to st Andrey Bobolya, the Old Idea Church in the Blessed Virgin mobile Assumption, the Temple of Saint Paraskeva of Polotsk belonging to the Greco-Latin community, three Protestant churches are operating in Polotsk. Each admission has left its traces inside the history and culture of Polotsk. The catholic churches and monasteries once were of importance intended for formation in the urban factor.

But today they are really recalled as being a lost history. The region of Polotsk provides retained the profound strata of nationwide culture, rampacked over hundreds of years with the traditions of the nearby neighbours. The lands of Polotsk had been called the cradle from the Dvina-side materials. The custodians of celebrity and spiritual strength with this land will be the contemporary pen-masters: Iryna Dorofeichuk, Lera Och, Herman Kirillov, Nadezhda Solodkaya, Zmitrok Kunitsky, Nadezhda Ermak, Victor Leonenya, Pavel Nizkovsky, the innovative group of the Free Literati Union went by Ales Arkush, the poets of “Polotsk Branch Literati Union.

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