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Gilgamesh the King
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Gilgamesh is correctly the earliest written and the most widely go through ancient stories. The man, his desires and achievements have already been discussed a couple of times by a number of different authors, thus immortalizing the king. Interestingly this was the particular king had always thought of- to be immortal and his quest for a life without death switched him right into a more considerate, compassionate and just ruler. From this paper we shall therefore talk about Gilgamesh’s pursuit of immortality and whether or not this individual finally been able achieve this.
Background of Gilgamesh’s pursuit
Gilgamesh has not been born having a desire to live forever although one major event converted his your life upside down producing in him an intense anxiety about death. Like a god-like determine, Gilgamesh was widely feared because of his despotic and rather questionable style of regulating the country. He was king of Uruk and was born into a mortal and a empress, which accounted for him getting half-human, half-god. Gilgamesh was obviously a tyrant would you sleep with any woman he preferred, kill kids on whim and take on all kinds of serious tasks to stomp his authority in the country. Nevertheless certain incidents change the training course and aim of his existence and the alter comes with the entrance of Enkidu in his life.
Enkidu was obviously a wild guy himself who also enters Gilgamesh’s life to soften his heart and teach him the commendable values of care and compassion. Gilgamesh lacks these feelings because he is cured like a the almighty and feels that it is his right to sleep with any kind of woman that he wishes and thus rules the entire kingdom with a great iron hand. Enkidu himself is outrageous man who is chosen because of his state of mind because it was felt that just he may enter Gilgamesh’s heart, when he was solid and courageous. But before he can sent in the life of Gilgamesh, he is tamed by the love-priestess who makes him consume human food and offers sex with him for six days and nights and seven nights.
Gilgamesh then complies with Enkidu as the latter attempts to stop him from raping a woman. The 2 fight with one another and later take hold of as good friends and this is the beginning of planet’s oldest appreciate story. That they two become greatest good friends and enthusiasts and it is as a result of his take pleasure in for Enkidu that Gilgamesh becomes more humane and compassionate. Both begin a long series of escapades but when Gilgamesh refuses to get married to Ishtar, the goddess of affection, the latter requires revenge with this humiliation, leading to Enkidu’s death. Gilgamesh was still left heartbroken because Enkindu’s loss of life would haunt him endlessly and this makes him averse to the idea of dying. For that reason, he decides to seek growing old and the journey begins.
The quest for immorality
After Enkindu’s death, Gilgamesh remains in a state of shock and bewilderment for a long time, as he cannot come to terms with the reality. However because days
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