Good Nation People

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Flannery O’Connor’s brief story “Good Country People” mocks modern philosophy and the ones who abide by it by suggesting that those who have turn away via God will be taught, in a single way or another, that The almighty is true. The story, which will takes place in the south, comes after a girl who have favors contemporary philosophy and how she is taken down by what seems to be the divinity of The almighty. Through the characters presented in the story, O’Connor’s beliefs regarding Christianity and modern viewpoint are uncovered.

At the beginning of the story, Hulga is presented as a great arrogant woman with a idea in nothingness. She has a PhD in philosophy and sees very little as better than the people around her. The narrator describes her throughout the eyes of her mother, Mrs. Hopewell, “She was brilliant yet she did not have a grain of sense. That seemed to Mrs. Hopewell that all year your woman grew significantly less like other people and more just like herself – bloated, rude, and squint-eyed” (1343). Hulga believes in existentialism and viewpoint, which is exercise in the denial of Goodness, and your woman takes arrogant pride in believing that she is aware of far more than her mother, or any other country person does, mainly because she will not follow Our god. Flannery O’Connor, having a traditional conception of God, symbolizes all those whom believe in contemporary philosophy through Hulga, and she makes Hulga is very much a horrible person. Hulga’s beginning name is definitely Joy, but she selects not to go by it. The narrator says, “Her name was really Happiness but as rapidly as she was twenty-one and away from home, she acquired had that legally altered. Mrs. Hopewell was sure that she experienced thought and thought until she had hit upon the ugliest name in any language…. Her legal name was Hulga” (1342). This is very important because Hulga was given an attractive name by simply her mother, who is with the Christian faith. But when Hulga becomes engaged and thinking about philosophy plus the nothingness worldwide, she improvements her name to anything ugly. Her name was chosen by simply herself, addressing the refusal of Goodness and the popularity of something ugly. Hulga, a philosopher who believes in nothingness, symbolizes the way Flannery O’Connor noticed those who switched away from God.

During the story, a bible sales person, Manley Tip, works his way in to Hulga’s your life. Hulga, staying arrogant and full of self-pride, believes the girl can show Manley the absolute truth, or at least normally the one she believes. When Macho invites her on a refreshments, she wants because the girl believes she can turn him away from God. Hulga retains making it specific that she does not have confidence in God throughout their time together. Hulga, when asked if the lady was not kept by God, says, “‘I’m saved and you are damned although I alerted you I failed to believe in God'” (1350). Nothing at all seemed to destroy Hulga’s self-confidence in her denial of God. Finally, near the end of the history, it is revealed that Manley is not a scriptures salesman but a scam who abducts from persons. When he requires Hulga’s imitation leg, the lady yells by him ideal Christians like him do not do things like this. He responds by informing her he was never a Christian, “I been assuming in practically nothing ever since I had been born! ” (1353). Manley was the deliverer of The almighty. He was presently there to give Hulga slap in the face, to show her that only people that deny Our god with arrogance the way she did end up in pain. The moment Manley leaves after thieving Hulga’s leg, she watches from wherever she is stuck, “When she turned her churning confront toward the opening, she saw his blue determine struggling efficiently over the green speckled lake” (1353). The way he is identified as a green figure going for walks over normal water suggest certainly not that he can God, nevertheless the presence of God. Just like academics and philosophers, Hulga wants to be in control and always really wants to be right. When she’s with Manley, she feels he is just another Christian who follows along with every thing. She attempts to control him and push her morals on him. When he happens to be just like her, she loses her control and gets punished. Manley and Hulga are not great country persons because they will turned all their backs far from God. A belief in God is what makes one apparently good. Manley being a bad person, and Hulga having something awful happen to her both helps Flannery O’Connor’s view of recent philosophy and others who abide by it.

“Good Country People” thus mocks modern idea and the refusal of The almighty. By symbolizing those who tend not to believe in The almighty in Hulga and Manley, O’Connor is portraying the idea that those who refuse God are either awful people or will be penalized. Hulga’s selfishness and belief that the girl with better than someone else in her small community made her the perfect concentrate on for this kind of cruel habit. Manley, in being the deliverer of God’s meaning to Hulga, took away her leg and left her stranded. Flannery O’Connor’s classic conception of God is presented through Hulga’s tragic tale, relating to what O’Connor would consider, she got what the lady deserved.

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Topic: Flannery Connor,

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