Bradshaw’s theory regarding the growth of children is very correct. When a child experiences discomfort and suffering at a young age they may become emotionally damaged. For example my personal Grandpa triggered my uncle a lot of pain and guilt if he was fresh because my own grandpa divorced by grandma and left my uncle to be the person of the house by such a age. Today my dad still has not forgiven my personal grandfather and he provides trouble getting close to other people.

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To ensure my granddad to move frontward in his lifestyle he has to deal with the situation between himself and my personal grandfather. Erickson’s theory is if you happen to be treated very well and expand up in a warm and caring residence you will be best in life. For example ever since I had been very little I possess always been capable of trust both of my parents specifically my mom.

I usually turn to her for advice and tell her everything. Resulting from that I make an effort to be a extremely trustworthy person because I want other people to feel like they also have someone they will count on. Maslow’s hierarchies of human demands are about the differences between things we require and the items we desire.

For example we need things such as food water and air. All of us also need reliability and balance, but we all desire self-resect, independence, and self-fulfillment. Though we physically couldn’t make it through without the things we need we all mentally could hardly live a happy life without the things we desire.

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Category: Tradition,

Topic: Essay, Other people, Theory,

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