An argumentative essay is a type of document with a purpose to provide proof concerning a particular idea. For example, you can write an essay outline in which the main thesis statement is that the study of Natural History is compulsory in all secondary schools.
In this case, you will need to conduct in-depth research and learn all the advantages of studying this subject, which is mandatory in different schools around the world. And even though you have to accept one of the parties to this issue, you must also indicate the reverse side, which argues the opposite. Thus, you can demonstrate that in your essay, the info expressed are supported by factual data.

Despite the simplicity and obviousness of writing this college article, it is often a real problem even to create a thesis for high school students and scholars. One can agree that to write a good essay, you must have at least minimal knowledge about how this article is written. That is why it is so important to master all the tricks and secrets in order to write a powerful thesis and an awe-inspiring article. For this reason, writers who only begin to write an essay outline should have excellent writing skills and have proper training in the chosen subject.
Besides, it is very important that you learn to distinguish good research topics to write essays. Since choosing the related topic, we will help you to stand out from the bulk of students and show yourself from the most attractive side. Most writers prefer easy essay topics in which it is easy enough to cite all the pros and cons.
However, a teacher or an introductory commission often offers to write more complex academic research that requires argumentation and the provision of factual data. That is why it is so important that your argument essay should be written not only correctly and have sufficient introduction, outline, and reasoning, but also satisfy the needs and requirements of the representatives of the educational institution.
The main components necessary for essays
In essence, an essay that you need to write aims to convince its readers to agree with one or another dispute that you have chosen and accordingly support your side. Therefore, confirming your thesis statement and reasons with evident facts and proof is the best way to convince the audience to agree with your opinion. You also need to write meaningful conclusions in your paper and outline various connections between factual data in order to reinforce your argument.
The first thing you should begin this task with is to select a topic and then decide which side of the dispute you support. Remember that the argument you choose must have several sides that are opposed to each other. If the task does not contain several argument options, then this topic is not suitable for writing an essay. To approach this task in a proper way, you will need to outline the maximum possible number of origins of information that can confirm this or that argument.
Regardless of the topic that you select for writing an essay introduction, it should be understood that this type of task has four main parts, which are described in the body of the paper:
- Writing a convincing essay argument;
- Choosing a vivid position on the subject;
- The presence of evidence that confirms your opinion;
- Absolutely impartial counterargument regarding your opinion;
- The final paragraph of your research paper.
Well, perhaps the time has come to consider each of the above parts in more detail.
Choosing persuasive reasons for an argument essay
The choice of dispute for your essay should be based on the topic that is relevant. If you are faced with issues that you cannot discuss in your essay, then it is better to avoid this topic and choose a more suitable one.
Moreover, today on the Google web search, there is a considerable number of topics for essays introduction. However, we still recommend that you are more original and pay attention to those essay topics that are acutely social today and skip those from the online service search. To do this, you can analyze the news releases where you can observe various debates and disputes.
! Be very careful when choosing a dispute for essays that are covered on television or in the media. There may be a situation when the stated reasons simply do not have reliable origins.
So that you can provide your debate with a reasoned and robust position, checking the sources of background information is a very important part of writing this type of essay.
Think of the evident position regarding the argument
The choice of one or another side in the analysis of the dispute is mandatory when writing an essay. To stay away and not have an opinion on the dispute you have chosen simply will not work. Once you have decided on your point of view, you must adhere to it throughout the writing of your entire essay. Of course, you will be tempted to switch from one perspective to another.
However, do not forget that this is a fundamentally wrong decision. The point is that when you first indicate the support of one side or another in an argument, the readership remembers your position. If in the future you change your mind, this will in some way weaken your general points of view.
! Try to make your choice in favor of the most potent and obvious argument, and then it will be easier for you to adhere to your initial opinion.
Using the evidence base for an argument in essays
Often, it is the provision of facts and scientific evidence in favor of the chosen argument in the body that confuses most students. Do not forget that any dispute must be based on exceptional facts. Otherwise, you simply cannot convince the audience of your perspective. Also, a well-chosen and convincing paragraph argument should be supported by data from verified origins.
! Do not forget that in addition to indicating the existing sources of data to which you refer (as a part of privacy policy issues) you also need to adhere to the essential styles depending on the requirements of the teacher.
Besides, it is very vital to understand that such origins of information as Wikipedia, various forums, and sites where ordinary users answer different issues cannot be considered reliable sources of data for your arguments. Most often, the information presented here will be a private opinion and not a confirmed fact.
Powerful counterargument
Remember that you will not only need to put forward a proof in favor of your reasons. You will also need to give opposing arguments that will be opposed to your opinion. And so it’ll take a bit of work to make your position stronger and more advantageous for you. Thanks to this, readers will be able to appreciate the fact that you have deeply analyzed this issue. If your position is evident and reasoned, then you will have a better chance of agreeing with you.
Writing a conclusion of your essay
Always begin and finish your essays with a clear and hook thesis statement. This will not be superfluous and will help to strengthen your statement position further. In addition to using your personal opinion, you will also need to indicate all the key points that you described in the essay, which in turn will help to convince the reader to join your statement.
In this case, the key points should correspond to all the main data that you used in the essay but to be slightly modified. There is no point in copying individual sentences from work itself and pasting it in conclusion. In this case, this policy will be regarded as the fact that you have not fully completed the task, and it will obviously receive a low rating.
The main steps in writing your argumentative essay
Remember that any essay has an evident form and action plan for academic writing. If you do not think through each of your next steps in advance, then most likely, an essay will turn out to be messy and will contain too much unnecessary data. Also, if you do not make sure that each of your paragraphs flows smoothly from one to another, it will immediately catch the teacher’s eye.
If you consider all of the following recommendations, then with a high degree of probability, you can write a great essay that will help you to get the best score. If an essay that you plan to write is necessary for you to enter a college or university, then you should pay attention to step-by-step instructions for writing this type of task.
Tips for choosing a topic for an essay
Regardless of the styles of the dispute, you will use in the first place, you will need to decide on the topic of your essay. It is best if the topic you select is evident and has reasons for and against. For example, if you want to write that you like cheeseburgers, then this topic is not suitable for you because there are no convincing counterarguments.
Try to select an argumentative topic in which you already have specific knowledge, and you are sure that you can face a sufficient number of reliable origins of information to confirm your chosen argument. Besides, there are situations when your teacher independently assigns you a specific argumentative topic or gives several topics from which you can select. In this case, it’s worthwhile to dwell on the argumentative topic that is close to you and which you understand.
Conducting a preliminary analysis of the topic
We have already said that each dispute requires evident proof using evidence or scientific research. In turn, these can be:
- Books;
- Science articles;
- Research documentaries;
- Published materials from recognized industry experts and so on.
Try to cover and analyze as many origins of information as you can about your chosen argumentative problem in the paper. Moreover, as part of the learning of various materials, you can also make notes on the research paper and mark unique evidence and events regarding your argumentative issue. If you take the initiative and supplement your dispute with something truly unique, then your professor will 100% like it.
Tips on how to write an essay effectively
A well-written essay plan will significantly affect the efficiency and speed of the writing process. Take the necessary amount of time to think through the structure of your document in advance. Later, after an essay is completed, you will be able to analyze it further and fill in the gaps that you missed to state. Also, try using essay writing strategies that include:
- Classical;
- Rogerian;
- Tolmin.
This way, you can create a single shade of style and provide enough reasons to write a successful essay
Never forget final text editing
Once you finish writing an argumentative essay, you still need to read it a few more times additionally. Of course, you may have read the contents of the text more than a dozen times, however, in this case, we are talking about editing. Therefore, when editing a text, additionally pay attention to the following issues:
- Does your statement contain arguments and counterarguments?
- How clearly articulated your reasons are?
- Do all of your arguments have evident and validated scientific facts?
- Did a writer manage to sufficiently refute the counterargument?
- Is the final part of your argumentative essay convincingly written?
Tips for writing a killer essay

Even if you know all the present rules and requirements for an argumentative essay format, this does not necessarily guarantee that you can do the writing correctly. That is why we bring the following simple rules that will definitely help you in writing a high-quality and unique essay to your attention.
To write an essay, you should not avoid complicated topics. If the topic of your essay is quite cumbersome and you take it up, then despite the enormous efforts that you will need to write it, this essay to a large extent will be advantageous for you.
Use brainstorming for better results
If the choice of the topic of the argumentative essay is provided directly to you, then try to make a list in advance of at least ten themes that you understand best. Brainstorm and write down all the ideas and thoughts that you will have in your head regarding the chosen topic. Be sure to use a draft to capture these ideas and not to miss anything important. Take care to find the most compelling proof for your argument. Finding reliable sources of data will help a writer to confirm the most persuasive reasons and indicate a firm position.
Structure your argumentative task
Be sure to form your essay. When you see the structure of your essay before your eyes, you will not miss any important points. Do not write too long and complex sentences. The essay should be written to learn specific skills. In this case, the ability to state and present one’s thoughts clearly, structured, and most importantly briefly, is one of the ways to develop writing skills.
Do not overload your argumentative essay with too many complex terms. Of course, using scientific terminology language from the field, your essay is written about is a good idea. Nevertheless, if there are too many complicated words, then your essay format may turn out to be dry or incomprehensible language to the audience of readers.
Follow the requirements
Do not forget to write down your personal standpoint without fail and select one of the sides of the argument in your paper. At the same time, your position should be evident and unambiguous. Thus, the professor will immediately be able to determine which side of the dispute you have chosen in paper and how well you have managed to defend your perspective. Avoid using prohibited or harmful themes. It is impossible to be entirely sure that one of the selected themes with a negative connotation will not cause the reader’s negative reaction or disagreement with a writer on subjective principles.
Remember the necessary requirements that are put forward for your argumentative work. This means that you need to keep track of the minimum and a maximum number of words and pages. A good argumentative essay writing is a relatively easy writing task. In fact, the most challenging thing is to get proof for your statement and reasons as this process takes the most time. Nevertheless, if your argumentative article contains an evident form and also has the correct argumentation, then most likely you will succeed in this task.
Therefore, if you still feel some doubts about writing an argumentative essay by yourself, you can quickly contact some online writing service and get professional help there (read the privacy policy for more information). A writing service is a team of professionals who know how your argumentative article should look like and can give a ready-made task ASAP and in complete accordance with the privacy policy. So, if you want to save your nerves you are free to contact such service right away!