•The origin of Language •Features of Terminology •Knowledge of Language •Linguistics •Branches of Linguistics •Approaches to Linguistic Studies •Schools of Linguistics THE ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE •The divine origin •The all-natural sound source o Primitive words um Cuckoo, splash, rattle, fizzle wheeze whistle snuffle, buzz o”Bow-wow theory of language source. ” •The social interaction source •The physical variation source •The tool-making source •The hereditary source oChild development è Automatic oDeaf children è Fluent users of signal language è innateness speculation oWe will be born which has a capacity for speaking/using language •(See Yule, Ch. 1; Fromkin et ‘s., Ch.

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6) MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HUMAN TERMINOLOGY KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGE •”I understand English. ” •Produce individual sounds and combining these people (Phonetics & Phonology); •Form and separating words (Morphology); •Combine these kinds of words in phrases and sentences (Syntax); •Understand this is of words, phrases and utterances (Semantics); •Use chinese appropriately in various contexts (Pragmatics). Language is an arbitrary and unpredictable, uncertain, changing set of vocal symbols which are cognitively formulated, and socially used for human being natural conversation. Linguistic understanding is information about language which is acquired unconsciously.

LINGUISTICS • Linguistics is a scientific or logical study of any element and property of terminology including the impact on of vocabulary on any sphere of life. DIVISIONS OF LINGUISTICS •MICRO-LINGUISTICS? Phonetics (Fonetik)?

Phonology (Ses Bilimi)? Morphology (Dil Bilimi)? Format (Söz dizimi)? Semantics (Anlam Bilim) •MACRO-LINGUISTICS? Pragmatics? Sociolinguistics? Historical-linguistics? Psycholinguistics? Neurolinguistics? Anthropological Linguistics?

Utilized Linguistics METHODS TO LINGUISTIC STUDIES •Descriptive-Prescriptive •Diachronic-Synchronic •Reference Sentence structure •Teaching Grammar •Theoretical Grammar SCHOOLS OF LINGUISTICS Classic Linguistics •Based on examine of Latina •Applied to other dialects, e. g. English, French •19th C. Jacob Grimm, Max Müller, Henry Sweet Structural Linguistics •Ferdinand De Saussure •Linguistics features because abstract system governing talk •Chomsky •Every language has a finite pair of rules to create infinite volume of sentences; • Phrase framework rules and generative guidelines; •Deep composition and surface area structure; •Structure over meaning; •Competence and satisfaction.

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