Barcelone, Canada has become one of the most modern cities in the world and features attracted a large number of immigrants and foreign students each year mostly from Asian and Countries in europe (Toronto, 2007) Due to the popularity of the city to foreigners plus the prestigious schools it has such as the University of Toronto and the York College or university, students by different parts of the world have been completely attracted to study in the town.

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Universities have been offering a diverse learning environment, offering subjects, facilities, and learning resources including instructors and trainers that talk about the requirements of and accommodate the growing volume of foreign college students and foreign nationals in Toronto. A diverse learning environment offers various benefits to learners regardless of traditions and nationality. First, this introduces me to different cultures and race, making students like me identify various civilizations and morals. Having the awareness of different cultures of people in Toronto may improve my interpersonal and communication skills.

Hanging around people of various culture develop the students’ ability to be familiar with ideas and feelings more, which in later life causes them to be, more likely to are in racially diverse communities, preserve friendships with individuals of different competitions and able to function better in an increasingly diverse workplace (Haas, 1999). From this watch, a diverse learning environment for that reason can eliminate or lessen racism and racist thinking towards the community groups. Additionally, it can also prepare me to adapt to a diverse environment just in case I have to function or migrate to different country especially in Hard anodized cookware and European countries especially now that the level of globalisation is elevating.

A diverse learning environment also can improve my personal ability of working in a team as in universities, there are particular activities that required group efforts and varied ideas which could result to an even more comprehensive end result, providing me personally various tips that could have not been obtainable if not because of my foreign classmates and good friends and even professors. On the other hand, there are still some people who are not open minded and are not really interested in understanding other civilizations due to their incredibly racist behaviour.

A diverse learning environment with students or professors like these people can negatively affect some overseas students and students by minority groups, making them experience discriminated and unwelcome to such learning environment that may lessen their particular interest in studying or introducing with registrants of different nationalities. However , in Toronto, it seems like not much of any problem since foreigners and immigrants have long been welcomed in the city. Reference: Haas, Tag (1999) Analysis shows diverse environment offers educational benefits, retrieved across the internet on Feb 13, 3 years agoBarcelone website retrieved on March 14, 3 years ago http://www. toronto. ca/quality_of_life/diversity. htm

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Category: Lifestyle,

Topic: Environment, Essay, Learning, Learning environment,

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