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This newspaper is dedicated to the methods of data collection, data collection procedure and ways of data research. First section is about interview technique used in data collection and the proof for the decision for it, the 2nd section reveals the procedure of information collection, plus the last is about the strategy undertaken for the data research and the facts for making use of those.

Techniques of data collection

Data collection equipment chosen will be typical for the qualitative study. It is a semi-structured interview and secondary documents. Interview is the most appropriate tool for executing the research, which purposes may be the examination of personal attitudes and evaluations for the reforms, plus the identifying of the reforms` challenges from the inside. An interview could help to get relevant and comprehensive data better than some other method, for example a questionnaire, due to the individual and person-oriented method of communication. Primary group intended for the interview consisted of experts of 30-70 years old, involved with actual educating activity in HEI. Nevertheless , before starting the info collection My spouse and i intended to face with the participants in the variety of 24-57 years of age, while this kind of conclusion was made on the formal assumptions of the working regarding the instructing staff in Kazakhstan degree institutions. In reality I discovered that the genuine age of the teachers is ranged between 30 and 70 years old, and they made-up the participants.

The interview contains 18 queries, dividing in three categories of queries. First two inquiries were about general advice about the respondents great attitude for the reforms in the whole. The main part of the questions were focused on the actual parts of the reformation, such as three-level education, credit technology, academic flexibility, curriculum, instructing activity under new circumstances, research activity, testing system. And the final part of interview was devoted to the assessments of two educational devices and whether or not they would support the go back to the Soviet educational program if there were a possibility.

Data collection process

From the very beginning of information collection My spouse and i aimed on face-to-face interviewing, but in practice corrections took place in this for a few reasons, among which was having less time of many respondents intended for oral interviewing, while they will showed all their willingness to join this. So , it was their particular offer to resolve in a written form, that i did not plan before. In fact , I executed 33 oral interviewing and received five written answers, although this kind of number could be higher, if five respondents would perform their guarantees. If ranging according to the standard of the colleges, 18 persons from capital. All common interviews were recorded and transcribed universities and 20 people via regional kinds were evaluated.

The interviewing was proceeding in two ‘languages’, Kazakh and Russian, depending on preferences in the interviewees. In all of the language issue should be taken into account for any researcher, who relates to people and. particularly together with the sphere of education in the countries of the post-Soviet area, because following the disintegration from the Soviet disposition, language started to be a tool intended for delimitation in cultural and educational spheres, and particular in the suggest of vocabulary for instruction. So , educating staff in Kazakhstan language schools is divided on monolinguals and bilinguals, where the initial group mostly is provided by ethnic Russians.

The most ethnic Kazakhs use two dialects, while some part of them chooses Russian dialect as a more effective one. Usually this is determined by their educational background, mainly because they were taught in Soviet school and higher corporations, where Russian was the prominent language of instruction. Nowadays they deal with with the difficulty of terminology for doing work and this is a challenge for many of them. But most likely it is appropriately to say about a defieicency of three ‘languages’ in Kazakhstan higher education, this problem is studied in conclusions chapter. In all of, as for Kazakh respondents the half of all of them preferred to become interviewed in Kazakh language, while others were interviewed in Russian, which includes those who are monolingual Russian natives.

Inside the cases after i knew who participate in the interview, the interview questions, information piece and a consent kind were e-mailed in advance. Unfortunately, that would not necessarily assistance to that people were ready for the interview within the actual day or at least examine the questions. Only two respondents spent their time for you to the primary acquaintance with all the questions, however, their non-readiness was within other way, namely natural and widely sharing their thoughts.

The way of response of each respondent was individual and I decided to follow all their preferences instead of dictate personal manner of working the process. A lot of respondents loved to be evaluated in a traditional way, while i ask the questions and then their answers. Others took the list together with the questions and followed consequentially from one indicate another. A single professor first read through all the questions with little comments and after that started to answer every query in-depth, adding new information and good examples. So , in just about any session my personal task has not been to disturb the flow of the thoughts, because the participants prefer a free manner of discussion. This approach allowed me to get valuable insights on the research problems, which will appeared sometimes in the end with the interviewing or maybe when the recorder was deterred. Some ideas were released purposefully when i switched off the recorder. Is a tendency of almost all the sessions was that the more the respondents were involving into the reasoning, the greater thoughtful and useful information and examples appeared. Different words, subsequent to the tastes of respondents was successful, while it could possibly be longer in time. In common timing of the interviewing made up around 55 minutes, with 31 mins in the short and seventy five minutes in the longest program. No virtually any exclusions or perhaps withdrawals took place in any of the sessions.

Methods of info analysis

Coding was your next step I undertook after the finishing the transcribing with the interviews. Next Creswell within the types of coding, which can be expressed in three ways, including ¦, I suggested that the application of predetermined coding is relevant to the form of data analysis I designed to conduct.

Predetermined codes in the case of my personal research are located in those, based on the primary knowledge of the investigation issue and which was designed into the interview questions. From the very beginning I used to be aware of major of my research concerns and the purpose of data collection, which are: 1 ) the identification of the problems in the setup of Bologna process in Kazakhstan higher education through the views of the stars of the reconstructs, and 2 . to make generalization of the results from the different sources of data and to give the recommendations advertising the best possible variation of the Western education specifications in Kazakhstan higher education.

So , the interview inquiries were made in the way of covering different concerns of Kazakhstan higher education, affected by the reconstructs. So as the interview was semi-structured, there was open-ended concerns on the particular topics, which often worked correctly for thematic coding. Thus, the coding was classified with the following main organizations such as: respondents` evaluations with the reforms, three-level education, credit technology, educational mobility, curriculum, teaching activity under fresh conditions, exploration activity, screening system, and the comparisons while using previous education system.

Sometimes the respondents may touch a lot of themes at the same time, so that the information on different issues was intertwined in one answer. This took place in the instances when respondents suddenly kept in mind additional information on the question they will already clarified or when they tied one particular theme with another within their own way. So , my personal next step in the coding method was to individual this combined information for each and every thematic code, that Saldana calls while “splitting” coding (Saldana 2012: 23).

The thematic code seemed realistically justified likewise because pursuing to Creswell: ¦

This is what We intended to do in the part of studies, i. at the. to design this in such a way the moment there would be a chain of the areas on the different factors of educational reforms in Kazakhstan, considering from different points of take on the same subject.

As for the methods of data analysis We concluded that by least more than one technique was necessary to conduct the data analysis. Again, getting focused on the research questions right from the start, I understood what understanding I wanted to have, and content material analysis was chosen while an appropriate means for this purpose. So it was very important for me to discover what instructors think about the reforms and how that they express their very own thoughts through words, the vocabulary that they used in all their answers, subsequent that Quote.

Content material analysis was applied likewise for the analysis of secondary paperwork, relating to your research issues with the thesis.

However , every other technique, content examination has their limitation, one of which the insufficiency in making the general inferences from the findings.

Thus, various other method sent applications for the data analysis was a continuous comparative method, which is near what Creswell characterizes since Quotation.

Comparative method was used intended for comparison of different teachers` views on the particular reform issues in addition to comparing those to data found in secondary documents.

Both strategies, i. e. content examination and speak to comparative method, were regarded as the addition to each other, because Quotation.

To conclude, this kind of paper was written like a continuation and an conjunction with the previous one particular and thus addresses all the subtopics I wanted to incorporate into methodology chapter. Such material is a raw draft from the chapter and a subject being revised and added since new disputes and thoughts will appear.

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Topic: Data collection, Higher education, This kind,

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