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The Columbia Accident

Central Issue:

The key issue on this case is definitely the restriction of power that NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) was given by the government and the unsafe decisions they were required to make in order to try and gain some power and value back.

A brief history and Details:

In early 2003, a space shuttle service named Columbia disintegrated during reentry throughout a routine verify, due to deficiencies in insulation leading to a burn in the kept wing and weakening with the structure itself. This specialized fault is usually not the key issue in this case, though, as it seems NASA was already aware of the foam strikes. It is said the “issue was fixed, but its cause as well as permanent a static correction was never addressed (Casamayou 107)”. Many external and internal pushes led to the destruction on this ship, such as following: Separation of electricity is a primary force impacting on this case, staying the fact which the NASA program was seriously underfunded by government in 1990. You are able to that after the Challenger event and the budget cut, this program designed to analysis the supervision and composition of this concern was abandoned. To combat these budget cuts, NASA decided to cut the jobs implemented following the Challenger built to deal with protection inspections intended for the preflight reviews. For that reason lack of workers and regard for safety measures, workers were almost conditioned not to observe foam reduction or dust as a security concern. Simultaneously, NASA was also trying to gain respect back through the White Property by being regular and efficient in their function, resulting in a poor work ethic and rushing pertaining to safety measures. Overall, the car accident could have been averted with better support from your government, significantly less pressure to accomplish studies and tests having a minimal sum of budget and help given, and greater safety precaution and understandings of the hazards of these research being used.


The us government should not possess cut the budget of the NASA program and so deeply whilst still providing pressure them to complete studies and stay forward in terms of space exploration and creating secure and efficient ways of exploring.

The NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) program should never have rushed or cut down on the safety steps and precautions taken prior to sending the Columbia out.

The NASA program must not have allowed the same problem of a froth strike to occur twice. It should have been one of their primary focuses the other time around, because it had already ruined an attempt recently and lost them a lot of respect.

NASA should have implemented their particular point to the us government that they could hardly conduct the right and safe sum of exploration that they anticipated with this sort of a low price range and refused to send the Columbia away.

Recommended Remedy and Rationale:

NASA should have refused to conduct any kind of research or perhaps send out any kind of missions without the full esteem and support of the authorities, knowing the price range would not be all you need to gas a safe and efficient quest. Instead, they need to have shown the federal government how much they would have to reduce research and safety measurements in order to find the money for to send the Columbia dispatch out, or perhaps made the matter public in order to gain respect in the public and gain more budgeting.

Theory Piece/ Article:

This part relates to the essay, “The Political Environment: The Concept of Administrative Power” by Norton Elizabeth. Long. In this essay, Long enforces the very fact that administrative institutions, like NASA, happen to be in a constant battle to get political your survival. He says the lifeblood of the administration is usually power, then when they are restricted to the government as well as the general public, it is hard for that firm to continue. In this instance study, the consequence of being limited by the government and a lack of esteem from the general public after various conflicts and losses in their research, NASA is kept struggling to gain a good impression with this kind of a low finances, resulting in negative security and safety measures, and their ultimate failure.

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