Previous February 18, 2009, I went to the ISU Juried Student Exhibit which was located in the Center pertaining to Performing and Arts Gallery building. The juror from the exhibition was Mr. Ronald Leax, Halsey C. an Ives Mentor of Artwork in Washington; University, St Louis, MO.

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Most of the paintings that were being exhibited illustrate beauty and nature. I’ve noticed that a lot of people that were there during the time of my own visit show up uninterested with the art that was adjacent them. That they barely discovered and treasured art in its raw contact form because the majority of were merely busy consuming and communicating. They almost didn’t discover why their tutor sent these to the gallery; I believe they just went there for the sake of the students credits that they will be going to obtain. But they were also a few who also knew what art and beauty was, they revealed their appreciation by adoring and examining the performs in the gallery.

Other people were busy having their pictures taken beside the beautiful works of art. As for personally, I was genuinely intrigued by the works plus the masters lurking behind those artwork. How I wished I could develop such fine art pieces that to me appeared like it was done during the dark ages. It was also entertaining to look at how a few paintings represented things about religion and politics it implies that people are genuinely concerned with the present events taking place and are even able to express it through fine art. It was also fascinating to observe the works of art that were cross-over from realistic look to non-objectivism.

Those varieties of paintings are those who entertain the naked attention without much believed provocation. Individuals paintings are the ones that caught my personal eye because it is relaxing and entertaining to consider them. By so doing, I just hope that more might learn to appreciate the beauty of art instead of be overly absorbed at school or via work.

They have to see that art is calming to the heart and soul and to your brain so those who are stressed out could go to fine art exhibits to wind down and to refresh their spirits.

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