Crack Cocaine, Criminological Theory, Diversity, Criminology

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Because, it will generate vast disparities in contemporary society that are having negative affects on: the courts and corrections. It is because the law can: target the low ends of society and others groups that are considered to inside the minority. An example of this can be viewed with various vagrancy laws which have been enacted surrounding the country. On the surface, this appears to be a means for neighborhoods to enforce law and order. Yet , the reality is that more minorities have been completely arrested and convicted below these laws in comparison with white wines. This is troublesome, because it shows how the distinct regulations will certainly indirectly discriminate against certain social teams within contemporary society. (Cote, 2002, pp. 23 – 34)

Further evidence of this can be found with observations from Strieb (2007), who wrote, “Recent examples of how a law alone can lead to ethnic disparities are normally found in the battle with drugs. The federal sentencing guidelines intended for the circulation of cocaine are perhaps the most impressive example of this diverse impact. Although there is zero difference inside the effects among powered and crake cocaine, there is a big difference in the fines for releasing the two prescription drugs. A person sentenced for possession while using intent to deliver powdered crack would need to have one hundred instances more cocaine to receive precisely the same penalty as a person sentenced for the same crime involving crack cocaine. inch (Streib, 3 years ago, pg. 178) This is significant, because it reveals how there are numerous amounts of racism that are taking place in the legal justice system. While not deliberate, the lingering effects of this will likely cause vast disparities between: the number of people who find themselves incarcerated compared to the rest of society.

Among this can be seen by looking with the total number of African-American that was imprisoned for medicine offenses. Because they account for 13% of the total population from the country. Yet, nearly 56% of the inmates in point out prisons (who are there to get drug related convictions) happen to be African-Americans. (Quigley, 2010)

Furthermore, a study that was executed by the American Bar Affiliation looked at the effect that competition is having on the rights with the accused. They will examined the result that public defenders had been having in criminal situations. What they identified, was that general public defenders are often used in many of these of all legal case involving African-Americans. Inside the majority of them, they will search for some kind of plea bargain (even in situations when the accused can be innocent). (Quigley, 2010) These different components are important, because they are illustrating just how racism inside the criminal proper rights system is going to lead to great disparities in society. When this begins to occur, it is just a matter of time until whole segments from the population may have little to no solutions to addresses these complications. This will result in a endless spiral of criminal activity, drug abuse and incarceration. After which, various attempts to address social injustices could have a limited influence on these groupings. This is significant, because it is displaying how the lawbreaker justice system is indirectly playing a role in helping to limit the financial opportunities intended for minorities.

Obviously, diversity inside the criminal proper rights system will certainly impact financial considerations keeping minorities down. This arises, through the system indirectly dainty against these types of groups. Because more of these individuals are sent to prison and they have bigger chances of not receiving the same resources compared to other defendants. Once this occurs, it implies that any sort of efforts to address social injustices will have a small effect. Exactly where, this will reduce financial opportunity by simply: keeping these groups perfectly levels (despite programs to boost upward sociable mobility).


Cote, S. (2002). Criminological Theories. Thousand Oaks, CALIFORNIA: Sage Creating.

Hil, R. (2002). Facing Change. Traditional western Criminology Review. Retrieved via:

Quigley, B. (2010). Fourteen Instances of Racism. Huffington Post. Recovered from:

Siegel, M. (2010). Introduction to Criminal Proper rights. Belmont, CA:

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Category: Essay,

Topic: Contemporary society, Criminal proper,

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