Ocean going, Military, Hellenistic, Marine Corps

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#@@#@![footnoteRef: 24] in the Archaic Period, Ancient Greece’s initial maritime power was critical but as well “sporadic. inches[footnoteRef: 25] Throughout the Classical Period, Athens in particular “pursued an insurance policy of naviero imperialism”[footnoteRef: 26] and this Period saw the development of “siege warfare” in which the Greeks – particularly the Athenians – developed the skills to wage-war on the available sea.[footnoteRef: 27] in the Hellenistic Period, the scope of warfare was enlarged considerably, as whole areas of land were at this point in question. Consequently, there was an “ancient naval forearms race”[footnoteRef: 28] in which several kings increasing beyond Greece fought pertaining to control of landmass Greece, destinations of the Aegean, western Chicken and the southern area of Syria.[footnoteRef: 29] [21: EH. Net and C. Michael Hogan. “Economy of Ancient Portugal. ” www.eoearth.org Web site. May 1, 2010. http://www.eoearth.org/article/Economy_of_Ancient_Greece (accessed January 18, 2013). ] [22: Chester G. Starr. The Affect of Ocean Power upon Ancient Background. New York, NY: Oxford School Press, Incorporation., 1989, several. ] [23: Ibid., 6. ] [24: Ibid., almost 8. ] [25: Starr, almost eight. ] [26: Simon Hornblower. “Greece: A history of the Traditional Period. inch In the Oxford History of Portugal the Hellenistic World, by John Boardman, Jasper Griffin, Oswyn Murray, 142-176. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc., 1986, 151. ] [27: Ibid., 163. ] [28: Claire Price. “The History of the Hellenistic Period. ” Inside the Oxford Great Greece the Hellenistic World, by Ruben Boardman, Barioler Griffin, Oswyn Murray, 364-389. New York, BIG APPLE: Oxford College or university Press, Incorporation., 1986, 374. ] [29: Ibid., 376. ]

The Mediterranean was as well highly important towards the Romans.[footnoteRef: 30] in contrast to the Greeks, however , the Romans built a comprehensive, paved highway system that made land travel much easier, physically combined Italy and helped focus power. Both roman access and power was far more well balanced, Rome did not need to control the sea in order to conquer and Romans counted more heavily than do the Greeks on terrain forces.[footnoteRef: 31] Nevertheless, Rome built up an imperial navy that was effective against such dangers as piracy,[footnoteRef: 32] was well-balanced and lasted essentially through the lifestyle of the disposition.[footnoteRef: 33] the Roman imperial navy remained such an important force that when the disposition finally droped, the overcoming forces arrived by area rather than by simply sea.[footnoteRef: 34] Comparing the warfare fought by Greeks and Romans, the Both roman mastery from the land allowed it to get a far more balanced land/sea armed forces than the Greeks, who were forced to rely intensely on naval forces. [30: Starr, pp. 7-8. ] [31: Ibid., s. 8. ] [32: Ibid., p. 73. ] [33: Ibid., g. 68. ] [34: Ibid., p. 7. ]

3. Query #3: Evaluate the Performance with the British Hoheitsvoll Navy and French Navy blue in the Battle for American Independence

The British Navy’s performance was less effective compared to the French Navy’s performance through the American Trend. Despite the novelty, recency and weak point of the American Continental Navy blue, Captain David Paul Smith captured the HMS Drake on April 24, 1778, the HMS Serapis on September twenty three, 1779 and successfully assaulted British port of Whitehaven in 1778,[footnoteRef: 35] triggering the United kingdom to refocus some initiatives to shoring up their own jacks due to their surprising vulnerability.[footnoteRef: 36] in addition , personal Continental ships seized a huge selection of British boats during the battle.[footnoteRef: 37] Italy entered the War in 1778, not merely to aid American independence yet also to serve its own interests simply by driving The united kingdom from the West Indies and forcing The uk to dedicate forces, which include naval forces, in the The english language Channel. In 1779, by simply joining forces with Spain plus the Americans, french Navy forced dedication of some English forces to securing the English Funnel.[footnoteRef: 38] the combined work of these overseas navies required Britain to adjust its moves and share of causes, spreading the naval forces too thin.[footnoteRef: 39] in addition , The french language naval makes captured English ships and troops, and invaded United kingdom strongholds in North America.[footnoteRef: 40] Finally, about October 18, 1781, French naval causes succeeded in blockading British forces led by George Cornwallis in Yorktown, Va, leading to Cornwallis’ surrender and peace discussions.[footnoteRef: 41] in sum, french Navy was highly effective and significantly contributed to American freedom by object rendering the English Royal Navy far less successful. [35: N. A. M. Rodger. The Command of the Ocean: A Naviero History of Britain. New York, BIG APPLE: W. T. Norton Business, Inc., 2006

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