The two most common dispositional theories are Allport’s mindset of the individual theory and the feature and component theory. Allport’s psychology of the individual theory stressed that people happen to be unique, even though they may discuss traits in accordance, and those exclusive qualities will be what needs to be focused on. “More than some other personality theorist, Gordon Allport emphasized the uniqueness individuals. He thought that endeavors to describe people in terms of standard traits deceive them of their unique individuality”.

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In order to focus on the individuals uniqueness Allport felt that the broad theory is more beneficial than a slim one and he would make use of information by different theorist in his exploration. For many years there is much argument about how many traits actually have an effect on an individual’s individuality. In recent years nearly all theorist have come to the conclusion that five is the magic quantity.

Esyneck, McCrae, and Puerto have focused their studies on the trait and facto theory and still have done very much research employing standardized assessments, clinical observations, and findings from friends and families of the persons studied. “Trait and component theories of personality depend on factor analysis, a procedure that assumes that human traits can be assessed by correlational studies”. All these theories have different approaches to outlining an individual’s behavior. Equally Allport’s psychology of the individual theory and the trait and factor theory possess its own impact on individual personalities.

Interpersonal interactions are affected by each of these theories in its own approach as well.

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