Cognitive Expansion, Structural Functionalism, Social Intellectual Theory, Positive Psychology

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If you fail to reproduce my personal findings, it is not due to a lot of fault inside your apparatus or in the power over your government, but it is caused by the fact that your introspection is inexperienced. ” (1878-1958)

IV. Functionalism

Structuralism triggered a reaction that became referred to as Functionalism which has been influenced greatly by the job of Bill James plus the theory of Charles Darwin. Functionalism got as its emphasis intelligence assessments, aptitude assessments and other such techniques as well as the use of managed environments in testing learning and skills related to problem solving. The focus with the Functionalists was explaining the mental operations more accurately and systematically. The Functionalists way of thinking had as its focus the purposes of behavior and consciousness rather than on elements of consciousness on its own. In regards to functionalism John B. Watson stated: “My internal quarrel is definitely not with the systematic and structural psychologist alone. The last fifteen years have seen the expansion of precisely what is called efficient psychology. This type of psychology decries the use of factors in the static sense with the structuralists. That throws emphasis upon the biological value of conscious processes instead of upon the analysis of conscious says into introspectively isolable factors. I have done my best to understand the difference between functional psychology and structural mindset. Instead of clarity, confusion increases upon me. The conditions sensation, understanding, affection, emotion, volition are being used as much by the functionalist while by the structuralist. ” (1878-1958) Functionalism confident influenced behaviorism as well as used psychology plus positively influenced the educational system and this is very true in the influence of John Dewey and his idea that learning should take place at the level in which a kid is developmentally prepared to find out. (Wagner, 2009; paraphrased)

Summary Conclusion

These kinds of four significant developmental intervals of cognitive psychology are simply just four from the milestones of cognitive psychology development as indeed you will discover other breakthrough which have not been reviewed in this present work. All these developmental milestones has contributed to what is presently understood in the study of cognitive mindset.


Eysenck, Michael W. And Keane, Mark To. (2000) Cognitive Psychology: A Student’s Guide. Taylor Francis, 2000.

Leahey, Thomas H. (1986) Wundt on Introspection: Reflection about Current Controversy. Education Solutions Information Middle ERIC.

Logan, G. D. (2009) Intellectual Psychology. Elservier Online offered by

Wagner, Kendra Truck (2009) Structuralism and Functionalism. Psychology On the net available at,+structuralism,+behaviorismhl=enct=clnkcd=17gl=us

Intellectual Psychology

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