Apathy, Character, The Unfamiliar person

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The Stranger by Albert Camus

Albert Camus’ The Stranger uses the life of a man following the death of his mom whom 1 learns little or no about, conserve for some couple of words of wisdom which the man, Meursault, recalls sporadically throughout the novel. One of the impressive elements of the storyplot is Meursault’s seeming not enough interest in all things concerning the people who are, or should be, near to him as well as the events that surround him. During the viewing for his mother, and in addition during her funeral, Meursault expresses non-e of the thoughts of sadness or grieving that would generally accompany someone whose mother has just passed away. Very quickly following your funeral, in fact , when Meursault should have been in mourning, he instead quickly goes back to his normal routine, aside from the addition of a fresh girlfriend, Marie, and his new friend, Raymond, who equally become extremely important people to Meursault in spite of his indifferent demeanor. The story comes to climax two times: the initial occurring once Meursault sets the Arabic at the beach and the second, when the chaplain relates to speak to him as Meursault waits pertaining to the result of his appeal. He is convicted of murder, having very little proof to support his defense, and sentenced to death. Nevertheless , the bulk of the argument against Meursault almost all refers returning to how this individual reacted towards the death of his mother, a factor which usually he locates to be unimportant to his case.

Ultimately, Meursault’s entire narration since the story of his mother’s fatality stands while an confirmation to insignificance of death and life and the small control contemporary society has above its human population. Meursault addresses of it as he comes to terms with his fatality: the universe is unsociable. People question him of his thoughts, his feelings toward the things he has said and performed, or of things about the future, wanting to drag out answers which can be considered normal and satisfactory to the contemporary society man has established. But Meursault does not restrict himself to social norms and illustrates this through the story in working with his single mother’s death and Marie’s proposals, in befriending Raymond, in addition to rejecting religious beliefs. Society likes you funerals. Observe that it was the retirement home that established the funeral for Meursault’s mother. Contemporary society cares about marital life. Society rejects lowly folks such as Raymond. Society, at least during that time, promotes religious beliefs. Meursault works counter to such things, and, as a result, is usually punished by society.

Yes, Meursault killed a guy. But pining away with the reasons for it will reveal not any solid conclusion. In fact , In my opinion it to be only a tangible affirmations of Meursault’s estrangement from the society. In his narration, you sees that he has friends and that there are individuals that care about him in spite of his oddities, but are merely individuals and do not stand for the contemporary society at large. His shooting the Arab was the final hay that culture needed to be able to rightfully (according to its laws) display Meursault the error of his being, namely, his unwillingness to conform to societal ideals.

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Category: Life,

Topic: Albert Camus, Contemporary society, Religious beliefs,

Words: 555


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