Hostage Transactions, Crisis Conversation, Negotiating, Food Delivery

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Catastrophe Management

This is a slave shackled situation, since Bradley can be holding Susan, her professor, and eight other learners in a room. Bradley has weapons which is in a distraught emotional state, refusing to leave any of the hostages leave. “In most hostage incidents, the explicit risk is to the hostage’s life. It is not loosing property, status, or owned by a community that is at stake. Life itself is at stake” (McMains Mullins, 2010, p. 12). Therefore , this kind of qualifies being a hostage scenario. However , it is a specialized type of hostage situation in that one of the hostages, Susan, is Bradley’s wife. Within a true slave shackled scenario, the “hostage has no value towards the hostage taker as a person” (McMains Mullins, 2010, l. 13). Within a family-violence hostage scenario, the hostage provides value to the hostage taker as a person. The additional nine students and the professor do not have benefit as individuals to the hostage taker. Because of this, the circumstance is a cross of a accurate hostage situation and children violence slave shackled scenario.

“Crises can be seen since happening in stages which may have different characteristics and need different skills to manage” (McMains Mullins, 2010, g. 25). Bradley is in the problems stage of crisis. He’s actively having the people slave shackled. He is risky and unwilling to speak with the negotiator. He is not preparing the activity, though the presence of his duffle bag packed with weapons suggests that there was a few planning prior to the incident. That means that a negotiator should approach him with an attitude of acceptance, patient, and patience, with the goal of establishing a relationship, creating credibility, and trying to create an atmosphere of safety intended for the slave shackled taker and also the hostages (McMains Mullins, 2010, p. 26).

At this time, it might be tempting to spell out the circumstance at nonnegotiable because Bradley is neglecting to can get on the phone and speak with the hostage arbitrator peacemaker. However , if the situation is negotiable is not identified by whether or not the hostage taker is settling. Instead, the FBI has identified ten characteristics of any negotiable scenario: 1) a purpose to live for the taker; 2) a threat of force by the officers answering; 3) demands by the taker; ) a chance to negotiate; 5) a reliable channel of communication between the taker and the negotiator; 6) the negotiator must be able to cope with the decision-making hostage taker; 7) the positioning and the marketing communications of the episode must be covered; and 8) the negotiator must be found by the taker as a individual that can hurt the taker, but who would like to help the taker (McMains Mullins, 2010, l. 151). Honestly, there is not enough information to ascertain if the circumstance is flexible or non-bargainable. At this stage in the incident, I actually do not find out if the taker wants to live, will allow a reliable channel of communication, or views me as a menace. However , because the hostage taker is already making some demands (the prefer to just have time for you to talk to his wife) and a way to contact the hostages, I would procedure the scenario as if that were negotiable.

Part two

Once Bradley begins talking about his demands with, they will fall into two categories: instrumental and significant demands. A key component demands happen to be those that have a use for the hostage taker. Expressive requirements are the ones that meet the hostage maker’s emotional needs (McMains Mullins, 2010, p. 17). His a key component demand is good for food; meals is a substantive issue that deals with Bradley’s needs in the moment. His significant demands happen to be for rum, which is not a need, and for the promise that he will not have to do virtually any jail time. This individual realizes that he is significant trouble which is looking for confidence and a potential escape through the situation.

Bradley is in the accommodation/negotiation stage of the event (McMains Mullins, 2010, p. 25). He has begun talking to me as

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