Precisely what is Philosophy? •Philosophy: The studies of Greco-Roman thinkers about activities and inquiries. Additionally it is the rational investigation in the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or perhaps conduct. •Philosophy focuses on three main types: •Stoicism •Skepticism •Epicurean •Philosophy consists of these types of philosophical areas: •Metaphysics •Materialism •Idealism •Epistemology •Empiricism •Rationalism •Ethics •Hedonism •Cynicism Three Main Types Stoicism •Refers to the understanding of Aristotle o”Mind is a write off state, thoughts are made by 5 feelings. ” •Stoics deny the metaphysical parts of view. oReal objects produce intense thoughts. oThe body system and heart and soul are pairs that act and interact with each other.

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Skepticism •Examines in regards to what someone should certainly believe- derived from Plato’s education •Objections on skepticism: oIts commitment to knowledgeable restriction is non-existent. oIf knowledge is limited and judgment is usually not portrayed, life is presumed unlivable. Epicurean •Formulated by Epicurus whom believed idea was examined to make the heart happy. •Happiness created with significantly less wanting of materialistic items and more peace. Philosophical Areas Metaphysics •Branch of philosophy accountable for the study of existence. oAnswers “what can be? ” •The foundation of philosophy oWithout metaphysics, we would be unable to comprehend the world or work accordingly to it.

Materialism •Refers for the simple concentrate of the the material world. o”Everything inside the universe is matter and matters. ” •The viewpoint is placed by those who believed that material goods are accountable for lifestyle. Idealism •Stresses the central ideal and spiritual understanding of experiences. oThey believe that world is available as a spirit •Two forms: oMetaphysical idealism oEpistemological idealism Epistemology •The investigation of grounds and nature of knowledge of the world. oFocuses on the knowledge of differences between truths and falsehood. •Fundamental aspect to how we think.

Empiricism •Theory of knowledge as principal source as far as we known of the world. oLearning through belief. •Classical empiricism oRejection of innate, in-born knowledge and concepts •Radical empiricism oExplains that all our knowledge is derived from our sensory faculties. •Moderate empiricism oDescribes the exceptions to general empiristic rules. Rationalism •Philosophical activity that presented mathematical strategies to philosophy. oCan be understood through mathematical and logical principles, not sensory experiences. Values •Branch of philosophy working with what is the appropriate action pertaining to humans. oAnswers “What should i do? ” •Requirement pertaining to human life, decides opportunity.

Hedonism •Doctrine that claims that all satisfaction is naturally acceptable- good for the soul. •Nothing but enjoyment is good. Cynicism •Described as a means of lifestyle, which contains asceticism, anti-conformism, and anti-conventionalism. •Basis of cynicism is the virtue of well being and a happy your life. Philosophers Socrates •Possibly the wisest sage of all time •Contributions to viewpoint: oPithy sayings. oSocratic way of discussion o”Socratic” irony oSocratic method- expressing he is aware nothing and this unexamined life is not really worth living •Participated in the armed service during the Peloponnesian War. oCommitted suicide by ingesting toxin hemlock.

Plato Fun reality: Plato is usually not his original name- it’s Aristocles, but was later on changed to Avenirse by his teachers •Considered the most important thinker to have ever lived- dad of Idealism. •Thought your soul covered reason, spirit, and cravings. •Student and follower of Socrates. •Impacted math, science, morals, and political hypotheses with his Legacy of the Schools schooling. Aristotle •Student of Plato, instructor of Alexander the Great. •Wrote on common sense, nature, mindset, ethics, national politics, and skill. •Developed deductive reasoning. •Basis: Aristotle’s syllogism •Church applied Aristotle to describe doctrines in the centre Ages.

Notion of “Prime Element ” •Thales – Attemptedto find naturalistic explanations of the world; identified “water” as the ultimate principle. •Pythagoras – Founder of Pythagorean Theorem; believed “earth” was what encompassed all beings. •Anaximenes – Explained just how “air” was universally present and is the cause of all that exists. •Heraclitus – Disagreed with previously mentioned philosophers and claimed “fire” was the time-honored element. •Empedocles – Created the cosmogenic theory that consists of the several classical factors: water, globe, fire, and air. Bibliography •http://www. philosophybasics. com/movements_rationalism. html •http://www. importanceofphilosophy. com/Ethics_Main. html code •http://philosophy. lander. edu/ethics/hedonism. html •http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/philosophy%20? s=t •http://ancienthistory. regarding. com/cs/people/p/aristotle. htm •http://ancienthistory. regarding. com/od/platoprofile/p/Plato. htm •http://ancienthistory. regarding. com/od/socratesbio/p/Socrates. htm •http://www. historyforkids. org/learn/greeks/philosophy/ •http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/athenians. html •http://webspace. ship. edu/cgboer/greeks. html •http://philosophy. gr/ •http://philosophy. gr/hellinistic/cynics. htm •http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Greek_philosophy, _A ncient •http://www. livius. org/gi-gr/greeks/philosophers. html •http://www. historyforkids. org/learn/greeks/philosophy/ •http://www. historyforkids. org/learn/philosophy/epicureans. htm •http://www. iep. utm. edu/stoicmind/ •http://www. iep. utm. edu/skepanci/.

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