Cultural Diversity: Different Planets; Same Reports America is actually a vast, modern land, numerous different people and a lot of different ways. But still, we tend to rank whether something is abnormal or not depending on certain cultural standards, i actually. e., “ethnocentrism”. This makes for the large gap in understanding cultures such as that of the Trobrian, a unique group living on the island of st. kitts of Kiriwiai.

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One could possibly be surprised to find that while our two nationalities have dissimilarities, we as well share commonalities. We both enjoy our own language, celebrations, faith, politics, etc .. We carry out, however , begin these customs and sociable observances in a really different way. A trait that exists in most cultures in sociology is referred to as a “cultural universal”.

There are plenty of examples of ethnical universals all over the world. For example , all cultures incorporate some form of federal government. However , when Americans are ruled with a democratic republic based on several branches of their government, the Trobrian individuals are governed depending on a paramount chief system. The two ethnicities both have a process of governmental policies, but they also include a different way of going about this.

This difference illustrates what is known as “cultural particulars”. Social relativism may be the principle that the individual human’s beliefs and activities needs to be understood with regards to his or her personal culture. The real reason for cultural relativism is because of deficiency of understanding of cultural particulars.

The folks of Trobrian are very not the same as Americans. Their money is in skirt and banana leaves. That they roam about half-naked. Their very own inheritance undergoes their mother, and they celebrate things such as bounty and funerals (This special event is called a “sigalli”). However the most interesting thing about the Trobrian people is that their electrical power is based on the actual can give, not really what they can take.

Americans would think after hearing this, that they are an extremely un-advanced, fierce, ferocious people. But that is far from the truth. They recently have tailored fundamentalism and therefore are beginning to issue their money resource, showing choices for advancement. Since an American, I feel that it would be ineffective to live using a people just like with the Trobrians, but that is only because with the way We grew up and my own tradition.

In some ways that makes them better; in some ways that makes them weaker. But we have to never look down upon another people because of the way their culture molded them. We should every have open up minds and respect for diversity.

People can judge very quickly, but it takes time to understand how a traditions truly operates. Ethnocentrism, ethnic universals, cultural particulars, and cultural relativism are all basically just fancy techniques for saying we are alike in some ways, we are not alike in others, which we should not judge others based on our very own cultural norms.

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