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Office pools aren’t condoned, and spectators should certainly bring their particular ice, because the bleachers are consistently hotter than Hell.

Football season is definitely officially underway here in Terrible, too. If you missed tryouts in the summer, added positions have opened up due to injuries for the field. Apply with your regional Hell guardian if you’re considering playing Hell’s most violent game.



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The Devil said that couldn’t happen, but in a bizarre show of faith previously mentioned, Hell has indeed freezing over. Icicles hung from the caverns, plus the Devil him self sported a coat of hoarfrost by least to get a minute or two.

The sparkling linens of ice cubes seemed to suspend time, and residents looked shivering and shaking almost all throughout Terrible.

The Devil shrugged off the phenomenon, saying it absolutely was simply a “technical glitch” following installing fresh Microsoft software program on Hell’s main computer system.

Many residents, sure of their very own rescue coming from Purgatory, started packing their bags, nevertheless the deep freeze simply lasted a few hours. The Devil re-booted the system and Hell went back to normal.

The Devil has known as treatment, when Costs Gates efforts to enter all those Pearly Entrance, Saint Peter will certainly mail him straight to Hell for his engagement in Microsoft, the biggest monopoly on the planet.


The morning began similar to other, but by the end through the day, the poet Virgil led me on one of the most bizarre journeys I’ve ever skilled.

He led me through the levels of Terrible, from the depths of this awful place, to Purgatory, and then upwards to Heaven. I can tell you, Hell is usually not a place I should want to return to in the near future.

When I came into Hell’s entrance, I noticed an indication above reading, “Abandon every hope, en who enter here. ” I knew I was lost, and hoped simply to make my own way out on this eternal Terrible that kept so many in its’ understand.

I discovered seven circles of Hell that kept residents deep in their handbags. The things I could see there will read on00 forever.

I saw souls battered by ongoing torrential rains and hurricane-force winds. I could see gluttons forced to lie in mud within storm of hail. I saw those who continually pushed a fantastic weight until it crashed in another, and then began the process again, within a never-ending circle. I saw issues I do not want to duplicate.

My meaning is clear. Carry out good in your life, die using a clear mind, and avoid the horrors of Hell.

I have provided a drawing of my thoughts of Terrible at the proper. (Dante).

Dante’s Impression of Hell


Alighieri, Dante. Dante’s Inferno. Trans. Holly Francis Cary. New York: Cassell, Petter, Galpin, 1885.

Writer not Available. “Bible: New California king James Version. ” BibleGateway. com. 06\. 4 March. 2006.

Editors. “Hell. ” Wikipedia. com. a few Oct. 2006. 4 April. 2006.

Editors. “Lucifer. ” Catholic Encyclopedia. 2006. 4 Oct. 2006.

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