Drugs, Adderall ir, Oxycontin, Medicines In Sports

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Drug use is on the rise among teens, and it is an outbreak that must be ceased. In order to reduce the number of teens in the United States whom use prescription drugs, it is important to develop a comprehensive program of input. The input must incorporate efforts on the part of teachers, father and mother, and politicians. One of the most methods of changing the minds of teenagers is definitely via the usage of advertising. Consequently , advertising campaigns ought to be used to make drug make use of seem uncool and therefore unfavorable among young adults.

As Glazer points out, drug use among teens is now more prevalent. “Although teens who use drugs are still in the minority, a lot of experts admit recent improves in the popularity of drugs, even though modest, may well indicate the beginnings of a new medication epidemic, ” (Glazer). Cannabis has regained its style among youth, Glazer remarks. Whether or not pan smoking leads to harder medications, teenagers really should not be using cannabis until that they graduate from high school graduation and are adult enough to deal with the drug’s side effects.

Marijuana is actually certainly not the biggest medication problem facing teenagers and the parents. It is really prescription drugs that are becoming more and more popular among teenagers in the usa. As of 2006, pharmaceutical drug abuse was “rampant among his young sufferers, ” (“Teen Prescription Substance abuse On the Rise”). According to one source, “Pot, alcohol, anabolic steroids, cigarettes, meth, Ecstasy and LSD being used less and less by simply American young adults since the 1990s, but wrong use of prescription medications has been going up, according to the Nationwide Institute of Drug Abuse, inches (“Prescription Substance abuse on the Rise Among High Schoolers”). Prescription drugs of preference include Percocets, Oxycontin, Xanax, Vicodin, Ritalin, Adderall (“Teen Prescription Substance abuse On the Rise”). The problem with prescription medicine use among teens is that the media includes a constant bombardment of advertising condoning the application of those medicines. Moreover, father and mother have the prescription drugs in their treatments cabinet. The drugs happen to be legal, readily available, and socially acceptable. Many teenagers have even “pharmaparties, ” in which they use pills recreationally to achieve an increased (“Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Around the Rise”). On many occasions, the teens do not also know what medicines they are currently taking or what doses (“Teen Prescription Substance abuse On the Rise”). The potential perils of teenage drug use are obvious, and must be ended.

Anti-drug advertising campaigns can be being among the most successful tactics to move teenager focus away from drugs. As Glazer notes, the New York-based Partnership for a Medication free America created a successful anti-drug television ad campaign that did have a measurable effect on affecting teen awareness of drugs, drug users, and drug dealers. The key to successful sales strategies is to produce drugs appear uncool to children and adolescents; the greater normative drug use turns into the more likely young adults are to

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Category: Wellness,

Topic: Substance abuse,

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