Tiger Woods, Cultural Pluralism, Self Reliance, Pluralism

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Excerpt from Motion picture Review:

Joy Fortune Club and American Lifestyle

Section A single (1-2 passage summary). Present and sum up the main story of the motion picture. Describe the key story and characters engaged. To do this in 1-2 paragraphs, you will need to become brief and focus on the main events inside the movie.

The Joy Luck Golf club (1993) was based on Amy Tan’s 1989 novel and deals with concerns of traditions, assimilation and generation disputes between a group of four China mothers and the Americanized children. All four females in the membership had emigrated from China for the U. H. after World War II, and achieved after chapel to play Chinese mahjong every week. In reality, that were there little delight or good fortune, and no targets, only the wish that youngsters would have better lives than theirs. An-mei Hsu and her little girl Rose had been often incompatible over her American husband Ted Test, who was rich, and the fact that she regarded Rose as too weakened and passive. Lindo Jong has a little girl named Waverly, who was a childhood mentally stimulating games prodigy right up until she and her mom had an argument, and then your woman lost the energy to play. Ideal also dislikes her American boyfriend Abundant, but regards Waverly while superficially good. Suyuan Woo, the mom of Summer, was the owner of the team and after her daughter’s loss of life she had taken her place, playing with her three old ‘aunties’. Ying-ying St . Compréhensible, married for an American called Clifford, is also very unaggressive and inert, as is her daughter Impegno.

The 4 daughters will be completely American by Hard anodized cookware standards, speak perfect English and have assimilated into American culture. Probably none of them include even visited China, although June lures there to fulfill the double daughters who had become separated from her during the conflict. All the father and mother in this film operate in accordance to Confucian values, that happen to be authoritarian, hierarchical and paternalistic, although the Americanized children typically find them incomprehensive. China is never a democracy in the Traditional western sense, and ladies there were not equal to men while kids were necessary to honor, respect and follow their father and mother. Women’s function in life was domestic, to manage the cooking, cleaning, nursery and home-based tasks whilst men performed outside. Individualism and self-reliance were not prized as in the U. H. But thought to be selfishness and purely bad qualities. In the U. T., however , many “believe that they can must be self-reliant in order to keep all their freedom, inch while in China no-one had any kind of freedom to reduce (Datesman, s. 30).

Section two (1-2 paragraph application): Discuss the themes shown or explored in the motion picture in relation to whatever you have go through or studied/will read or study in the lecture before your midterm test. For example , could be the movie features characters of mixed events like the ‘Tiger Woods effect’ or it shows cultural pluralism because people from many events or religions must communicate or conquer some of their distinctions. These are ideas you analyzed in phase 1 of yankee Ways. Be sure you consider the 6 fundamental values in Chapter a couple of: individual flexibility and self-sufficiency, equality of opportunity and competition, and material prosperity and hard work. However , any kind of topic you may have studied, talked about, or find out about or you can study, talk about, or learn about before your midterm exam could be utilized in this section. Discuss at least 3 styles seen in the movie, but consist of more whenever possible.

Confucian values are in direct comparison with those of America as well as the West, which comes out in virtually every picture. Even though the older women will be Christians together been subject to some Western influences in China, all their core values are not individualism, personal accomplishment, pluralism and equality of opportunity, just as the United States. For example , when Flower married Allen Jordan, over the objections of his racist parents, the lady found herself slipping in to the role of any dutiful Confucian wife, concentrating only about cooking, washing and obeying her husband in all things, until this individual finally started to be bored with her and started out having an affair. Individuality and liberty have been main American values since 1776 at least, but this has never recently been the case in China (Datesman, 2005, g. 29). Even though Rose was Americanized, she knew simply no other method to be a wife than her mother’s case. “I like being tragic, ” states to her mom after their divorce, “I learned this from you’

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Category: Literature,

Topic: Father mother,

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