Alexander The Great

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Alexander the Great was obviously a general and a california king, he made plenty of changes to the ancient universe, but was this individual a great leader. Alexander extended the advanced technology of the Greek culture by invading city-states and other nationalities. Alexander made his armed service extreamly intelligent and advanced by utilizing designers and presenting longspears in to his military services. Alexander was very responsive and were able to conquer most of the known universe at that time and incredibly quickly as well. Alexander had not been great as they was electricity hungry, carried away and very relaxing treatments.

Alexander was a very power starving person. He took over area all the way to India, and most most likely would have absorbed more if his armed service did not refuse to continue on, he’d force his culture onto other overcome civilizations because they build large mock city-states of his own while likewise making huge libraries with his cultures information all within them. Alex also could kill people who did not rely on what this individual believed or agree with him, Ian Worthington writes “Thus in 330 he offered the performance order for 2 senior officers (Philotas and Parmenion) who had a history of challenging Alexanders growing favoritism of Oriental Practices”. This kind of quote shows my statement that Alexander would not let people problem his philosophy. Everything demonstrated above are generally characteristics of a power starving individual.

Alexander was greedy. Alex wanted to control everything, he wanted everybody to know who have he was and what this individual believed, and where he came from. Alex will abuse his military for the breaking stage, Alex pressed his military onward, conquest after conquest, his troops had enough and just quit, leaving Alex with no various other option than to drop out as well, all of Alex’s cure was then followed by the creation of mock cities and structure of great libraries, it was known as the Hellenistic Era. Alex was as well giving almost everything he necessary from his father Philip II prior to his loss of life in 336, Alex got all this individual needed by his metropolis, so with no anything to obstacle him and make him more popular this individual sets on a campaign to spread his Hellenistic Period to the East world giving hundreds of useless citizens and soldiers in his path, Ian Worthing Produces “Gave pursuit and massacred so many one particular source writes of them bridging a Link of Corpses”, this displays how Alex did not attention who he previously to slaughter to get what this individual wanted.

Alexander was Pampered. From his daddy Philip the Seconds loss of life in 336, Alex was handed anything he needed, A Usa, Economically steady, war ready army and constant citizens, together with his father previously having addressed the challenges of growing and safeguarding a world Alex was kinda, merely there, looking forward to problems to arise and grow his already terrifying military without the worry of his citys well being. Alex was nothing without his dad, the believed that without Philip II, Alex could not climb to electricity and start the Hellenistic Time, Ian Worthington writes “Without Philip the II, there would be no Alexander The Great”. This assertion is very accurate, Alex’s lashed out methods would most likely not make him the ideal innovator that people would want in a volatile city, however, Alex would not have to worry regarding any volatile city if he rose to power, an additional piece of evidence to support this is as you discover Alex, you clearly find he cared much pertaining to his armed forces and not to get his city-state, often carrying out others who did not accept him their obvious whether or not Alex was not pampered and managed to climb to electrical power, Macedonia will not last lengthy.

In conclusion Alexander has not been a great innovator because he was power hungry, greedy and pampered. Alex could not deal with opposing viewpoints and desired to control anything, Alex was greedy by simply wanting his culture just about everywhere and building mock towns and your local library showing off what his tradition did. Alex was special by his father actually after his death by providing Alex an all sety to go world. When considering Alex as a king and an innovator, many persons skip over the evil and terrible items he do and his negative characteristics, Alex, was not an excellent person he was a relatively a fanatic who had anything he needed from the beginning.

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Topic: Armed service, This individual,

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