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Belgium may not be extremely high in tourism, but is actually a well-known country. It is known for their Belgian waffles and sweets. The Belgian people are high in culture and therefore are very pleased with their nation.

Athens is located on the continent of Europe. It is official brand is the Empire of Belgium and its capital is Brussels. Its population is nine hundred seventy-six thousand, five-hundred thirty-six people. Belgium borders the Netherlands, Germany, France, plus the North Sea.

Athens is rich in culture. Persons in Belgium have liberty of religion and Ninety-eight percent of the individuals are Catholic. 100, fifty thousand people are Protestant, and forty thousand folks are Jewish. Belgian people are big meat predators and huge dark beer drinkers. Actually Belgian persons drink more dark beer than any other national group except Australia. Their favorite food are carbonades, which is gound beef stewed in beer and waterzooi, which is chicken or perhaps fish chowder. Belgian persons speak either Dutch, French, or A language like german.

There are plenty of festivals in Belgium. One of the most popular celebrations is the Mar of the Gilles. During the 03 of the Gilles boys and men dress in vibrant colored suits plus they wear hats filled with ostrich feathers. They will throw a melon at persons in the audience and young boys that arent dressed up blow up sheep bladders and strike anyone not really wearing a extravagant hat. The Gilles apparently represent the Inca Indians who were defeated and the a melon represent gold taken by the Spanish. As well, the towns people leave their entry doors open and so some friends can phone into the home and have a glass of champagne. One other popular festivity is the Cat Festival, which is held every single May in Ypres. Throughout the Cat Celebration people put toy cats off of the Fabric Hall, the industry tall building. This festivity represents enough time in which people threw cats off of the Cloth Hall because there was lots of. Also during the festival a mock witch is burned up at the risk and there is a huge firework present afterwards. There are also many ancient festivals in Belgium.

Belgiums significant sport is usually soccer, which is the major sport of many countries. Other sports in Athens include tennis games, horseback riding, boating, and trekking. There are also two strange athletics in Belgium that the people in Traditional western Europe would know about. Is called pigeon racing in which pigeons fly across Spain, France, and Belgium. Multiple hundred pigeons can be entered into one tournament. Another strange sport is usually sand sailing. The art in sand sailing is called a crushed stone yaught and is built just like sailboats apart from they are made for land certainly not water.

Belgium contains a constitutional, rep government, and hereditary monarchy. The monarch is mind of condition and is referred to as King in the Belgians. He have limited political electrical power and they offer an important role in choosing a prime minister. This individual also is a symbol pertaining to national unanimity. The Senate in Athens has 181 members as well as the Chamber of Representatives provides 212 people. Their metabolism was revised in 1971. Their particular cabinet must have an equal volume of Dutch and French speaking ministers.

Belgians possess freedom of education. Kids must head to school throughout the ages of six through fifteen. Belgium also has one of the highest literacy rates on the globe. Almost all your children go to baby room school and kindergarten.

In conclusion, Athens is very pleased with their traditions and they are like the U. H. For example , Belgians are free and so they have rights as well as guidelines. Their quality lifestyle is also very similar to the U. S.

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Category: World,

Topic: Dark beer,

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