Human being Ecology, An environment Destruction, Marine Pollution, Oceanography

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This is often aggravated by simply insufficient vitality to the freshwater aquifer, which frequently occurs much more drought (Ryan, 2008).

Regrettably saltwater attack can’t be stopped, but the charge at which it occurs must be slowed. A management cover saltwater invasion needs to entail a number of different strategies. In areas where salinization is caused by tornado surge, it is thought that coastal barriers could possibly be built in in an attempt to prevent or slow the storm surge. Where saltwater has been launched because of storm surge, a few manner of beginning the limitations would be necessary in order to allow the saltwater to be washed out with the freshwater system. This would involve a substantial anatomist requirement. Opposing team to this way argue that executive a natural process would conclude doing even more harm because of the impact the structures would have on natural systems. Conversely, the loss of wetland habitat impacts many things which include tourism in coastal region (Ryan, 2008).

In areas that are mired with deep sea intrusion as a result of over growing of the overlying freshwater water supplies, the managing solution will need to involve co-operation from multiple levels. The primary dilemma of pumping groundwater at a pace which is not sustainable must be looked at. On the other hand, the impact in the saltwater attack must be determined. This is usually done by approximating just how many water wells have previously been affected and the particular projection is good for potential impacts given the present pumping costs. It is thought that the cost of reducing groundwater withdrawals is more than the cost of re-establishing wells which were affected by deep sea intrusion (Ryan, 2008).

Sustainment Plan

Action Items

(in the correct order)

Action Steps


Analysis and identify the effects of Deep sea Intrusion.

Assessment environmental Websites and magazines.

Document the sources of saltwater intrusion and salinization as well as the effects upon both the environment and individual health.

Month 1-3

Develop a plan to handle storm spike and over pumping.

Develop a presentation about for what reason mitigation is essential including deep sea intrusions ill effects. Highlight the benefits and difficulties of improvements of employing management plans.

Month 1-3

Develop ground water administration strategy

Boost techniques to handle the conjunctive use of surface water and ground normal water

Month 1-3

Develop a salt water invasion barrier by means of surface water injection.

Put into place an infiltration basin and recharging very well

Month 4-8

Develop a physical barrier

Employ Engineers to set up barriers to let the saltwater to be purged from the fresh water system

Month 4-8

Develop plan to replace effected areas

Improve and develop technology for repairing and re-creating natural g?te

Month 9-12


Pump/Recharge Rate Affects Saltwater Invasion. (2010). Retrieved August some, 2010, coming from Solinst

Internet site:

Jones, J. T. (2008). Deep sea Intrusion and Salinization. Retreived August four, 2010, via Associated Articles Web site:

html? cat=52

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