The Giant retail outlet was a basic grocery store food market in one of the and surrounding suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. It was founded by Teng family members in season 1944. Big Hypermarket is usually owned by Giant Capital Holdings (GCH) and it is one of many largest hypermarkets in Malaysia. It’s headquarter is located by Shah Alam, Selagor. In the mean time Sabah-Sarawak-Brunei Local headquarter is situated in Kolombong Wall socket, Kota Kinabalu. The first Giant Supermarket store was opened in Shah Alam, Selangor in 1999. The company got grown to control a total of 86 hypermarkets in Malaysia with its outlet size ranging from the 350, 000 square feet (33, 000 m2) hypermarket in Shah Alam to the 11, 000 sq ft (1, 000 m2) superstore in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur in 2006.

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In addition to this, the sequence also includes 6th stores in Singapore and 17 hypermarkets in Philippines. Giant hypermarkets offer a wide range of local products, such as clean local fruits, vegetables, and seafood within a wet industry environment. The main element people to the achievements of Giant Hypermarket are the owner itself who may be Teng Friends and family themselves, and Dato’ John Coyle which is the CEO of this business


Big brand provides its customers with constant quality and the best value merchandise for money they offer.

Their most items are acquired and developed locally taking into consideration Malaysia’s large quantity in terms of natural material and in addition manufacturing establishments. Giant manufacturer features special yellow and green presentation which will be instantly recognizable and in addition dependable. All of their products will be backed by top quality guarantee and the prizes are competitively in the category. All Giant Brand products are available in all Giant hypermarkets and supermarkets

In Malaysia, Big is associated with day-to-day low prices, big variety and great value and recognised for providing the most vibrant, comfortable and shopping environment Giant, which usually turned 65 in 2009, initiated the concept of contemporary supermarket shopping ” ordering everyday food, fresh develop and new foods underneath one roofing and in a hygienic environment. As the pioneer, Giant sets the pace and standards for the industry with innovative

advertising, store style and merchandise pricing and variety. Checklist of accolades for the large brand keeps growing. Inter brand ranked Giant as Malaysia’s 11th Most effective Brand in 2007, and 2008, the 12th Best Brand. Huge was awarded the Top Retailer in Malaysia and The best in Asia Pacific Retailers’ Award intended for 2 consecutive years in 2007 and 2008. Various other awards earned in 08 include: – ¢The Ideal Brands in Consumer (Hypermarkets), The Brand Laureate Award 2007/2008 for Corporate and business Branding. ¢Excellence Service Quality Award inside the 7th Asia Pacific Worldwide Entrepreneur Quality Award


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