Criminal Tendencies, Criminal Process, Criminal Rights System, Legal Justice

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Use of technology would encourage public knowledge about the spread of verified criminal activity or patterns of habit that might place people in danger, whether that risk involved theft, credit card scams or other manners (Farber, 2006).

Participation in shared marketing technological programs would be required of private businesses, community agencies and policing authorities to ensure a true community policing structure is established. Neighborhoods would work to develop neighborhood enjoy groups in answer to inches nonsensitive ” security info that would help them better protect their community and work together with police agencies (Farber, 2006, p. 110).

Prior to a hearing is set, a judiciary power should be designated along with a educated criminal proper rights psychologist to determine what factors contributed to the criminal activity, the severity of lawbreaker activity and whether criminal prosecution is warranted, or if rehabilitative actions would demonstrate more attractive the long term. A meeting should be established the place that the offender satisfies with stated authority and counselor, who will review the individual’s criminal history, age, love-making, family, environment and other factors contributing to criminal offense. If the culprit is offender of a non-violent crime, the offender should be offered the choice of making repay for his or her criminal offenses by participating in comprehensive rehab for at least 4 weeks, and stay offered the opportunity to then be involved in a restricted yet supporting probation, where the arrest would meet with the criminal justice counselor weekly to speak about reform, lessons learned and what actions the culprit is currently taking to become even more actively active in the community (Farber, 2006).

The purpose of this program and system should be to reduce the overall levels of crime by launching the concept of cooperation and rehabilitation. Offenders are often the patients of negative circumstance; thus in many cases, there is certainly ample data suggesting that punishment and release through traditional systems does not act as an effective prevention to legal activity (Bouza, 1990; Meeks, 2003; Goold, 2004). Ahead of prosecution, in the event non-violent offenders are given the ability for supporting counseling and community education, and if community representatives job diligently to embrace offenders and instruct them how to become individuals of the community in a mutually beneficial way, there is probably be a reversal in the prices of nonviolent crimes for most areas (Goold, 2004).

For all those accused of violent or federal serves of injustice, where data warrants, the consumer should be jailed for a minimum, couple of days that concentrates on rehabilitation and counseling once again. The function of the community will be to stay abreast of felony activity and report any kind of malevolent threats to law enforcement officials or police force agents in the beginning detection, to boost the odds of prevention of such criminal activity. Should they happen, offenders should receive counseling throughout their phrase when sentenced, then allowed parole below strict conditions that would need they give returning to their community by signing up for established community support alliances. These units would include active engagement among neighborhood businesses and other agencies whose role will be to provide important work and support to get criminals so they have the opportunity to survive and be active community members with no stigma connected with incarceration (Farber, 2006).


The perfect product is not a system that targets hostility, punishment or incarceration for non-malevolent crimes; alternatively the perfect system is one exactly where communities positively collaborate with law enforcement, legal authorities, legislativo bodies and offenders to make better communities and internet sites. Only in cases where a criminal poses a real or extreme threat to the community ought to there end up being grounds pertaining to hostile punishment. The vast majority of offenders in the excellent system will probably be offered the chance from the stage of detain for treatment and community involvement, thus offenders can learn to accord and apologize for their actions.


American Law and Legal Data. (n. m. ). Legal justice program, structural and theoretical components of criminal rights systems, the systems of operation, the value of looking at criminal justice as a program. American Regulation and Legal Information. Offense and Proper rights Volume 1 . Accessed twenty two, May, 2007:

Bouza, a. Versus. (1990). Law enforcement mystique: An insider’s check out cops, offense, and the lawbreaker justice program. Cambridge: Perseus Books.

Farber, O. (2006, Jun). Confident SPIN on liaisons: Discover how the security authorities information network (SPIN) promotes public-private info sharing. Protection Management, 50(6): 110.

Goold, B. (2004). Idealizing

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Category: Government,

Topic: Criminal activity,

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