Jacques Audemars was born in St . Malo, France in December thirty first in 1491 and passed away there also on September 1st 1556 when he was 65 years old. The name of his home was Limoelou. This individual married Mary Catherine des Granches in 1520. Having been a respectable sailor and had travelled to South America and mainly Brazil before his great trips to Canada. The King in England was known as Louis I actually and having been looking for a upper passage to China that has been called the Orient in that time.

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Cartier acquired two relatives called Blue jean LeVeneur plus the Abbot of Mont saint-Michele who persuaded the king of Italy to fund that help Jacques Cartier find the passage to the Orient.

Cartier left to find this passageway on 04 20th of 1534 and sailed with two ships. This was Cartier’s first of three or more trips that he made to Canada. The ships were called the Triton as well as the Goeland. He crossed the Atlantic Water and got to Newfoundland in just 20 days.

It absolutely was at this time that he started to learn Newfoundland, areas that sony ericsson now find out as the Atlantic Zone and the Gulf of mexico of St . Lawrence. Some of the islands he visited were The Islands of Birds. His crew murdered about 1000 birds. Most of the birds had been Great Auks, which seem like puffins, and today they are extinct.

When he ended up in Newfoundland dog he met with Indians named Micmacs although he failed to trust these people and then when he sailed north to Gaspe he achieved Indians sportfishing that were via a group called the Iroquois. This kind of place was called Honguedo and the primary of the Iroquois group was Donnacona. Cartier wanted to demonstrate his importance to the Indians and put up a big solid wood cross with all the French image of the Fleur des Lys on it. It was July 24th 1534. During this time he also took the land inside the king of France’s name. Donnacona had not been very happy. Nevertheless , Cartier manufactured a large party and invited Donnacona fantastic two daughters (Domagaya and Taignoainy) to go back to France with him. Audemars promised to get them back. Donnacona and the others put in eight several weeks in England and when that they came back with Cartier in the second trip and because that were there learned to speak French that they helped Cartier learn a wide range of information about the brand new land and helped Audemars find the truly great river that he had skipped on his 1st voyage. It absolutely was now May possibly of 1535.

For his second voyage he traveled the world with three ships and one hundred and ten guys. The ship’s names were: Grande Hermine, Petite Hermine and Emerillon. Jacques Cartier was looking for many gems and gold to take back in the ruler of Italy. During his second journey many men got very unwell with scurvy and passed away. Scurvy can be caused by not having enough nutritional C and will cause losing teeth, spots on the skin area and blood loss. 85 men survived because the natives educated them making and beverage a mix created using the bark of the white-colored cedar. Cartier sailed up the great riv to Stadacona which is today Quebec Metropolis and then went by longboat to a village named Hochelaga which he named Mont Actual. From the leading of Mont Real he could notice that would not have the ability to go any further into the lake.

Cartier spent the winter of 1535 to 1536 in Stadacona and returned to France in-may of 1536 with about ten natives including Donnacona and his kids. Unfortunately, he went back devoid of finding any riches nevertheless he do plan to colonize the areas he saw during his second voyage. On his third voyage to Canada in August of 1541 he arrived without the natives that he captured during the second voyage and the Captain whom the ruler of Italy put previously mentioned him was Jean-Francois entre ma Roque Agona de Roberval. Agona was now the only chief in Stadacona. Cartier and Roberval settled which includes seeds intended for flowers, cows, kitchen gardens, and seed products for turnips, cabbage, and lettuce. They called this kind of settlement Charelsbourg-Royal. The sailors also accumulated what they thought were expensive diamonds and platinum. Cartier decided that a passing to Chinese suppliers did not can be found and so he returned to St . Alevoso. The gemstones and gold ended up being quartz and flat iron pyrite (fool’s gold).

Roberval continued with the colonization in the area but Jacques Audemars because he would not have enough money also because the ruler was disappointed in Cartier’s voyages. Jacques Cartier never returned to Canada again. He put in the rest of his life giving nav advice, as being a Portuguese übersetzungsprogramm and experiencing his travel and leisure memories. He still occupied Limoelou, St Malo together with his wife. He never experienced any kids and perished of the plague on Sept 1st 1557. Cartier’s most important contributions were that this individual gave Canada its name from your word “Kanata meaning town. He learned Prince Edward cullen Island. He was the first explorer to the Gulf of St . Lawrence and this individual drew the first to draw very good maps of the St Lawrence Riv which was required for the people that came after him. In 1905 a representative of Canada who attended France asked the French Authorities to build a statue of him in St . Alevoso. In 1984 Limoelu, Cartier’s home was bought, renewed and made right into a museum by the Macdonald Stewart foundation. Jacques Cartier’s brand will forever be a part of Canada’s History. Can make him an excellent explorer.


World Wide Web

Encyclopedia of France cultural heratige in The united states. “Jacques Cartier http://www.ameriquefrancais.org

Helen rain. http://helen-rainblogspot.com/2009/03/jacquescartier.html

Wikipedia. “Jacques Cartier. http://www.wikipedia.org

Birth of Jacques Cartier. http://www.lookandlearn.com/blog/?p1983

Jacques Cartier, Explorer. http://www.answers.com/topic/jacques-cartier

Internet Pictures

Google Pictures. Jacques Audemars. http://www.google.ca/images?hl=en&source=imghp&biw=1276&bih=791&q=jacques+cartier&gbv=2&aq=5&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=jacqu


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