The text under examination belongs to the pen of Bill Somerset Maugham, the one of the greatest known British writers with the 20th century. He was not only a novelist, nevertheless also one of the most successful dramatist and short-story writers. He was born in Paris in 1874. His parents passed away when he was very youthful. The youngster was taken away from the French school, and went for his lessons daily to the flat of the British clergyman with the church, in that case he was sent to England to attend school.
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In 1890 he went overseas and examined at the College or university of Heidelberg from which this individual returned to England in 1892 and became a medical student at St . Thomas’s hospital in London. After that Somerset decided to devote his life to literature. “I don’t want to be a doctor. I failed to want to be not a writer”. The technique of the short tale had usually interested Maugham. Somerset Maugham has created 24 performs, 19 books and numerous short testimonies.
At the beginning of the text the narrator, who is the author’s end here identifies a woman with whom he had a lunch break several years ago. Then simply he starts off remembering that unforgettable nighttime: He was a man, moving into Paris and can barely continue to keep body and soul jointly. She acquired read his book and wrote a letter to him, expressing her need with him a little lunch at Foyot’s – a very expensive cafe. He could hardly say no to a lady and asked her for lunch. He had only 80 francs to last him the rest of the month. To his horror she ordered one particular expensive dish after one other. He paid out the bill and was left with no money by any means. However , at the end of the history, the narrator feels that he provides finally experienced his revenge when he sees that the lady has place on a lot of weight. Compositionally the story is catagorized into a few parts. The story begins with the exposition, which in turn extends over the first a lot of paragraphs. At the outset of the text the narrator views a woman at the theatre in numerous years simply because first attained and can barely recognize her.
Then the author presents a flashback towards the past which will goes to the very last paragraph which has a help of the sentence “Did I remember? ” which allows us to know what had occurred many years before. Here all of us learn about the host to action as well as time. You gets information about the events, preceding the appointment of the key characters and also understands that the narrator was obviously a very poor person. Then come complications, opened with the word: ” The lady was not thus young?nternet site expected and appearance awe-inspiring rather than attractive. ” The action occurs in the restaurant. Here the reader learns more about the characters. The writer describes how this female enjoys the meal, buying the most expensive dishes and he could be wondering about the bill. The bill was finally paid as well as the narrator identified himself with not a dime left in his pocket for the whole month.
After it the writer comes back to the current time and right here comes the climax. Today, after two decades had passed by, the narrator has had his revenge at last because “Today the girl weighs twenty-one stone”. This story can be described as first-person story. The dialogues are main in the complications – the biggest part of the text message. The general atmosphere of the text message is mental and ironical (even the title “The Luncheon” is ironical, because the phrase “luncheon” means a “light snack”, but also in fact this turned to be an abundant and very expensive meal), but as well strained (“I watched the abandoned girl thrust all of them down her throat in large voluptuous mouthfuls, and in my courteous way I actually discoursed around the condition of the drama in the Balkans. “; ” Worry seized me. It was not just a question at this point of how much money I will have left more than for the rest of the month, yet whether I had fashioned enough to pay the bill. “).
The tone on this story is definitely ironical. The author uses immediate (“But I was flattered, and i also was too young to have learned to talk about no to a woman”; “I watched the abandoned woman thrust these people down her throat…”) and indirect strategies of characterization. The characters will be presented through their actions, descriptions in the outward appearance and things that surround the characters. The waiter could be called a small character. To my mind the girl is smart, gluttonous, selfish, cold, indiscreet. The girl with a villain who will serve a foil to the protagonist. By continuously repeating her ironic phrase ” My spouse and i never consume more than one issue ” the girl emphasized the conflict among what states and what she does. The author – the leading part, is a poor, kind, genuine and sincere man. The author’s style is brilliant, clear and emotional. The author uses stylistic devices occassionaly. In my opinion there may be an external issue in this story.
The theme of this story is appearance against reality. Every thing in the story is not really what it seems to be. The narrator likely to have slightly luncheon which has a beautiful girl. But it looked to be a pricey meal with an unsightly woman. This kind of woman repeats “I under no circumstances eat nearly anything for luncheon”, but eats everything your woman can. I think that the author’s message “the appearance is not yet the reality” is essential and relevant today.
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