t’s no secret that the volume of paper is determined by the word count that you used when writing the essay. When you begin to perform such a task as an essay, achieving the required volumes is one of the format requirements that a professor puts forward. The main mistakes that most people make are increasing the font of each word within the document or broader consideration of the topic to make it look longer.

However, both tricks are not recommended in any case. Since in the instance of increasing the paper font, it will be immediately noticed by the teacher. And if you go beyond the scope of the paper issue under discussion, this will also be considered an exaggeration and will add a negative effect to the final assessment. Thus, you need to know how you can enlarge the number of signs in paper and at the same time, not degrade its quality.
The importance of keeping research paper volumes
The volume of essay text writing performed in compliance with all format requirements is one of the crucial indicators to achieve a high score from the teacher. When you follow all the instructions that you were given in college, for the professor this is a sign that you were able to not only write a paper but also take all the page count requirements seriously. Moreover, this is a good sign for the teacher that you spent a lot of effort and time to do the essay according to the task.
! Don’t forget that your essay text writing should ideally be performed not with a minimum volume of words or pages, but much longer.
However, quite often, college students may encounter a situation where the topic on which the content is written is not voluminous itself. Often this sends students into a tailspin. Learners find themselves in a rather deadlock situation since, after exposing all the basic concepts, the page volume is still insufficient.
For example, you may be asked to create an essay writing for 1000 words size; however, you were able to uncover a topic already with a 500 words content. Nevertheless, this page volume is certainly not enough to meet the requirements put forward to the task. Therefore, it is very vital to know how you can make your task bigger and simultaneously, not go beyond what is allowed by the professor.
If the question of how to make your essay longer is relevant enough for you at the moment, try to use the following tips and significantly increase the page volume of your paper.
Basic ways and tips to make your task writing longer
In fact, there are so many different options for making your research task longer. And please forget about such methods as growing the font size or reducing the size of the page margins. Such amateurish methods will not be able to deceive the professor and will most likely lead to low scores for your task.
Actually, no one wants to be in a situation where having spent a considerable amount of time, having studied an incredibly large number of sources and made every effort to write an essay and get a low score. That is why it is so important to understand in advance that using risk methods to enhance the amount of essay is not only unacceptable but also not beneficial for the student.
Make your task longer with as many examples as possible
If you wondered how you could increase your essay, then, first of all, you need to return to the ideas and arguments that you wrote in your task. Analyze your arguments and make sure that instances and evidence support each of them. If specific facts did not substantiate your concepts, then try to argue your idea with the help of examples or links to various studies. Thus, you not only prove that your notion is true, but also reinforce your own arguments and at the same time, add the page volume of the research paper.
Mind another example of how to back up your arguments with evidence. Let’s imagine that you have pointed out in a dissertation thesis that UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object) and aliens are a reality. In this instance, you could cite various observations of former NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration – all rights reserved) pilots or refer to the facts from any documentary films.
Try to use even a few instances regarding each of your arguments. Here, the professor will be not only pleasantly impressed with the fact that you reinforce your arguments with various examples, but also with the fact that your task corresponds to the stated page length. Also, complete your work using different words to move from one paragraph to another.
Use of transitional words and expressions
Another really natural and eye-catching way to enhance the length of your essay writing for free is to use the so-called transitional words. These phrases help you to move from discussing one notion to another.

At the same time, the transitions will be not only smooth and pleasant for the reader but also entirely natural. And this, in turn, will help to take away any suspicions from you of artificially growing the length of the text. In fact, this is a genuine win-win way to achieve the desired result in words. As an example, we recommend using the following variants of phrases in sentences that include:
- In light of …
- Of course …
- Demonstrating that …
- Therefore …
- Firstly / secondly …
- In conclusion …
- Likewise …
- Equally so …
- However …
- Whereas …
- Because of this …
- Despite all of this …
- This illustrates that …
- Indeed …
- As a matter of fact …
- On the other hand …
- With regards to this …
- By the same token …
- To put it another way …
- Considering this …
- As a consequence …
- With this in mind …
- Under these circumstances …
Additional analysis of the finished essay
Once you have written your work in full and yet you’re missing a certain number of pages, you can try the following method. You need to read your essay again and create a clear outline of the arguments and the concepts that you made. After that, try to consider the essay from the perspective of the readership. Perhaps some of your information or arguments need more clarification.
In such ways, you will not only make your essay more meaningful but also enhance its volume in a completely natural way. If, for example, you come across a situation when in one big section, you discuss several ideas at once, try to separate the section and discuss each notion individually. This will complement your ideas and increase the volume of writing.
Reread your prompt again to make it longer
It goes without saying that you have read your prompt hundreds of times. However, try to do it again. Analyze how fully you were able to answer all the professor’s questions. Perhaps you forgot to back up the essay with some special terms or information (many scholars count on that while checking their tasks).
Do not be afraid to spend extra time in vain and make sure that your essay meets absolutely all the requirements of a professor. If you missed something, this is a great chance to improve your essay and achieve the required length of pages. Diversify your essay with expert citations. Using quotes when writing the paper is not only a competent step, but also significantly increases the amount of your essay many times.
! Make sure that the bulk of your essay does not consist solely of quotes from other authors and does not violate the privacy policy.
Even though in the essay, you can choose citations from other authors, the central part of the opinions regarding the arguments should come exclusively from you. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with diluting the main text with quotes from various scientists and experts in their field. Using this method, you find yourself in an extremely advantageous situation. In this order, you not only add the number of words and, accordingly, the volume of your essay but also prove the teacher the opinions of other writers regarding the topic you’re discussing.
! Be careful when using citations and be sure to pay attention to the citation style that can be used in your essay. If you’re not sure about the editing style that you need to use, check with your professor.
Design your paragraphs according to all requirements
After you have written a draft essay, it makes sense to check each section additionally. Remember that each paragraph that is used in the structure of your essay should consist of the following elements:
- Thematic proposal
- Evidence that supports your great notion or argument
- The outcome of the said argument and a smooth transition to the next section
If you find that one or more sections do not correspond to the above type of structure in the process of checking, then this is a good chance for you. Having supplemented your paragraphs with the necessary elements, you will not only follow all the requirements to the academic essay but also achieve the desired volume that the professor asked you for.
Do not forget that the more correctly your essay is written, the higher the score you will receive in the final is. Moreover, the teacher will definitely notice that your sections were drafted correctly and well structured. Accordingly, the thread of the narrative throughout your essay will have a logical sentence chain backed up by arguments and facts.
Try to avoid long generalizations and overuse of pronouns
Pronouns are words that are used in the language to refer to objects in sentences. Instead of using pronouns, try to point directly to a specific subject or object in the description. For example, if you need to describe those cases when you visited the laboratory and met some scientists, then you should not just describe this fact with the help of “getting to know them.”
Instead, you can quite naturally list each of the scientists you met, and it will look completely normal. Using this approach, no one will blame you for artificially growing the size of your essay. In this order, you can achieve a minimum profit but an increase in the volume of words in your essay and, along with using other writing tips, fulfill the volume requirements.
Try to expand the introductory and final parts of your essay
No one denies the fact that the introduction to the academic paper should be written briefly. However, you can increase its writing length in a completely natural way if you supplement this section with a short history regarding the origin of the topic or phenomenon that you plan to discuss.
Besides, when you finish your essay, you need to write a section such as the Conclusion. At this point, you should indicate in brief form the main concepts that you touched on in your essay. Nevertheless, do not be afraid to write the outcome section of paper longer by adding important key points that you might miss. Therefore, as soon as you have written all your essay, you should focus on the final part and try to add some vital words to your outcome to make it longer.
Try alternate evidence for your arguments in essays
Do not forget that when you must reinforce your basic ideas with arguments using facts and evidence, each of them may contain not one but several versions of view at once, and this can help enlarge the word count. This way, you can further consider the argument by pointing to additional alternative or independent points of view.
In particular, this type of recommendation is very relevant for comparing essays to write them longer. In this instance, you not only can but are required to provide the opinions of various experts regarding each specific idea. Thus, after making an argument, you show the different points of view of scientists or experts and then supplement all this with your own word and view of the paper problem.