The multiple choice questions will be conceptual, not informative. In other words, I will not be asking nation specific concerns and information; but will ask you to identify principles, pick the appropriate characteristics/dimensions of concepts coming from alternatives and apply ideas to actual life situations.

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Almost all chapters will be almost evenly represented in this section. 3 descriptive/conceptual composition questions (8 to doze points, 30 points total): This section is definitely again conceptual. I might ask you to describe a theory or concept, discover and classify certain dimensions of cultures, or fill up a table (that We provided) with missing information.

If you cannot bear in mind the terms, you can determine things in your own words (and get partial credit to the least). Every chapters are fair video game for this section. 1 integrative/comprehensive essay query (15 points): For this query, I will ask you to take a situation on a course related concern. Obviously, there is no single right answer. You will be evaluated based on the quality and depth of the argument as opposed to the position you take.

If you are not required to know country/marketplace certain information, don’t hesitate to use examples to aid your position. To reply to this issue, you might need to information coming from more than one section. The exam is definitely closed publication, but you can deliver a newspaper dictionary (non electronic). Let me not use an IBM sheet intended for the multiple-choice section; this means that you can use whether pen or perhaps pencil to reply to the queries. You won’t be graded for sentence structure, spelling or perhaps your dissertation skills, and so don’t stress about it.

There is absolutely no optional query at this exam.

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